A Walk Through Camp

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Y/N's Pov:

I was getting bored from being on my phone so I decided to take a walk around camp and see the activities. I put on my shoes and walked pass the boys and walked out the door. The boys looked up from there phones and watched me walk out. I walked around and decided I wanted to play an activity the competitions weren't gonna start till another week when everyone was comfortable with there surroundings so I decided why not practice. I was already good at volleyball since I played it back home. So I decided to practice on my soccer skills since I wasn't that big of fan of soccer. I mean yea I could play and all but I wasn't good good where I would call my self a soccer player or an og at it I would say I'm okay at playing soccer. Wouldn't say it's my favorite sport but sometimes I like playing it here and there.
:End of Y/N's pov

The boys looked at y/n walk out and decided to follow her to see where she was going they saw she went over to the soccer activity and watched her play by herself.

Mattia: she's not bad at playing you know
Kairi: she knows how to play at least
Alejandro: im just wondering why she likes being alone and doesn't talk to anyone there must be a reason to it, I mean she does seem shy but how come she's always alone like she at least has to have friends like common, who wouldn't want to be her friend. Like literally she took the time to decorate our cabin and our side of the cabins and made us feel like we were at home. There has to be a story to her life.
Kairi: right!!! Like damn what a nice girl
Mattia: she is also really pretty and her giggle omg  her giggle made my heart melt she has a cute ass giggle not gonna lie
The boys looked at mattia and just laughed
Alejandro: looks like someone is falling for his cabin mate 😂
Kairi: right and he just met her haha chill out mattia don't catch feels who knows if she'll talk to us
Mattia: yea your right anyways let's not stalk her and let's go do something or walk around at least
Alejandro: bet let's go

The boys walked around while goofing around and laughing. They where just enjoying themselves.
While the boys were walking around y/n stopped playing soccer grabbed a a bottle of water to drink and then headed into the woods to explore. She then saw a lake and went over to a bench to sit and watch the view near the water. Y/N loved sitting and letting the breeze hit her. It felt good on her skin. She loved the smell of nature and birds chirping. She sat there for a while and then headed back back a while after because dinner was going to be served in the cafeteria. She walked in the cafeteria and went on line for her food. TBH the food there was okay wouldn't call it the best food but it was food at least. After eating she headed back to the cabin y/n realized that the boys were gone so she decided to turn on her Bluetooth speaker and jam music not so loud that she would get in trouble she changed the LED lights to blue and sat back and sang her heart out.

Before you go by Lewis Capaldi
1:24——|————————- -2:47
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While y/n in the cabin kairi decided to head back because he was getting tired of walking around but mattia and Alejandro wanted to stay back and play soccer. When kairi headed back he stepped to the front door and heard y/n singing. He didn't want her to know that he was back so he sneakily walked back in not making a noise and sat on his bed listening to her sing. He finally heard her voice like actual words come out of her mouth. He had a huge smile on his face because hearing her sing calmed his soul for some odd reason. He just sat there until y/n stopped the music and was headed out to grab a bottle of water from the cafeteria.

Y/N's POV:
I stopped my music to get my self water because my throat was getting dry. While I turned around to walk out I didn't notice kairi was there so while walking out he had scared me.

Y/N: HOLY SHIT!! (I dropped my phone on the ground as I jumped of how kairi scared the shit out of me)
Kairi: omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you
Y/N: it's fine it wasn't your fault
Omg did I just speak, did words actually come out of my mouth. And did I just speak to a guy omg did he hear me sing wtf omg If he heard me sing that would be embarrassing
Kairi: (woah she spoke kairi said in his head) yea it kinda was I came in quietly and kinda eezdropped on you singing shouldn't have done that
Crap he did hear me sing omg why did I have to sing my heart out while at camp I should be more caution next time. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink of embarrassment knowing he heard me sing. As I looked down at my feet in nervousness.
Y/N: it's okay sorry you had to hear my horrible voice but please don't tell anyone about this, and don't tell your friends you heard me speak I don't usually talk to anyone but since you scared me I had no choice but yea imma go back to not talking and get my self a drink
Kairi: I won't I promise and no your not horrible at singing you have a great voice kinda why I listened and stayed quiet, also thanks for the follow on Tiktok appreciate it but yea I won't tell the boys thanks again for all this (as he points around the cabin)
Y/N: you welcome and I just wanted to make you feel at home thank you btw so yea bye 👋

I just had a whole ass convo with kairi WHAT THE HELL and he literally said I have a nice voice nah ah not true at all I'm trash at singing. Anyways I went and grabbed a water bottle for my self and the boys since I saw them playing soccer and they were sweating. I head back and seen them in the cabin. I give Mattia and Alejandro water without making eye contact and just walk past them I look at kairi and smile while walking to my bed I see the boys smile and hear them say thank you. I plop on my bed and  I scroll through insta and tiktok for a bit then I decide to get in the shower. I get out the showers and  post on my spam.


1039 people liked the photo Y/N: met my cabin mates today, today was a success I guess tomorrow is another day goodnight guys 😴 Comments: Fan: glad it wasn't bad Y/NFan: gorgeous ❤️Y/NisAcutie: goodnight y/n 800 comments below

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1039 people liked the photo
Y/N: met my cabin mates today, today was a success I guess tomorrow is another day goodnight guys 😴
Fan: glad it wasn't bad
Y/NFan: gorgeous ❤️
Y/NisAcutie: goodnight y/n
800 comments below

I head out the bathroom with the boys staring at me I smile and then head to bed. I type out on my phone "gonna change the lights to red hope you guys don't mind, if you guys get bothered by it feel free to change it, GoodNight boys see you tomorrow" then I press the speak button for it to say it back to them. They heard it and said...

Kairi: go ahead we don't mind
Mattia: whatever makes you comfortable
Alejandro: we won't get bothered but I might turn it off if I can't sleep haha
The boys: GoodNight!!! 💤

Authors note:
Goodnight guys stayed up late to make this lol and I have school tomorrow crap anyways hope you guys are enjoying it love you guys bye 👋💤

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