Challenge Accepted 😬

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Next day
Kairi: WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!! Wakkkkkkeeeeee uuuupppppppppp!!

Kairi says while jumping on the bed on me and mattia.


I throw a pillow at him and he giggles

Ale: yes
Y/N: get this mf away please

Ale drags kairi off the bed and to there side of the cabin. I then look down at mattia and smile at him.

Mattia: good morning wifey
Y/N: good morning bubs
I kiss him and just lay with him and scroll threw insta. I then get up and get ready for the day while getting ready I remember I can finally have my brace off. I put on....

I then wait for mattia to get ready

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I then wait for mattia to get ready. He eventually gets ready and we head over to the cafe to meet up with the boys.

Y/N: good morning guys
Mar: morning
Kairi: *giggles* rise and shine
Ale: *shakes his head and laughs at kairi* Goodmorning y/n and mattia
Mattia: Goodmorning rat
Y/N: kairi I know what your giggling about and your not funny your lucky I'm not cranky right now or your ass would have been dead
Mattia: thanks for reminding me babe because this midget is dead

We all laugh

Y/N: any ways guess who's gonna get her brace off and be able to play comps hehe
Ale: finally because I heard tomorrow has volleyball and we need you to win
Kairi: yessir
Mattia: kairi shut up
Kairi: what I do
Mattia: just shut up bitch
Mar: *chuckles* so your saying you can beat me in volleyball tomorrow
Y/N: yessir
Mar: doubt it
Y/N: keep dreaming mar
Mar: are we on for a challenge
Y/N: *i look over at the boys as they all nod there head that they can do it* challenge accepted
Mar: if we win you guys have to sneak out of comps again but if you guys win I sneak out alone

I look over at the boys with a worried face they all nod there heads again telling me to accept it.

Y/N: you got a deal
He smirks with confidence as I get nervous because even if we do win mar can get disqualified from comps if he gets caught even worse his whole team and they would probably have to go back home. But if he does win and me and the boys lose I'm sent straight home if I get caught. This is a risky challenge that I accepted. I get up from the table and walk away to the lake. The boys look at me weird mattia comes after me.

Mattia: Babe what's wrong?
Y/N: nah I'm fine
Mattia: mamas I know somethings wrong?
Y/N: mattia if we lose and we get caught out there we can be sent back home if we get disqualified and guess what that means
Mattia: we get separated you go back to Florida and I go back to jersey....
He looked down in sadness 
Y/N: yeah exactly, which means we won't know what will happen with us, and what will happen with the boys and I and if mar loses he might go home including his teammates who will get mad at him and he will leave me here again like he did last time. It's a lose lose for me both ways.
Mattia: we will try not to get caught
Y/N: and how will that work because if hector finds out about this deal who knows what he will do yeah I forgave him but should I fully trust him after what he did
Mattia walks over and hugs me
Mattia: baby it's okay no matter what happens I'm not leaving you if you go home I'm coming with you til summers over and we have to go back to school
Y/N: I don't want to lose you mattia I have lost so many people, I don't want to go threw that pain again
Kairi: if you we separate we are going with you to Florida
Y/N: how long have you been standing there kai
Kairi: long enough to hear your whole convo

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