Assigned Cabin

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She parked her car and grabbed her luggage she walked a path way to meet in the middle where everyone was supposed to get assigned cabins and told what activities there would be


1000 people liked this post Y/N_Spam: headed inside the camp to get my cabin 😓 let's see how this goes Comments: Y/nFan: good luck 👍 CrazyFan: have fun Y/NisAslut: ogey, hope you get lost and kidnapped Y/N_Spam: @y/nisaslut thanks I will 👍🙄500...

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1000 people liked this post
Y/N_Spam: headed inside the camp to get my cabin 😓 let's see how this goes
Y/nFan: good luck 👍
CrazyFan: have fun
Y/NisAslut: ogey, hope you get lost and kidnapped
Y/N_Spam: @y/nisaslut thanks I will 👍🙄
500 comments below

Y/N's Pov:
I headed towards camp and looked around there was a lot of people at the camp talking amongst themselves I just stood in the back on insta and waited for the instructors to come and instruct and assign cabins while waiting I plugged in my ear buds and listened to music so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone or so no one would talk to me. After awhile the instructor came out and started instructing

Instructor: welcome to summer camp everybody, glad you guys could make it. My name is Jake and I'll be your guys instructor. In this camp there will be many activities for you to enjoy yourself, you will also be assigned cabins with other people, 4 in each cabin and there are going to be mixed with girls and boys if you have a problem with sharing with guys or girls come to me and I'll see what I could do for you, anyways let's start with activities. The activities that there will be is canoeing, soccer, volleyball, crafts, painting, music and more. There will be many competitions with these activities and you will be assigned a color with your cabin and those will be your teams for each activity. You are able to go to other people's cabins if you want but have to return to your cabin by 10 sharp, that will be your curfew. Make sure to make friends and get along with each other if there are any injuries cuts or wounds you are to report to the emergency cabin right over there, if there is a problem with any other cabin mates or other cabin color teams report it to me. Besides that's enjoy your summer and have fun! Now let's assign cabins and colors (he assigned cabins until he called your name).
Instructor: Y/N!!!
Y/N: here!!
Instructor: you will be sharing with three other boys if you don't mind but they haven't arrived yet your cabin is number 25 and your team color is Red, is that okay with you?
Y/N: yes I don't mind thank you
Instructor: alright then you can head to your cabin and start unpacking enjoy! 🙂

I headed to the cabin and walked in. I really didn't mind sharing with 3 boys at least I wouldn't have to hear drama or anything. Cause as a girl I know how girls can be drama starters. And plus it was something new for me to try out even though I wasn't gonna talk to any of them cause what guy would talk to me pfft. Since there were guys I wanted them to feel at home so I unpacked my stuff and decided to decorate the cabin with LED lights and make the guys beds and make them feel like they never left home and decorated as boyish as I could so they felt comfortable. I then decorated my side with girly but not so girly stuff and made my self comfortable. I then hoped on live and talked to the fans while talking to the fans three boys came in while I was doing a live. I knew it was the boys that I was sharing with so I turned the live off and leaned my back against the wall and acted like I as on my phone and observed the boys and heard them talking while entering....

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