Comps day 2

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I woke up the next day next to ale I guess I fell asleep next to him when we were talking. I didn't feel good I went to the bathroom to get ready and realized it was my time of the month. Ugh oh how much I hate being on my month. I didn't feel like watching comps today one I didn't feel good and I was in pain and two my leg was aching so badly. I got ready into some comfy clothes and went to my bed and layed there on my phone when I realized tiktokroom posted again tagging me and hector 🙄 I knew where this was gonna end up.



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12,098 liked this post Tiktokroom: looks like y/n and hector are close #baewatch 👀❤️ @Y/n

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Tiktokroom: looks like y/n and hector are close #baewatch 👀❤️ @Y/n.L/n @hectordiaz
Y/n.L/n: First off hector is my childhood friend and we call each other those nicknames we always have. Second there is no fucking baewatch because I have my eyes on one person only that person and hector knows. Thirdly thanks for exposing our spam accounts when there private for a reason. Next whatever happens in my life weather it's between the boys and me or not that's our business not for the world to see you have no right to be posting about me and my friends and assume things. Lastly if you would please stay out of my business and stop posting about me that would be great peoples lives shouldn't be on here your account shouldn't even exist because your ruining people's friendships and relationships thank you and have a nice day.
Hectordiaz: @Y/n.L/n go off y/n stating straight facts.
Hectordiaz: everything y/n said is true me and her are childhood friends nothing more we love each other to death and lost contact when we were younger we finally saw each other and that's it. We are the bestest of friends and nothing will change that she's talking someone who I know will treat her right. Also you guys really do need to stop posting about people's lives and assuming things you guys have no right and should be reported thank you have a wonderful day.
MattiaPolibio: just woke up to this. But imma say some stuff. First off thanks for exposing our spam accounts when obviously there private for a reason and now there out to the world but whatever. Second y/n is talking to someone and isn't the type of girl to cheat or anything. Hector and her are really great friends. Hector is a great guy and respects y/n choices they do everything together and they kept those nicknames for each other nothing more. Lastly y/n is right you guys have no right to put her life out there weather it's with us or not it's kinda getting annoying and ruining friendships and if not friendships, relationships so please stop assuming things and posting about us thank you enjoy the rest of your day.
AlejandroRosario: everything mattia hector and y/n said I agree with period.
KairiCosentino: y/n went off but she said the truth and all facts period.
Hater76: she just hiding the fact that she likes hector period she's a hoe. 😂
Fanpage: y'all are ruining people's lives smh 🤦‍♀️
Mattiasfan: I- 😬
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