ChildHood Friend

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I was just hanging by the lake. Until I heard the instructor call out "congratulations purple team, okay everyone you guys are now free to go and enjoy the rest of your day lunch will be served in 30 minutes we will see you back here tomorrow" I just stayed at the lake listening to the waves. Then I realized someone was standing behind me in the woods watching me.

Y/N: you know it's kinda creepy standing there and watching me right
????: sorry didn't mean to creep you out
Y/N: oh hey hector didn't realize it was you thought it was some creepo
Hector: may I sit
Y/N: yea go ahead
He sat down next to me
Y/N: you know I once had a childhood friend with the name as hector
Hector: really!? and what happened to this childhood friend of yours
Y/N: well life took a turn for me and I stopped talking to the people I loved, especially him he was always by my side. Not talking to him was the hardest thing in the world. But I did it for the best I didn't want my problems ruining his life. I really miss him I don't have any contact with him sometimes I wish he was right here right next to me. I just wanna hug him and tell him I'm sorry for leaving him for moving out and switching schools and leaving him there. He was my only friend we told each other everything. We laughed together, painted together that was our favorite thing to do we would always compete on who painted the most beautiful things he would always choose mine but I knew his was the better one. I really miss him and I wish things would go back to the way they were.
Hector: well I had a friend that would always have this huge smile on her face. Her smile could brighten the whole room when she walked into it. She was always happy until. One day she didn't have that same smile on her face. She distant her self from everybody. She even stopped talking to me I didn't know why or what I did all I knew was she was in pain. I wanted to talk to her and be there for her and hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay but I never had the chance. Then one day I moved away she moved to a different school and I moved to California. It hurt me knowing I didn't have any contact with her. Until one day I started this app called tiktok and she came across my for you page. She looked so different but I knew it was her. Her smile she had it back like she was happy again with no problems. I wanted to hit her up but never had the guts so I followed all her socials hoping she would notice me and remember me. Then one day on her spam she posted about her going to camp I knew this was my chance to see her. So I took a long drive down there. Now I finally see her but she doesn't realize it's me. And the funny thing is she's right next to me right now telling me about me and how much she misses me.
I look at him with a shocked and surprised look and jump on him and hug him tight not wanting to let go.
Y/N: omg!! bubba is that really you
Hector: yes precious it's me
Y/N: I missed you so much *tears fall down my face* I'm so sorry for not talking to you and moving schools
Hector: *he wipes the tears off my face* don't be sorry, I missed you so much you have to fill me on everything.
Y/N: Ever since highschool my life has been hell nothing good has happened. * I tell him everything since the day it started to the day I stopped talking to him to the day I moved out and what my mother said and to the day I started and to right now*
Hector: I'm so sorry, if you would of told me I would have moved in with you and helped you out you shouldn't have gone through that. Please don't leave me again
Y/N: I can never do that again
Hector: so that mattia guy who's he, I've been seeing him eyeing you, I can tell he's in love with you from the way he looks at you
*I giggle*
Y/N: well he's my cabin mate and we both are into each other but I told him I wanted to take things slow since I've never been in a relationship and plus who knows I might not even see him when I go back home.
Hector: I'm just saying he's a keeper by they way he looks at you it's like your the only girl he sees and no one else, I like the kid.
Y/N: glad my bestie approves of him
Hector: but if he breaks you I'll murder him
*i chuckle*
Y/N: hey bubba?
Hector: i love when you call me that but what's up
Y/N: it's okay if you say no but do you wanna move in with me back home
Hector: really!!?
Y/N: yea I live alone and I don't think I want to leave you again it's okay if you don't want t-
Hector: ofc I will I've wanting to move out I'd love to
*we hug each other*
Mattia comes to tell us lunch is served
Mattia: um y-y/n *he pauses* oh hey hector nice win for us loved the art
Hector: hey mattia thanks
Y/N: anyways did you need something
Mattia: um yea I was coming here to tell you lunch is served if you guys are hungry
Y/N: yea we are coming, let's go hector come on mattia you coming
Mattia: yea coming

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