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"H-He doesn't love me anymore."

Jimin sobbed into the sofa, his tiny body curled mindlessly into it. He looked like a complete mess, hair oily and bunched up, eyes puffed up and wet, rubbed raw. And he had thought that all of his tears had left his body for good, for forever, but then Seokjin left him and suddenly nothing at all in this world was worth it, so he just cried and cried.

He was crying to Taehyung, who merely frowned down at him. He was sat on the other side of the sofa, giving reassuring pats on his shoulder to try and calm him down.


"H-He lov-loves someone else." Jimin was dramatically crying, but he couldn't help it. His happiness was all because of Seokjin, but the man had left him for the reason being: he no longer is in love with him. "We L-Looked at t-the stars," he cried as if Taehyung knew what in the world he was talking about.


"H-He likes the stars."


Jimin peeked up at him, wiping at his wet, stinging eyes. "Y-Yes?"

Taehyung brushed his hair away for him, which only reminded him of Seokjin. "Crying will not help you. Speaking from my own experience, it only makes it worse. You've been crying for nearly a month now. Don't think I don't hear you in your room." He tried to smile reassuringly at him, his own eyes glistening with tears threatening to leave.

"Come here." He held his arms open, inviting Jimin into a hug. Jimin pursed his lips, not used to this, but diving into Taehyung's arms nonetheless. It felt safe, though. It was nice to know that Taehyung was there to comfort him. Nice of him to caress the hopeless man. "If you focus on hyung, you will never move on. You need to focus on yourself. Someday, you'll find that you're worthy of love, even if not his love. The world is yours, Jimin."

The night is ours.

Jimin whined more. Everything reminds him of Seokin now, or they always had. "But it's my fault. I ignored him and he fell out of love with me, Taehyung. It's my fault."

"It is not your fault. If he loved you, he should have known better than to leave you, especially with the state you were in," he said. "You have been sad for weeks, months. If he loved you, then he would've been here for you."


"Come on. Take your anger out somehow, Jimin," Taehyung told him. He picked up the decorative pillow from the sofa and gave it to him. "Do something with it."


Does he have a right to be angry?

"Kim Seokjin left you in a horrible period of your life and he didn't seem to care. Come on, hit something. Stop crying and start hitting!" Taehyung demanded.

Jimin huffed as he picked up the pillow and reared back, slamming it into the sofa. His body shuddered at the thought of Seokjin leaving him. He did leave him at one of the worst periods in his life. He's never felt so sad, only to be left all alone.


He hit the pillow into the cushion of the sofa. That idiot cut him off like he was nothing. He doesn't need Kim Seokjin, not if he was going to be that much of an ass.

He reared back again, this time accidentally whacking Taehyung, who immediately pouted upon having his hair messed up.

"I am the innocent one," Taehyung whined. "I'm not the guy who left you."

Jimin caught himself smiling. "Right. Sorry. I didn't mean to hit you."

"It's okay," Taehyung said. "I just don't want you believing that you're the bad guy here. If Seokjin hyung left you for someone else, or if he fell out of love, then he's crazy. How dare he? You're amazing. He didn't even confirm anything with you either? He just left you? What a strange man."

Well, if he fell out of love, then that's Jin's issue. Regardless, taking sadness and turning it into anger seems a lot more efficient than crying and moping all the time.

So instead of crying, Jimin wiped his tears dry and he held his head high. From now on, he will no longer be so foolish with himself. Crying over a relationship is weak. He must force all his anger out of himself.

It's the only way to feel better.


OK i know the timeline seems rushed, but from here out, we will start getting more into the "No Longer Me | Taegi" plot 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

also sorry it's so rushed, but i have so many years in this timeline.... the 1600s to 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, and 2010s (right now we're in the late 1800s)

it's so hard to NOT seem rushed :(



some scenes rewritten from No Longer Me may or not make sense :/ idk what im doing but IM TRYING 😭 THIS SHIT IS SO HARD N FOR WHAT???


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