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"I know damn well that you're not about to let some little girl take the person you love." Jimin crossed his arms over his chest.

Taehyung was moped in his room just like he was years and years ago, except this time Jimin was family enough to beat the door down, forcing his best friend to talk to him. Some little black-headed girl was all over Taehyung's— Yoongi. Jimin didn't like seeing that.

He knew that Taehyung had gotten upset during school, leading the boy to flee the cafeteria before Jimin could even talk to him. Jimin thought it was because Taehyung wanted Jimin and Jungkook to get along with Yoongi for the sake of their relationship, but Jimin saw the girl all over Yoongi and saw Yoongi's arm holding onto her, and suddenly Jimin was confused about it all.

The tip-over was what Yoongi had said to Jimin. Taehyung and Yoongi are no longer friends? Because of Taehyung?

That's fucked.

"Don't wanna talk about it."

Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung. "You were in love with this guy. You marked him with the help of a witch. You attacked me, then Jungkook, twice, and now you're saying that you don't want to talk about it when I'm asking you what the fuck you're doing?"

"I'm scared," Taehyung whispered.

He was picking at his blanket, all negativity in his voice as he spoke. Jimin had no right to talk about relationships, but he has lost his own love once, and he doesn't want Taehyung to do the same; make the same mistake.

"Why are you scared?" Jimin asked him. What does he have to worry about? Taehyung is a very lovable guy. That girl can piss off— Jimin won't hesitate to kill her if needed.

"I'm scared of hurting him," Taehyung let out. It was sad, the quiet hum of his voice. It seemed like he nearly wanted to cry.

Jimin sat down next to him on his bed and pulled his best friend down to the pillows behind them. He forced Taehyung into his arms, but the younger simply sighed.

"Don't worry about that," he told Taehyung. "If you worry about hurting him, then you'll just hurt yourself. Just don't kiss him, okay? If you don't want anything bad to happen, then don't let it happen, Tae. But look, did you really cut things off with Yoongi?"

Taehyung nodded his head into Jimin's neck. "Yeah, I told him this morning."

A soft tsk left Jimin. "Taehyung, I think you made Yoongi upset, though. I mean, I may have spoken to him. He was in a bad mood. Angsty little human if you ask me."

Taehyung breathed out a short laugh. "I don't want him to hate me. I just don't want him to end up like us. I didn't think this through. I tried to ignore the mark for nearly two years, but I want him. I want him so bad it hurts, Jimin. I miss him."

Jimin frowned. "Then go get him back," he muttered. "He must miss you too."

"You think he does?"

"Well, who wouldn't? You've worked so hard to be with him. Don't quit now."

Taehyung eventually sighed.



The grass felt rough against Jimin's skin, but he didn't mind. He never did mind that. The night was always so beautiful to him. Sometimes he even watches the sunset just to see the moon and stars take over.

He misses it.

Gentle touches, relaxed into the grass bed, soft nighttime chirps and wind blowing against his skin. The moon and the stars, shining so beautifully in the dark sky. It was always the same constellations that Jimin would point out, except this time he had nobody to point them out to. He was all alone.

The grass was choppy, but the clear night sky made it all worth it.

Jimin comes here sometimes. Out in the open field- it was a random field he had found. Nothing too special. Just a field of grass, one that reminded Jimin of the uncut grass that he and Seokjin used to relax into.

Tonight was different, though.

The thought of Seokjin crossed his mind. His advice to Taehyung was to not give up, to go get Yoongi back, because he must miss Taehyung as well. But Jimin couldn't help but think of himself in that situation.

If Seokjin missed him too.

If Jimin had taken his own advice right now, what would happen? What would happen if Seokjin missed Jimin like he misses him? Maybe Seokjin would be lying down next to him right now. Their hearts would be found, the tension would be gone, the night would be much more enjoyable that way.

He turns over in the grass, to the left, where Seokjin was usually lying down, and he daydreams. How it would feel to hold his hand again. Seokjin would smile back at him, that big smile that Jimin had grown to love. But now, without Jimin in his life, Seokjin seems a lot more serious all the time.

Probably because of Jimin. He basically tortures the older for no good reason.

He'd be happier without Jimin at all. If Jimin wasn't there to always get on his nerves with pointless pettiness, he'd be so happy.

Jimin didn't even notice that he had tears in his eyes until he felt something wet rolling over his nose, down his cheek. He turned back over onto the grass and wiped at his skin, irritated that he was crying again.

He doesn't want to cry under the stars. That was supposed to be his happy place.

But the tears came harder. A soft cry left his lips, but he bit down hard to stop himself even if the tears were still coming. As fast as he wiped them away, they left his eyes. Vampires don't need to breathe, but Jimin still found himself inhaling to keep himself calm. He needed something to stay calm.

Because he couldn't stop thinking about Seokjin, now. He misses Seokjin's soft voice in his ears, comforting words by the wise man. His loud laugh, so contagious to Jimin. Every time Seokjin would laugh, Jimin couldn't help but find himself smiling as well.

He misses Seokjin's gentle touches when they were alone. How he would so slowly tuck Jimin's hair behind his ear— God, Jimin misses that so much. It was such a simple action, but it always made Jimin feel such a certain way. Comfort. Joy.

And he misses kissing Seokjin.

Those soft touches would lead into leaning in, their lips meeting in such a satisfying way that always made Jimin's knees go weak. Their kisses were always sweet and reassuring, something which Jimin needs right now.

He needs Seokjin right now.

Maybe, after all of these years, it's time for Jimin to accept the truth. It's time for Jimin to accept that he never, ever hated Kim Seokjin, and he never ever could hate him.


im not editing or proofreading so thats fun ;)

i wrote this story and im not gonna just let it sit here anymore 😭 poor baby has been left in the dirt but i'll try to update more often


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