Chapter 24: Are You Racist Against Pumpkins Or Something...?

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Alright, I know what you're all thinking, "Oh! Look who came CRAWLING back to continue their story!" Well, yes, I have been slacking and I guess that 'getting obsessed with "Family Guy"' and 'doing homework while not watching or doing something that has to do with "Family Guy" aren't real excuses anymore. For that, I would like to apologize. If it makes any of you feel any better, I also played Minecraft at times! ...No...? Okay...sorry? I don't know what to do here that won't make you want to kill me besides giving you another chapter. Hey! It's entertainment, right? Heh heh...heh... Okay, here's your long-overdue chapter! I think you've waited long enough! It's not too long, but there should be another in less time because I'm going to start writing on bus rides! Guess I should've started doing that sooner! Sorry! My mistake! I'm learning! :) 

Third Person POV

Seto squinted his eyes and attempted to get a better look at the far approaching being, just to be sure this was right. Sure enough, it seemed as if an overpowered, apparently cherry-flavored, cake, wearing a pumpkin on its head, was flying over the city streets.

        "WHERE IS HE?!" the cake screamed. Seto flinched at the booming volume as it rattled at the many glass windows of New York, because, and don't get me wrong on this, the contractors there might, POSSIBLY, like glass. Just a thought. I don't know where it came from, but I just got this feeling...anyway.

        "What the h*** does that mean?!" Tyler exclaimed.

        "WHERE IS THE ALL POWERFUL ONE?!" the cake creature continued.

        "Oh, you see, that makes more sense..." the Brotato concluded.

        "The All Powerful One...? Why the balls would he want him? And why would he think he'd be here? Isn't he some sort of low-lying, antisocial sorcerer?" Bashur commented.

        "I'm not that antisocial," Seto grumbled to himself under his breath, his arms making their way into a folded position over his chest in exasperation.

        "What?" Kyle questioned from next to him. Seto panicked momentarily.

        "Nothing!" he replied, standing up straight, arms still crossed.

        "Should we be worried?" Jason whimpered.

        "OF COURSE WE SHOULD BE WORRIED! THERE'S A HOMICIDAL CAKE COMING STRAIGHT FOR US!" Sky screamed frantically, arms gesturing with unnecessary expressiveness towards the creature, who's head snapped in the teenagers' direction.

        "WHOCALLEDMEACAKE?!" it said in a rapid, frightening, horror-movie-worthy voice. Sky cowered behind Ty. He pointed to Tyler, who scoffed.

        "Excuse me?! F*** you, sir!" was the response from the wrongly accused.

        "I," the cake heaved, "AM NOT A CAKE... I AM...A PUMPKIN!!" It then raced toward them.

        Seto muttered his "Latin" and shot his hands into his pockets, so they wouldn't be seen. Just two yards away from the group, the creature was stopped in its tracks and slid down an unseen force, like a tomato smacked against the rear window of a referee's car. Seto got this satisfaction, watching the twitching form; that was, until the pumpkin/cake/whatever-it-thought-it-was recovered from the surprise and glared right at him, obviously having picked him out from the others. Seto smirked and shot him a message through telepathy.

        'Hi, there!' he greeted gleefully.

        'Hey, man. You're gonna get smeared,' it told him.

        'Come at me, b****,' was the final thought sent as the shield was lowered and battle struck out, because apparently the others had planned out fighting strategies with the short time they'd been given.

        Sky decided it would be wise to punch the cake in the face, and it was all downhill from there. About twenty teenagers against one pumpkin monster almost didn't seem fair at first, but soon everyone was teleported to a nearby park.

        Seto could've finished everything from the force field being shut down, but that would've given away his cover. Now, here they all were, no one able to move anymore, only held back by a green and cyan shimmering glow. The squirming and cursing was soon drowned out by an evil chuckle.

        Seto looked up to see that they were all in a circle, facing the pumpkin monster at the center. He was facing down, only to look up with a wide, creepy pumpkin grin plastered on, the shadows of the moonlight through the surrounding trees adding a more dangerous effect.

        "Hello," it greeted. Somehow, the smile had widened. "You never gave me a chance to introduce myself... A bit rude...don't you think...?" It took a moment to let the intimidation factor sink in. It seemed that just now its Irish accent sank into the teenagers' auditory lobes.

        "My formal name is Mr. Dr. Happy Cannibal Pumpkin Monster, but you may all call me Stew," said Stew. "You're all going to be here for a while, so let's get to know each other, shall we?"

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now