Chapter 19: Into The Jungle

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Third Person POV

The hour long bus ride came to a close as the driver pulled the class into the airport drop-off lane. Slowly, the students piled off, with their luggage, out onto the sidewalk. Mr. [Awesome] looked around at everyone to make sure no one was missing. When it was confirmed that they were all there, he allowed the driver to take off. He motioned for them to follow and asked that they would stay close, leading them into the airport.

Ty's POV

        We entered through the automatic, sliding glass doors, leading to a high-ceiling-ed chamber with Check Baggage along the back wall. Mr. [Awesome] ushered us into the Security Checkpoint, where we waited in a painfully long line.

        "Alright, everyone get your passports ready," our teacher instructed as we were nearing the officer at the podium. I had mine ready to show as I passed her at my turn. She waved me through and I stepped up to the conveyor belt, setting my suitcase on the rotating rubber strips. I grabbed a plastic, grey tub and took off my shoes, headphones, and wristbands, before taking out my phone, placing it in as well. When the people in front of me passed through the metal detector, I stepped through and followed the rest of the long machine to the opening on the other side, removing my tub from the conveyor belt, along with my suitcase.

        Once I was set, I stood to the side and waited for my friends to join me. Within the next few minutes, Adam, Jason, and Seto were walking beside me with the others all around us, heading to our terminal. Adam and Jason didn't know it, but all four of the original Team Crafted guys were finally together, where we belonged. ( ;-; <-Ty's face in his mind) It was intense to think that they had know idea and I couldn't share, until Seto was well and ready, at least. At the terminal, everybody spread out amongst the seats, but we stuck together.

        We had just sat down and Adam was bringing out his phone to show us something, when...

        "OH MY GAWD!" (Ohhhhhh, yeah... You know who you are. I'm sorry for making this character seem like a stereotypical fan girl, friend, but I couldn't resist! I beg off no one to take offense to this) Our heads shot up and turned to the direction of the squeals. 'Oh, dear God,' I thought. Standing there was something that any YouTuber would quiver in their boots to see staring in their direction with their beady eyes and 'Oh my gosh, kawaii desu' faces.

        The wild fan girl.

        This particular fan girl happened to have rainbow hair, a TARDIS shirt, and...Pegasus wings?...coming out of her back. It reminded me of Rainbow, who we hadn't seen in a while. Didn't she have a sibling that we hung out with, or something...? Oh, yeah. Jackson and NASCAR. How could I forget?! ([Sfmartl]- HAHA! No one cares about you! [Tomato]- *twangs one of his ears and Sfmartl vibrates away* CHEESE, SFMARTL! CHEESE!) Behind her were three boys, one blond, two brunettes (One wearing a beanie (If that's what they're called, forgive me if I'm wrong)). One groaned to the sky, while another face-palmed, the blond just staring in utter amusement. She ran over, squealing to herself.

        "OH-MY-GOSH! IT'S YOU!" she screamed, causing us to flinch back slightly. "Wait, let me" She pointed to me.

        "Deadlox," she stated. Her finger shifted to Adam.

        "Sky Does Minecraft," she continued. Turning to Jason, "Minecraft Universe." He nodded nervously. She spun on her heals to face Seto, when her seemingly stuck smile changed to a look of confusion. She shook her finger a little.

        "I'm not sure about you... Wait say somethi-" She was cut off by the guy in the hat came up from behind and covered her mouth with his hand, grabbing her right arm for a secure hold on her. She whined in disappointment. He looked at us with an apologetic smile.

        "Sorry about her, fellows," he told us as the blond came over to direct her other arm back in the direction they were going. "Cm'on, Rachel." Seto snickered a little, but I shot him a look.

        "No! Herbie!" she complained once he let go of her mouth and started leading her off. He turned back once more.

        "Again, so sorry!" We kept our hoods up and heads down for the rest of the time we were talking and waiting.

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now