Chapter 31: Villains With ADHD Tend To Forget Their Purpose

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Hey, nerds, I know what you're thinking, "Back so soon?" Well, yeah, because the story just had a plot twist, it's summer vacation, and I've finished "Supernatural" through season 10. I've also watched all of the episodes of season 1 of "The Flash". I've watched the recent "Family Guy" episode and I really don't feel like watching the last two of "Ultimate Spiderman: Web Warriors" just yet. I'm in a writing mood and I don't think any of you will be complaining, so why am I explaining this to you? Eh, I guess it's a villain thing. Yes, I'm embracing it now. It honestly didn't take that long. I'm proud of my overly complicated characters. By the way, in the prelude to Chapter 29, I gave a list of options that I thought would be cool for the sequal and didn't get much feedback in that area, so I'm just guessing that either not many of you read these, (I sure don't) or you're just going to wait for me to decide, and not all of you may like my choice. I don't know, maybe you will. Actually, I might not need a sequal, maybe there won't be any loose ends and I can finish my other Team Crafted book! Or I might just make a jarring cliff-hanger and say, "Yep, I'm done!"

Villain, remember? ,:)

Seto's POV

"Tomato?!" I gasped out, staring in shock at the capped Minecraftian.

"Oh, yeah!" Jason said. "You existed!"

Sky bellowed a single laugh that usually made me turn down the volume on my headphones. Tomato yelped at being found out and hid behind Rainbow and Panda, pulling them together so we couldn't see it.

"Hey, Mullusk!" the beetle greeted with a wide grin. "Glad you could join us!" Tomato waved shyly.

"Mully's out! Now it's a party!" a an electronic voice called from behind Tomato, who jumped in surprise and glared, moving to the side so we could see...Tomato behind Tomato.

I mean, obviously that meant that the snail and the Biponian were two different personalities the whole time, but...huh.

"What?!" Jerome shouted. "Hold on, there's two Tomatos? Were you lying to us the whole time?! And since when were you British?!" (We all hope at Universal Industries that no feelings were hurt and we bring respect to the people of England, most of the personalities are just...difficult)

"I um...I'm not...Tomato..." the Biponian squeaked out, its voice cracking out of embarrassment. I face-palmed.

"Then who are you?"

"This is Mullusk," stated the snail as it wrapped an arm around Mullusk's shoulder. "We just use my name fort our cover in social environments, since, despite his shyness," it said, rubbing Mullusk's head affectionately as Mullusk squeezed an eye shut, "is fantastic at mimicking other personalities. He's also the most "normal-looking", whatever that means. We pretend to be a hybrid because he gets lonely."

"I do not!" Mullusk retaliated, jabbing his elbow into Tomato's side. "You just can't stay away!"

"TOMATO LOVES MULLUSK!! TOMATO LOVES MULLUSK!!" Imitation taunted while jumping in a circle around them, suddenly seeming more annoying/admittedly slightly amusing rather than terrifying. Stew still seemed to carry the slasher atmosphere wherever he went, though.

Jarvey went up to Mullusk and Tomato before pointing and giggling. Tomato rolled its eyes, pulled out a ninja star from somewhere, (the ninja behind the trees seemed to pat down its pockets) and chucked it at Imitation's back, who made a grunt as he pushed all the air out of his non-existing lungs. He flopped onto his face with his appendages spread out, smoke billowing from under him as he landed.

"Ow," he moaned, rubbing his back, "you could kill someone with that." Tomato chuckled darkly.

"My God! Are you all this morbid?!" Sky exasperated. "You seemed pretty mild back at school!"

"Imi loves Stewart! Imi loves Stewart!" Tomato chanted back. Stew looked up at the name.

"Stewart? Don't any of you bring me or that false name into this!" he yelled. Imitation smirked.

"Stewart? Gosh, you really have been stuck to Mully-poo!"

"But, seriously, where have you been?" I asked.

Tomato shrugged, "Eh, we've been around, been playing with some other toys. There were more intriguing things to do than play with the economy, mess with genetics, and place ideas in Jason's mind."

Ty and Jason stared at it incredulously, "That was you?!"

"Happened at my house, didn't it?"

They fell into a begrudging silence, suddenly hating the universe. (See what I did, there?)

Panda gave it a "b****"-face, "You were there for the first few days of the school year! Were they that boring?"

A guy in a teal beanie and a suit with a blue tie and brown hair like Mullusk's swung a cane in his right hand as he strutted over, wearing Converse like the rest, (save the few who don't wear shoes) "Oh, you know how ADHD works! Never can stay focused for too long! There was a warlock in the Middle Ages, a consulting detective in London, an alien in the guise of a police public call box, some brothers and an angel fighting creatures, a few kids and a platypus in a backyard in South Dakota, talking trains on an island, a guy struck by lightning who recently broke Mach 2, and let's not forget about that family in Rhode Island with that talking baby!"

"Basically, more interesting people than you," Sfmartl grunted.

"Well, thanks! If you put it that way..." I mumbled to myself.

"Wait," Panda started at the beanie-suit guy, "Who are you? I haven't seen you before..."

He simply tapped his nose twice and winked.

"Oh! One more thing! Brice, you giving Seto his book back?" Imitation asked offhandedly. I turned to the guy in question with wide eyes.

"Brice?" He looked at me sheepishly and pulled a small book out of his jeans pocket.

"You left it open in class one day, and I wanted to give it to you, but you already left. I saw what was in it and kind of connected the dots from there. I didn't wanna confront you and make you uncomfortable, I just kind of kept putting it off," he explained as he handed it to me. I nodded in understanding and silently took it from him. "Sorry I didn't grow the balls earlier."

"It's okay," I assured him, although I kind of felt like turning him into a newt...

"Okay, now that that's settled," announced the shadow creature with a clap of his hands, "we can all stand here while Tomato and I tell stories about our time in 'Nam, OR we could send you all back to enjoy the rest of your convention! We'll keep the Panda, though! More banter between us and Infinity plus two is better than plus one! Sorry, Rainbow, but we both know that we could use the company." Rainbow nodded in agreement and smiled at Panda.

We all remained silent for a moment, not sure what the appropriate response would be, since Panda still had a family and a school to attend.

"Oh! She'll be continuing her education, don't worry! As will Rainbow and I, as a matter of fact. We'll just pick her up for adventures and drop her off for dinner. Even the universe likes to sleep! The more interesting stuff happens when I go into involuntary actions!"

With that in mind, we all nodded and Panda sighed, then agreed, as if it took much thought.

"Can we all agree that it's super awkward now that we know this douche can read minds?" Sky inquired to the rest of us.

Imitation smiled and snapped his fingers, swallowing us in sudden darkness.

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