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Seto's POV

I looked between the little boy and Tomato. The boy looked like he was in an absolute hurry, while Tomato on the other hand, looked completely calm, like this happens all the time.

        "Yes, NASCAR, what is it?" it asked.

        "I need you to type in my password!" he pulled out a tablet that was on and handed it to Tomato, who looked at him with a tired expression.

        "What happened to that paper I gave you?" NASCAR shrugged.

        "I lost it," he replied.

        "AGAIN?! Why can't you ever hold on to it?" it questioned while typing in characters.

        "I don't know! I just REALLY needed to change my skin!" 'This was the big emergency?' (I bet you all were on edge from last chapter, thinking that it was something serious! Boy, did I trick you! I am SUCH a douche! 8D )

        "Alright, here you go," it said while handing back the tablet.

        "Thanks," he said while turning and almost running up the stairs.

        "Wait!" the snail called, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn back around towards us. "Don't you want to introduce yourself to Jimmy and Shelby?"

        "HOW MANY YOUTUBER FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?!" he exclaimed.

        "Well, you can thank Panda for that, but Jimmy's not a far as we know! Dun dun duuuun!" Okay, now THAT scared me! "I'm just kidding, but Shelby is! You're Shubble, right?" Shelby nodded.

        "Oh, well my name is NASCAR and I'm 8!" he said happily. I honestly thought he was five! 'Whoops!'

        "Nice to meet you! I'm Shelby and this is my brother, Jimmy!" Shelby introduced us while stifling a laugh. I waved and he waved back.

        "Well, bye! I have to go get ready for my sleepover with Hulk and Spider-man!" he said before running up the stairs. I noticed Tomato texting somebody.

        "Who are you texting?" I asked.

        "My mom at the store to let her know that Shelby's here, too," it replied, not looking up until somebody came down the stairs, who I half-expected to be NASCAR, but I was mistaken as I looked up to see a wolf hybrid with blue eyes and blond hair walk into the living room. He stopped as soon as he noticed the extra people.

        "Hey, guys! Who are these two?" he questioned while motioning towards Shelby and I.

        "Oh, hey, Jackson! These two are Shelby and Jimmy. Shelby and Jimmy, this is our triplet brother, Jackson." Rainbow introduced us. He waved and we waved back.

        "Do you have a YouTube, too?" Shelby asked. He nodded.

        "Yeah, I'm Jax_Wolf," he answered.

        "We're the coolest triplets EVER! The girl, the boy, and the it! It's awesome! But, I can see that you guys have as many genders covered as twins can have!" Tomato burst out. "Panda, what are you doing? You haven't been talking!"

        "Texting my boyfriend," she answered while looking at her phone.

        "Well, shtahp doing that and start entertaining guests! The others will be here soon!" the snail complained while pushing her arm slightly.

        "Oh, that's what I was doing down here! I'm going to Ryan's for our sleepover. See you guys tomorrow! Maybe he'll come, too!" he said while walking out the door and waving goodbye.

        "Bye!" we said out of sync.

        A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door and Shelby decided she would go get it. She opened the door and had the biggest grin on her face.

        "TYLER!" she yelled and tackled him to the ground. He giggled and got off the ground, grabbing her hand as the other guys followed them to the living room.

        "Jimmy! You didn't tell me that Shelby was your sister!" Tyler exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face.

        "Sorry! Sometimes I forget I even have sisters because of how much time I spend reading my books!" I explained with a chuckle, which made everybody laugh. Shelby did, too, and stuck her tongue out at me.

        "Well, let's head downstairs and start setting up!" Panda announced. Everybody headed to the steps and started down, but the line stopped when Tomato, who was behind Panda and in front of Rainbow, stopped and bent down to pick something up.

        "Oo! A dime!" it exclaimed. Panda turned around to face the snail, who was looking admiringly at the shiny object. She and the Pegasus smacked it upside the back of the head, causing it to snap out of what ever daze it was in. It yelled out and the coin fell from its fingertips. "Darn it, Parker!" it said, laughing and rubbing the back of its head. Everybody starting to laugh along with it, including the Panda and Pegasus. 'Who's Parker?' I thought.

        "My cousin," it said, turning to me. Everybody stopped laughing and looked between the two of us. My eyes grew wide. "Wait, you didn't say that out loud, did you?" I shook my head. Panda facepalmed.

        "You said you didn't check!" Panda exclaimed with her face still in her hand. Tomato put its hand up defensively.

        "I DIDN'T! I SWEAR! It's just that when I'm hit unexpectantly, I tend to read thoughts for a split second! You don't smack me in SNAIL MODE!" it said back, changing into 'biponian' form. "There! It's shut off now! Sorry!"

        "Whoops! Forgot about hat little setting!" Rainbow admitted. Tomato turned to Sky.

        "And, yes! Pudding would be good right about now!" it told him. He laughed so hard, he had to sit down on the steps. Tomato, on the other hand, fell all the way down to the bottom and took the Panda with it.

        "Sorry, Panda!" it apologized, which, sadly, wasn't good enough for her, apparently.

        "NOBODY MESSES with the PANDA!" she yelled as she 'pretended' to choke the snail that was colapsed next to her, holding its sides from laughing too much. I have no idea why, but it laughed even HARDER when Panda choked it.

        After that little outburst, everybody started setting up their recording equipment, except for Tomato and I. It had already set up its recording stuff and I wasn't recording, so it came over to my computer to log me into its alternate account, which had an Iron Man skin (BECAUSE I'M IRON MAN! *Clears throat* whoa! I'm Sorry! I have NO idea what THAT was about! *Shifty eyes*). Luckily, I somehow managed to log out of MY account before anybody noticed. When I looked back up at everybody, they were all spread out with their equipment ready.

        "So, what should we do first?" Jason asked. 'Is he going to spend the WHOLE night in that spacesuit?' I wondered.

        "How about some HUNGER DEENS?!" Jerome suggested.

        "I agree with the bacca!" Mitch chimed in.

        "WE'RE DOING COPS AND ROBBERS! I DO WHAT I WANT!" Sky exclaimed, rather loudly, I might add. Everybody laughed at him as he set up the server.

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now