Chapter 4: Weirdest....Bus Ride....Ever

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Seto's POV

I woke up to a beeping sound on my bedside table. I pried my eyes open and gave an exhausted glance over towards my alarm clock. I flopped my arm around its general vicinity until my hand landed on the button, causing the irritation to cease. I threw off my covers and trudged over to my dresser, grabbing a grey t-shirt with a red creeper face, grey and black pants, grey and purple shoes, and a purple hat. I decided that the red creeper shirt might be a giveaway, so I grabbed a blue sweatshirt to cover it with. After I was all dressed, I snatched my grey and purple backpack and raced downstairs for breakfast.

My mom had some pancakes ready on the table with some butter (YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!) and syrup nearby. I took the butter and plastered it all over the top pancake, then I drenched it in syrup. I grabbed my fork and took a bite. I immediately spit it out. I looked over at my mother in horror, shaking the bottle of syrup at her frantically.

"What do you call THIS?!" I questioned, indicating the bottle. She smiled.

"I call it sugar-free maple syrup," she explained, chuckling to herself as she left the room. 'Sugar-free maple syrup?! What kind of crazy, mixed up world do we live in?' I thought to myself, before smiling mischievously. I looked around and into the other room to make sure my mom or dad wouldn't be coming in anytime soon. I muttered something in an ancient tongue and purple shot out of my hands and onto the devil food. I took a bite and smiled. 'Not sugar-free anymore!'

Once I had finished breakfast, I said goodbye to my parents and headed out to the bus stop, even though the bus wouldn't be here for a few minutes. The bus bench was on the sidewalk between our house and the house to the right of us. I froze as I saw Panda, sitting on the bench, reading a book. 'This isn't going to be awkward at all,' I sighed as I slowly trudged over and took a seat on the opposite side of the bench with my head down, hoping she wouldn't notice me. To my dismay, she looked up from her book and turned her gaze towards me.

"Hey! You must be the new neighbor! I'm TheKindPanda, but everybody calls me Panda," I gave a sigh of relief, but I stiffened back up when she asked, "What's your name?" I froze, 'What am I supposed to tell her? Should I tell her my real name or the name I prefer to be called by, Seto? No, then my secret would be out! Well, one thing's for sure, I can't tell her that I was the sorcerer she met in the woods.' I looked at the girl, who had an expectant look on her face, I heard my door swing open behind me.

"Bye, H*****! Have a good day at school!" my mother called. I winced. 'Gosh dang it, I hate being called that!' Panda smiled even brighter.

"H*****? Is that your name?" I cringed even more. I almost wanted to say no, but I nodded. She seemed to notice my discomfort.

"Do you not like being called by your name?" she asked. I shook my head. "Well, what should I call you then?" I just shrugged. "Well, I'll call you Jimmy! It's what one of my friends calls my favorite YouTuber! It's sort of an inside joke," she explained. I giggled to myself about the joke. 'She's talking about me and Kyle. Wait a minute, she knows Kyle? Did she just say that I was her favorite YouTuber?' That made my day and I wore a smile from ear to ear. Panda laughed.

"I can tell that you like that name a whole lot better," she said. A couple other kids came over to the bus stop and formed a line in single file. When the bus came, we all piled on and I sat in a seat with Panda. A Minecraftian with brown hair, a green eye, a hazel eye, a platypus hat, a layered shirt with a light blue platypus t-shirt on top and a long sleeved cyan shirt underneath, grey cargo sweat pants, and black converse, sitting in the seat next to us turned in our direction.

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now