Chapter 25: She's Back, Happy Now?

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Today we had a snow day, so I decided to write another chapter instead of doing my homework. Now, after an hour and a half of typing this on my iPad by my door, having my mother knockevery now and again asking me to do my math test, and having to re-type this author's-note/introduction/seems-like-a-flipping-diary because my iPad glitched out of Safari again, I present to you the following chapter! Hope you like ships and returning characters! I do, but it usually depends on which I hope you like these specific ones...

Seto's POV

Stew turned in a circle slowly, looking at each of our faces, stopping at me for two seconds. He had a mischievous gleam in his bright, red eyes. He then snapped to the direction of Kyle and Tyler.

        "Well, you two are kind of boring," he sneered. They both sighed in relief. That would have been an insult in any other circumstance, but here it was almost a breath of fresh air.

        "That doesn't mean your petty secrets aren't mine to give out," he continued. They stiffened again. "So...who's first...?"

        He looked around again, only to be met by nervous glares and silence. "Nobody...? Alright, we're going to do things my way. The secrets of least importance will go first; the most significant will go last. Some of you may not even know what they are...but I do...and that's all that matters."

        He turned to Bodil. "Your's is easy." With that, he snapped his fingers and Jason's old jet-pack appeared on the ground...broken.

        "Martin, would you like to say something to Jason?" Stew questioned. Bodil smiled nervously.

        "I may have been the one who stole your jet-pack... I wanted to test it, but some car came hurdling towards me with an intoxicated dog at the wheel, so I jumped out of the way. In all that was going on, I might've fallen in the fountain. I was in a coma for a week from the electric shock and water current," Bodil explained shyly. He gave a shrug and a giggle, "Sorry."

        "That's alright, Bodil, I got a new one," Jason told him with a smile.

        "Well, that was no fun," Stew complained, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, and by the way," he started with a non-reassuring smirk to Bodil, "good luck with Simon..."

        Bodil gasped, "You d***."

        Stew raised his arm with a flamboyant smile, "Guilty!" Bodil snorted at him and looked off in some other direction.

        "Pfft...f*****," Tyler directed at Stew under is breath. Stew whipped around.

        "Are you even allowed to say that with today's society?!" Sky exclaimed.


        Panda chuckled, "Oh, I remember this guy."

        "What?" I whispered to her. "You know him?!"

        She nodded, but before I could get her to elaborate, Stew and Tyler started pressing each other.

        "Who's Mullusk?" Tyler questioned.

        "A b****! That's what he is!" Stew replied.

        "Yeah, I called you a f*****; that's what you are," Tyler explained, going back to the previous matter at hand.

        Stew sneered, "I don't think you have any right to be calling me that, sir/ma'am!" (Pronounced ser-slash-mahm)

        "Wh- hah- What did you call him?" Sky laughed out, but Stew ignored him. This guy had a weird dialect.

        Tyler tried his best to laugh it off, but it came out as a high-pitched, one-breath chuckle, "What? I'm not gay..." Stew grinned.

        "Pfft...please. What about your accidental all-nighters, staring at the ceiling in your room, thinking about your confusing sexuality? Watching America's next top model and having cross-dress fashion shows with your boyfriend every chance you two are alone?" Tyler blinked and shook his head a little.

        "Kyle's not my boyfriend..." Tyler denied.

        "Oh my God, s***'s going down!" Jerome yelled excitedly.

        "Shut up! This is getting dangerous!" Ty scolded.

        "Oh, come on! He's just badgering Tyler about whether or not he's in the closet!" he argued back.

        "Oh, but you want him to be, hm? Little Tyler's got a crush," Stew teased Tyler, grabbing his cheek, giving it a good rub and a pull before letting go. Tyler scoffed and turned red with anger. The pumpkin monster paced over to the wide-eyed, magenta-clad boy Kyle. He stopped about two feet in front of him.

        "And you, lad, always there by his side; always there to wipe the tears, to hug him and say, "It's alright." To hold him in his time of need, to protect him from any danger. To hold his hand in the rain and share your umbrella when the bus is late. Every kiss on your forehead each time before bed where you have a sleep-over, every laugh each time you go out to do something you both enjoy, every song you sing for each other on the double swing on top of the hill in the park, every Christmas when every other person is scrambling to find something that their best friend or lover would like but you already know what to get each other because you pay attention to every breath that leaves their lips; you fall deeper in love, that's what I see is going on here. So why don't you bloody get on with it?!" Stew ranted. He then grabbed the both of them by the arm and brought them next to each other, since they couldn't do it themselves. He forced them to sit down and put Kyle's head in a position where in was resting on Tyler's shoulder. He put Tyler's head on his and took his arm, wrapping it around the latter.

        "THERE! NOW WAS THAT SO HARD?! MY WAFFLES!" Stew screamed in exasperation. Panda smirked at him.

        "You were always a hopeless romantic, Stew,"she said. Stew whipped around.

        "Panda? Oh, hi! What do you mean? NO, I'M NOT!" he defended quickly.

        "Yeah, you are," she teased. Stew slammed his foot on the ground.

        "AM NOT! Shut up!" he yelled.

        "Yeah he is...scary as crap, though," came another female voice entering the clearing.

        "Rainbow?" I asked in disbelief. The Pegasus girl waved.

        "Hi! I was just hanging out with this guy today! He got us out of some base, where we were being held," she explained with a cheery smile.

        "Well, do you think you could tell him to let us go?" Panda asked. Rainbow shook her head.

        "Nah, this is more fun," she replied. Stew sighed.

        "I'll let the Panda free, but the others are gonna have to suffer," Stew said, waving his hand as the shimmers around Panda faded. She stuck out her tongue.

        "You're stu-pid," she taunted.

        "You know sit down so I can continue," he said as he pointed to a chair that happened to be next to a chair Rainbow was occupying in the middle of the circle. They must have just appeared, because they weren't there before.

        "Panda doesn't really have anything worthy to tell, so I'll just move on," Stew concluded. He seemed to look around to determine who his next victim would be.

        A sudden smirk crossed his face as his eyes fell on Mitch. "Oh...hello. What do we have here...?"

Sorry for all the cliff hangers! There's going to be quite a few of them! I like to bring out my torturous side by making people suffer through their own secrets, so these next few chapters will have a lot of that...yeah. Hope they bring out your maniacal laughs! 8D

Mitch gonn' die! :D

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now