Chapter 16: $370$01@(3

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If you can read the title, type what it says in the comments. The chapter will make a WHOLE lot more sense if you can read it. It'll also give you all a little moment to fanboy, fangirl, fanthing, fanit, whatever, before you get started. And, to @Glowwillow, who suggeted Setocomics, I'm sorry. I was going to do it, until Shelby and Tyler split. I really wanted to do Brotatocomics when I started this story, but I also liked Shyler, so I kept it, but now that it's no more, I just have to. I'm sorry, I was cirusly (<- inside joke) going to do it!'s okay, because Merome is love, Merome is life. ...Should I do a parody of 'Shrek is love, Shrek is life on that?! O-O

Jason's POV

        I was sitting behind Brice, as usual, who sat to the left of Seto. Now, you all must be thinking...JASON! ...I thought Panda sat next to Seto. Well, she sits on the right side... I've been hanging out with Sky too much. I'm starting to sound like him. I'M MY OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWN PERSON! ...See what I mean? (The fourth wall is slightly translucent in certain case you haven't noticed) It was nearing the end of class, so everyone was all packed up and waiting to be dismissed while chatting with their friends.

        "Hey, Brice?" Seto asked him. Brice looking up from his drawing and faced the boy.

        "Yeah?" he questioned. Seto smirked, never taking his eyes off his book, and raised an eyebrow.

        "Why were you drawing me?" Brice's faced flushed as he started to get flustered.

        "W-well," he started. Seto chuckled. Brice managed to compose himself within a few seconds.

        "'Cause you smexy, girl," he joked, well, sounded like he was joking. Seto looked at him with a smirk.

        "Did you just call me a girl?" he questioned. Brice gave a sly grin.

        "Yeah. What you gonna do about it?" he tested. Seto lightly slapped him with his book with a playful aura about him. Brice pretended that it was serious by throwing his head back as Seto made a punching noise. He'd always been good at sound effects. I felt like I was watching a movie. Where was the popcorn?

        When his head was back into its position, he gave another cheeky smirk before winding up in a potential state that looked like he was about to pounce.

        "Brice... What are you-" Seto was cut off by Brice launching onto him and taking him down to the ground. He squealed a little and squirmed under him. Real manly, Seto, good job. I slowly clapped in my head. In reality, I was laughing my helmet off.

        "Brice! Get off!" Seto complained, but his disguised voice must have taken a lunch break, because it was his regular old Seto the Purple Sorcerer voice. The one that has commentated on so many snapshots and mini mods. He seemed to notice this, too, because with some new found strength, looking like that blinded deer again, he pushed the super saiyan off and stood up, just as the bell rang. He grabbed his stuff and rushed out without a second glance toward anyone. Brice just stared at him, seeming to start putting puzzle pieces together.

        I wasn't going to say anything. It was Seto's privacy after all. It would be fine, even though out of all of us, Brice wanted to meet Seto the most. It would be alright, even though Brice has literally millions of sketches of Seto in his room. I found out during a sleepover when Brice was in the bathroom and I saw one of the pages open, peeking out from under the bed. Oh my gosh, I can't do this for much longer. Why does being a good person have to be so hard?! Well, it's not THAT hard...

        I was so busy feeling conflicted that I didn't notice the book still laying face-down on Seto's desk, Brice did, though. He slowly reached for the book and scanned the pages. With a confused look, he closed it and slid it in his book bag. He finally noticed me watching.

        "I'm not taking it!" he defended. "I'm just keeping it safe until tomorrow. I'll give it back then." I nodded. With that, Brice left the room.

        I waited a little while to process what just happened. I smiled to myself, though no one would be able to see it if they were here. I looked around and saw no one else, but Mr. [Awesome] looking at his computer, that is, until I turned toward the back and saw the Merome. They were leaning against each other. They probably fell asleep in class. They are so in sync, man. You don't even know. I laughed, which still didn't wake them up, but did attract the teacher's attention. I nodded towards the Benja and Bacca duo snoozing their afternoon away that they could be using up to play Survival Games. He held back a laugh and nodded with a grin.

        "I'll get 'em. You can go ahead and make your way home, Jason," he whispered. I placed my bag on my back and walked over to the window before reaching for the controls for my jet pack on my chest and soaring out the window, but not before turning and giving a salute to my educator. He saluted back and I took off.

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now