Chapter 10: What Goes On Behind The Helmet

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Hey, guys. I was wondering if you wanted me to stop censoring Seto's name...I realize that it may get annoying to some people. If you want me to stop, then I will. *Warning* Skylox! It doesn't get past hugs because I ain't a part if that life!

Ty's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, not feeling too well, so I slowly sat up. I quickly noticed that there was something holding me back and I looked down to see Sky's arm. I chuckled. 'He must think I'm his teddy bear or something,' I thought. I laid back down and slid underneath my blanket, out from under his appendage. I tossed off the covers and continued on my way down the hall and into the second door on the right. I flipped on the light switch and made my way over to the potty. (Hey, you call it what you want, and I'll call it what I want) I sat there with my head hanging over it and after a while of convincing myself that I wasn't going to barf, I closed the lid and walked over to look at myself in the mirror. I first noticed the bed head, which was expected, but I rather quickly realized that something else was off about my appearance.

        My left eye was no longer red, but...purple. I jumped a little, since it seemed to have some bioluminescence going on. I came up closer to the mirror and stared at it. The pupil seemed to be in a slit, so I decided to test something. I wearily coved my red eye with my hand and all I saw behind it was pitch blackness, but when I covered my other eye, I could see my hand as if there were a purple flashlight shining on it. I gasped and fell on my butt. I was breathing heavily and was thinking about the fact that I could REALLY use Jason right about now! (JASON, I'M STARTLED!) I looked over to the light switch. I took a deep breath and slowly got back up. I shakily walked over and put my hand on it. I closed my eyes and shut it off.

        When I was ready, I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped. I could see everything just like if the lights were still on, just in purple! 'Oh no.' I had just remembered something that this relates to.

        In our society, it doesn't matter who your parents are, some people are just born nonhuman, most not even knowing it until their abilities start to come in. Sometimes your parents don't even know. There are many types of nonhumans, hybrids, aliens...sorcerers. Of course there could only be one sorcerer at a time and the last one died over fourteen years ago, so the new sorcerer would be about my age. Panda has talked about meeting him briefly, though none of us believed her. It could be possible, though. I just never thought that I would turn out to be a nonhuman. 'What will the others think?' This clearly wasn't my imagination. I came to the conclusion that I'd just keep it a secret until everything got straightened out. I quickly covered my left eye with my bangs again and crept out of the bathroom, silently shutting the door behind me. Let's just hope that the eye is the only thing that changes.

        I crawled back over to my spot on the floor and was about to lay down when I noticed that Sky's arm was still stretched out across where I was. I carefully lowered his arm back to his own space and he started to toss and turn in his sleep. He was having a nightmare! That's why he was snuggling! He was startled...but Jason was on the other side of him...hmm. I noticed him still shifting, so I sighed and hugged him. He stopped and opened his eyes, turning to me.

        "Ty?" he asked.

        "Nightmare?" I questioned, he nodded. He hugged me back and we started to go back to sleep.

        "Ty?" he whispered after a few minutes. I opened one eye, obviously the red one.

        "Yeah?" Then he said something that I thought would just stay a joke for our videos.

        "Skylox?" I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded and closed my eyes, slightly embarrassed. I honestly didn't know I was bisexual until now...but hey, I didn't know a lot of things until now! (JUST A FANFICTION! Skylox isn't really canon!...As far as we know... ,:) I only found out what canon means today, actually... O-O )

        "Yay! It's canon!" he cheered quietly. "All those people on Tumblr..." He trailed off as he fell into a deep sleep. I looked at him and closed my eyes once more and chuckled at his joke. I fell asleep as well...Skylox is canon. (#SorryNotSorry...Be honest... You all wanted Skylox! I'm bad at mush...I won't make them do more than hug because *shudders* cooties...)

Jason's POV

        I woke up at about seven and was about to go back to sleep when I turned on my side to see Sky and Ty hugging each other and snoring softly. I had to smack my face in the pillow really quickly to keep from laughing and waking them up, even though i had my helmet on. Once I had calmed down, I stood up and took out my phone. I took a picture of them and saved it, because I wanted to wait to see if they'd let me post it on Twitter, which they most likely won't. I crept over to Mitch and Jerome, who were pretty close themselves, but not hugging like Skylox over there. I shook them awake and motioned for them to be quiet. They looked at me weird, probably because I would usually be asleep at this time, but when I pointed over to Adam and Ty, they smacked their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing. I went over to everyone and woke them up, making sure that the melon and Bodil were the last two.

        Everyone was crowded around Skylox as I shook Bash and Bodil.

        "What the balls, man! I was trying to-" I cut Bashur off by covering his mouth and pointing over to the two guys hugging. Their eyes followed and widened at the sight. They started to giggle, which turned to rolling on the floor. I heard a muffled laugh behind me and saw Jimmy covering his mouth, trying his hardest not to give in.

        It didn't help when Tomato said, "Shhh! Guys! Our parents are still asleep upstairs!" Jimmy giggled a little more. Then, Skylox finally woke up. They let go of each other and sat up, looking around, alarmed. Jimmy laughed even harder.

        "Well, at least the door's closed," stated the snail. More chuckles.

        "Reasoning from Mr. Dr. Happy Cannibal Pumpkin Monster, or as his friends know him, Stew." Panda commented. It was then that Jimmy broke. I'm feeling a sense of deja vu here, but I'm not sure why...

        "Might as well eat while we're up," Mitch exclaimed. Jerome nudged him.

        "Of course you would think about your food and drank," he joked.

        "Ugh! It's too earrrrrrlyyyyyy!" John complained as he flopped his face on the couch. Brice pulled him up the stairs, following people as they ascended. Sky, Ty, and I (DOSE RHYMES DOE!) looked to the Jimmy, who was still on the floor laughing his butt off. I nodded towards him and they shrugged as they stood up and came over to help me drag him up the steps. We plopped him down at this huge table that had three seats left open after we had all sat down. Tomato came out with some weird shaped pancakes and plopped them all down in front of us. We looked over confused.

        "Go ahead! Eat your ratch'it pancakes!" it told us as it sat down in its chair. More confused looks. "Oh, I was watching an 'America's Got Talent' and there were these two YouTubers that came on and did an impersonation of ratch'it females. I thought it was hilarious, so I showed Rainbow and the next morning I was all like, 'Imma make some pancakes!' So, I made pancakes and it was my first time, so they didn't look too good! I said, 'These are some ratch'it pancakes!' and it kind of stuck," it explained. We looked down at the 'ratch'it pancakes' and wearily picked up our forks. Mitch, on the other hand, poured honey all over his and chomped them down.

        "Dang! Those WERE some ratch'it pancakes!" he said. Jimmy laughed.

        "Hey! At least they didn't have sugar-free syrup on them!" he stated. We all laughed.

        "Dude! Did that really happen to you?" Bashur asked. Jimmy nodded.

        "Yeah! My mom did it yesterday morning!" he answered.

        "Why didn't you warn me?! Mom made me scarf down the whole thing!" Shelby exclaimed. Bash and Bodil fell on the floor. I was just hoping that Seto wouldn't go into another laughing fit. Wait...I mean Jimmy. Why did I call him Seto?

Oh, SNAPPLES! Well, THAT an interesting chapter! If you're confused about anything in this chapter, comment down below and I'll try my best to answer them!

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now