Chapter 22: Suggestions for one-shots? Possibly?

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So much productivity! I love Holiday Break! :D

Seto's POV

(Seto's face ->) O.o Well, so far, it's been morning. If you thought THAT was Merome, you should have heard the guys on the bus this morning.

        Adam turned around in his seat, facing toward the back with a playful grin on his face. He cupped one hand on his mouth to somewhat amplify his voice, which God knew he didn't need to do.

        "Ohhh! Merome's getting it on back there!" he joked. Everyone laughed and turned to Mitch and Jerome in the back, who were just innocently sitting next to each other. Jerome looked up and smirked mischievously.

        "I have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about! I'm just hangin' out with my main Benj," he told Adam. He pretended to yawn with his arms up in the air, his right landing on top of Mitch's shoulder. Adam laughed hysterically, along with everyone else on the bus, but they didn't sound like a fire alarm. Jerome took his arm off and smiled, proud at himself for the laughs and causing Mitch to go red from embarrassment. Mitch didn't really like attention unless he was trying.

        Overall, it was an interesting bus ride.

        As we pulled up to the convention center, Mr. [Awesome] gave us our badges to put around our necks. We loaded off the bus and walked into a side entrance for VIPs only.I wasn't very comfortable with the attention, even if it was for a school field-trip. My class was all YouTubers and people could have seen Mr. [Awesome] as a manager or escort, which in definition, he technically was.

        As we continued in our group, fans constantly came up to us, some asking who I was. The others just said I was Jimmy from their more recent videos, at the times when I was forced against my will to be in them. They usually just smiled and walked away, but one group kind of scared me, one with just a girl and her brother.

        "So, I know who all of you are, but who's this?" she asked, gesturing to me.

        "That's our friend Jimmy, the one who refuses to get a YouTube channel," Jason answered.

        "We might just have to change that...," Adam implied, nudging me. The boy clapped his hand over his mouth, eyes wide, looking frantically to his sister. She was staring off into space, looking on the edge of a fan girl attack.

        "OH MY GOSH, IT'S-" Her brother covered her mouth with his hand.

        "We'll just be going now...," he told us as he led her backwards, making constant beeping noises.

        "What was THAT all about...?" Jerome mumbled to himself. Mitch looked at his watch and his eyes became saucers.

        "Oh, shoot, Jerome, we gotta go!" he exclaimed, dragging his friend with him in the direction of some question panel they had to attend.

        "Um...BYE, GUYS!" Jerome called back as the two raced off, running on Mitch time, again...but every time Jerome got the watch, it was always miraculously a 'quarter past not happening'. At least with Mitch they got somewhere, late or not. (mostly late)

        I was a little concerned about the brother and sister. What were they going to say? Did they think they knew something about my life?! (YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!) I stared in their direction wearily, seeing the brother strictly talking to her. It was something about her 'taking his accusations seriously'. That made me shudder. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Ty.

        "C'mon, man. We're gonna go look at some other booths," he said. I nodded and gave one more glance back before following.

Well, well, well! Happy Holidays! It's Winter Break! I've been updating all of my stories, besides the Team Crafted one, because I'm waiting until this one is done. Now, since I'm off school and have some time in between family, homework, playing video games, reading, and watching YouTube for productivity, I would appreciate it if you would comment on some one-shots that I should write! (Nothing that interferes with Merome, though! Sorry! Can't do it! ...OR POOFLESS!)

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now