Chapter 26: Happy birthday! 8D

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If you couldn't tell by the title or the dedication to a very special hydro maniac, it's Panda's birthday! Because of this, the current chapter is longer than usual. If you wanna give Panda a happy birthday, you can go to this link:

and follow her. She's got a two- part Warrior Cat fanfiction that she should *cough, cough* probably update. *Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, poke, poke, burn, burn*


Seto's POV

Stew grinned evilly down at Mitch, who cowered only slightly under the shadow. By "only slightly", I mean an eye twitch, but that seemed to be enough to set off Jerome.

        "Back the f*** off, frosting!" he yelled. Stew didn't even look over, just gave a flick of his right wrist in Jerome's direction to silence him with some left over mist from what used to be Panda's cloud. How could she betray us? Jerome squirmed for a few seconds and growled before going into an angry silence, burning holes in Stew's pumpkin head with his non-blinking eyes.

        "Now you're a little more interesting," Stew commented as Mitch glared back. "So sad, you don't even know what's wrong with you." The benja's eyes widened.

        "W-What d'you mean?" he stuttered. "Ther's nothing wrong with me." Stew hummed in delight and did a little skip-jump in the air.

        "Oh, goody! Isn't this delicious! Absolutely perfect! I couldn't ask for any better-"

        "Oh, shut up and get on with it!" Sky complained angrily. He never was a fan of anyone causing any disturbance toward his friends. Who could blame him? We all felt that way, but he was more well-spoken in any situation, making him appear the most protective over the majority. For the rest of us, we would stand up for anyone when given the chance, but certain people push us worse when put in harm's way. Mitch and Jerome were one of these cases, explaining why Jerome snapped.

        "You like honey, don't you, Mitchell?" questioned the monster. Mitch nodded warily. "Why is that?" The reply was a shrug, or rather an attempt, turning out as him squishing his neck.

        "It's thick and sticky and has a smooth texture. And it's so sweet and has a beautiful golden glow when you shine a light through it-"

        "Woah, woah, woah. You can stop there. That started to sound way out of context! Save that for when you're alone!" Stew laughed, waving his hands. He then straightened up with as straight a face he could manage with a pumpkin for a head and pretended to straighten out a tie on his chest. "Back to the matter at hand. Do you know why you love honey so much?"

        "I already told you! Because it's good!"

        "No, the real reason you smother it on every speck of food that enters your digestive tract!" Stew slams his foot on the ground and Mitch flinches. Stew begins to circle him, his eyes follow the pumpkin monster as far as his vision permits. "Have you ever heard of hybrids...Mitchell?"

        Mitch's eyes flickered over to Jerome, but it was almost undetectable at the speed, almost as if he was afraid Jerome would die if he was caught, which was completely possible, depending on the reason. Mitch nodded hesitantly.

        "This world has many humans, but almost as many hybrids as well. Most don't even know, and who could blame 'em? Some are more obvious than others! I am not a hybrid, though, if you were wondering this."

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