Chapter 28

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Pete's POV

I was done crying into Patrick's shirt and got up and looked at him. I probably looked like a trainwreck right now. He smiled and kissed me. I smiled and we ended up laying down on the couch we were sitting on and I was now kissing him more than he was kissing me. He got me back and I smiled. "I am sorry for not telling you about any of this." I said now laying my head on his chest. He said that he just wished he could have figured out sooner.

I nodded and I felt him rubbing my back. "I love you Patrick." I said smiling. He said he loved me back and then my phone started to ring. I groaned and got up my back hurting from the position that we were in and walked to go and get my phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Thought you have seen the last of me bitch?" I heard the voice on the other end. "What the fuck who are you?" I asked looking at Patrick who are looking at me concerned.

"You really thought that you could do stuff to me and think you can get away with it? Getting me suspended and all." He said. My heart sunk at his words. I already knew who it was and something is telling me that I am either going to puke or have a panic attack. "What's wrong Wentz? Cat got your toungue?" He said and then laughing at what he said. I was about to throw my phone across the room and then go and cry.

"Leave me alone don't you think you have done enough?" I asked getting nervous and was now pacing. "Psh come on dude I am the coach's son and we have our ways of getting to you and your little boyfriend." He said. I could just hear him smirking because he is just that big of a bitch. "Now you can just leave Patrick alone you ass." I said now finally standing up for myself and him. Mentioning him made his head turn and he was staring at me now.

"Please it is not like I am going to hurt him as bad as I am going to hurt you. I hate you way more than him." He said. "Well I do not give a fuck because I hate you too." I said getting mad at him now. "Well good you fucking asshole." He said. I walked around and was hoping that he was not going to anything too stupid and say the wrong words because knowing him he would. "You know what you are just stupid for even calling." I said pressing the end button.

I walked back out and there was Patrick sitting back on the couch and he smiled at me and asked who was that. I said it was no one that important I was not lying because he is not that important I mean come on it is Brendon Urie. He nodded and said that he was not going to bug me and that is something that makes me happy because he can take my answer and believe it and not bug me about it.

I smiled and sat down. "Now really tell me who was calling you." He said looking at me strict. Oops maybe he was not one of those people. I shook my head at him and told him it was no one and he needed to calm down. He gave me that look like he did not believe me. "Okay you wanna know who the hell was calling me? It was that asshole named Brendon who needs to go and die in a hole okay I knew you would bug me about it." I said getting mad at him.

He was getting scared and I could see it in his eyes. I was walking to him and he flinched away. "Patrick what is wrong?" I asked trying to be soothing with him. He got back and he said that I was mad at him and he hated it I sighed and said that I was not mad at him and he needed to believe me. "No. We both know what happens when you get pissed." He said with a tremble in his voice. "Patrick...that was a while ago what if I changed." I said rubbing his arm.

He got back and said that he had to go to the bathroom and I nodded and watched him run off and slam the door behind him. Maybe not everything about our love life is as good as people would thing it is. We will have some rough patches and unfortunately this is one of the rough patches.

Patrick's POV

I ran in the bathroom and locked myself in there and slid down the wall and curled in a ball. It has been a while since he has gotten this mad about me being concerned about him but me being nice does not always turn out the best. He has only gotten to the point of hitting me once and then he said he was sorry and it was fine after that at least I would think it would be okay. He has gotten to the point of he is usally calm.

I curled in a ball again and started to think about what I possibly could have done to make him hate me so badly. I heard a knock at the door and I opened it to reveal Pete. I sighed and stepped aside at let him in. He better have a damn good reason of about hitting me and he is so calm now. "Patrick please do not be mad at me." He said getting close to me. "Pete look at you! You got pissed at me for I don't even know what reason and now you are standing here saying for me not to be mad!?" I yelled.

He got back and he was going on about that I am now mad at him but right now is not the time for him saying that I was mad. "Patrick please let me know why you hate me so much because I do not want to make you upset at me." He said his voice cracking. "Pete I do not know what to say." I said about giving up and wanting to die and be away from him. He sighed and said that he would get it if I wanted to call it quits.

That was the moment I broke and wanted to scream and cry and blame him for me being this sad as well but he is not the reason of me being this sad. You know that time where you wanna go and cry and you do not have a good reason of why you want to cry but you just do and when someone asks what is wrong you can't tell them why because you are just having a sad moment? Yeah that is what happening to me at the moment with Pete.

My head was hurting now because I have been holding back these god damn tears. "Patrick I am sorry I have nothing more to say but I am sorry and those times where I hit you I wanna take all of those times back and show you how sorry I am and how much I love you." He said. We are just 15 and here is not much he could say about this. "Pete...just...I don't know it is going to be hard to forgive you." I said getting sad again.

He nodded and said that he got it and he could not blame me. I broke down and walked to him and started to bawl in his arms. He sighed and picked me up and carried me to our room. I was now visually shaking and I felt a soothing hand on my back and it felt like he was rubbing all of that stress away and that made me sigh with relief that he would not hate me for being so emotional around him. He was just sitting there and rubbing my back.

"Please do not hate me. I would trade anything I have to go back to those times and tell myself how much of a dumbass I am. Please Patrick please!" He pleaded and I could tell that he really meant this and I turned around and was facing him. He had sad eyes and he was blinking away his tears. I sat up and said that I forgave him. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and smiled into the kiss knowing that this was loving.

This proved that I forgave him and he was better and when he got back he said that he was sorry and he would try better. That moment was the moment he was getting better. He might have his moments but I know he cared and his eyes had that smile he always had and when he looked at me I could tell that he really loved me. Not that he hated me and wanted to be mean and yeah do love him back.

*Hope you all enjoyed this chapter give it a vote and do what you usually do and byee!*

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