Chapter 11

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(So basically my power went out when I was mid sentence of this so that is fun)

Patrick's POV

We got home and we were already heading up to the guest room which you could say that it is our room. Yeah we said that once to Andy and Joe and guess how they took it! "Come on wanna watch some YouTube?" He asked grabbing the laptop. How come I have never seen that before? I nodded and he opened it and was searching up something. He said that he knew that Brendon and Dallon had a YouTube channel called Panic! At The Disco. I nodded and said that they must sound like shit. I shook my head and grabbed my ear buds from my iPod and was going to actually listen to them.

"Come on you are not going to like them." He said getting a little mad. "Well we won't know if I don't listen." I said grabbing it and clicked on the video of them singing a song that they made themselves. It was called "Nine in The Afternoon". When Brendon opened his mouth I was amazed by how he sang so good. " actually like it?" He yelled. I nodded and he grabbed the ear buds and was just as shocked about how he sung. "Holy shit he is good." He said amazed still. "Well that is the last time I am going to be rude about his singing." He kept on talking. I nodded and he sighed.

"I am not going to believe that he is that fucking good." He said getting up and pacing a little bit. "He looks happy and he looks like he is not going to kill us." I said. He nodded and was looking still at the screen. "He looks happy and he is smiling and he is just not the Brendon we know." He said. The song ended and he said thanks for watching and he said that he hoped that we enjoyed it. Not like we better have enjoyed it. Not a threat.

"I get what is up with him!" I yelled standing up. "What is up?" He asked. "Well is something that doesn't make him wanna kill anyone." I said. "Yeah so why not we get an iPod and we stick it in his ears every time!" Pete said. "Now I did not say that!" I said glaring at him. "How is music going to keep him from almost killing us." He said annoyed. "It won't I know that." I said. He nodded and said that we could use that against him. "Pete we are not going to use that to get even with him." I said.

"But I want to get even with him for all the times he has beaten the shit out of me." He said annoyed. I know that he wants to and he has no idea how bad I want to get even with him but I don't know if that is a good idea. "Pete stop." I told him while he was typing up an anonymous comment. He said that he wasn't bad but he was still the bitch from our school. "Too bad Trick I am sending that to him." He said pressing the comment button. I groaned and he said that we are not going to delete it. Well that kind of backfired when he got some replies. "Oh shut the fuck up you do not know this douche that well. He goes to my school." He typed up. "Well if you have the nerve to comment that tell us who you really are." Brendon typed now. "Hey Brendon bitch it's me Pete." He typed.

Oh god he is so dead.

"Wait. IT'S YOU. YA LITTLE SHIT." He typed. "Pete knock it off!" I yelled grabbing the laptop. "Well I started it now I am gonna finish it." He said grabbing it back. "What in the fucking world makes you think I am gonna let you say another word to him." I said shutting the laptop. The last words I read were "I am gonna get you."

Pete's POV

He is worrying too much. "Patrick come on he needs to be told of sometimes and you and I both know that." I said. "Yeah but now he is pissed and he said that he was going to get you." He said. "Yeah and you think that he is going to pay attention to where his dad was?" I asked. He shrugged and said that he would rather not have that. I nodded and we got down and was wanting to go and get some food. "Come on we are going to plan this." I said grabbing some more food. This is going to be not good. Patirck is going to kill me.

We got my laptop and he was already saying how he was going to rip him to shreds. Come on like he can even rip me. I typed up something and I think Patrick just gives up. "Come on that is stupid to try and get revenge on him." He said again. "Trick there are different people in this world. I am one of those people that want some good ole revenge on that asshole." I said. "Well we are not going back to school for a little bit now are we?" He asked. "Oh fuck no." I said.

I got on Facebook and was going to plan a whole thing. I typed up what he has done and some stuff I made up. Like that is going to matter in the future. I hit post and I just sat back and waited for it all to go down. Thank the lord that he did not have a Facebook because goodness knows what he would have said about this. Some people saw the Nine In The Afternoon problem. I said that yeah I did say that but he deserved that. So all of that sympathy went down the drain. "Why did you admit to that. Wait...why did you say that in the first place on YouTube out of all the places." Patrick yelled. "Calm down like it is going to kill anyone." I said reading over all the bad feedback I got.

Most of them were like he is going to get you when you come back or I better not show my face in that place or around him. I sighed and logged out tired of them saying that shit. "You know it is still gonna be there when you come back.'' He said. 'Hush Trick this is not helping." I said. "Now you are freaking out." He said. "Yeah so everyone can freak out once in a while." I said mentally wanting to die in a hole. "Come on Pete this is what happens." He said grabbing the laptop and logging on to his. "Yeah Brendon being an ass." I said. "Pete you GOT to stop blaming everything on everyone else.'' He said I could tell getting annoyed. "I do not blame everything on everyone else." I said getting defensive. "Yeah you do." He said looking at the comments flood in. "My god Pete how many friends do you have?" He asked. "250 but that doesn't matter." I said annoyed. This is going to be a long night.

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