chapter 6

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Questions flew through the air at a dizzying speed. I simply bit my tongue and glared at Helion, who smiled back. "Well, give us a show."

"You don't want me to do that." I ground out.

Helion raised his eyebrows at me, then reached for my bare hand. I swung it back before he could touch me. When my emotions ran rampant, it was impossible to control my abilities. There was no doubt in my mind that I would kill Helion right now if he touched my hand.

"If you can't show us, then tell us. We need any help we can get. I promise you, you're not a pawn." Feyre pleaded with a calmness and gentleness that was too comforting.


Fucking Daemati.

I threw the walls up in my mind, a skill that my father insisted I master. I supposed I can thank him for one thing.

I blew an irritated breath out of my nose and decided that I should probably tell them. If I didn't then I'd be a threat to every Court; I couldn't handle that. "Fine, but I'm suddenly in a horrible mood so you'll have to excuse if I don't bother with the boring details." Feyre smiled in encouragement, so I continued. "I was born with these weird abilities. At first I could just copy powers from an object and use them." I looked over to Rhysand and Nyx. "Then it became harder to control, I could take all of the power out of an object, and I couldn't give it back. I don't know why but the power is mine to use for only a short period of time. Then, well... it was an accident okay?" I raised my eyebrows at everyone and gave them a hard look to tell them not to test me. "I was little, and upset over something stupid and I went to pet a chicken and it died."

The room went utterly still. I was a threat again.

Not a pawn, powerful.

"So, you're a Siphoner?" A brunette asked with a gentle curiosity—Thesan.

I nodded.

"We don't know if she could be useful if all she can kill is an ordinary chicken." Beron argued like a tired and whiny child.

"It works on people with abilities." I said too quietly.

Luckily, Rhysand seemed to understand and spoke before Beron could say something stupid. "She'll train in the Night Court for now until we can come up with a plan."

"Who says I'll go back to the Night Court?" I shot back, but I didn't mean to sound harsh. I actually think it might be a good idea to go back. As much as I was scared of them, I was angry with Helion, and now I know they won't actually clip my wings... so I have a couple friendships to save.

I just didn't like the fact that Rhysand was ordering me around. So of course I was going to be difficult. Rhysand huffed an irritated breath, and Nyx chuckled. I raised an eyebrow at him and Rhysand gave him a whithering glare.

"You know what, I just had an idea." I smiled wide and crossed my arms across my chest. "I think I'll train in the Night Court." I leaned back in my chair and held Rhysand's stare. Feyre couldn't hold back her smile. The two Illyrian's growled and left the table with Mor, who smirked, and Nyx drummed his fingers on the table.

"Excellent." Feyre smiled at me, containing a laugh.

Eventually, every High Lord and Lady left the meeting to go back to their Courts. I didn't say goodbye to Helion. I trusted him and he just kept secrets from me. Asshole.

Now, it was just Rhysand, Feyre, Nyx, and I. I looked out the window and wondered how far I'd make it before over exerting myself and plummeting to my death—probably not very far. I wonder if the shadow male would see me fall from wherever he was and catch me.

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