chapter 17

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I sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my hands resting on my knees. My eyes were closed, and I focused my breathing into calm, even breaths.

Amren called this scrying. She had a map of the world laid out in front of me. Some bones and stones laid lazily on top. Apparently they helped amplify the ability.

My mind cleared until all I could feel was a void in my head. The faintest shift of someone who had grown impatient threatened to break my concentration, but I held onto it.

I wouldn't get frustrated with myself.

I'd try this as many times as I could—for however long it takes.

This wasn't my first attempt. It's been hours since I had been able to even slip into this state of calmness. At first, my mind couldn't shove aside all of the thoughts and fears that lingered in my brain. Now, I've become detached from myself.

The study faded away until all I felt was the carpet beneath me. All I could hear was the pounding of my blood in my ears and the even breaths I took. My mind slipped into neutrality, so I began the next step.

I called out to my blood—more specifically the Dark Mother's blood that mingled with my own. It came forth with an urgency that shocked me, but I was already too far into the void to go back now.

"What do you seek, daughter of the Coven?" A cruel and even voice spoke from all around me.

"I'm looking for the Dark Mother's Coven." I kept my voice strong inside of this void. When I spoke, it was through my mind, a feeling that shook me to the core, but at least I still had a voice in this never ending darkness.

The female let out a dark and broken laugh. "Do you know what you are, my child?"

"I'm a Siphoner."

More unnerving laughter echoed around me. "Yes, yes. I should rephrase—do you know who you are?"

"Belladonna Haven. Who are you?" I didn't show my confusion in my tone, something that I thought Amren would be proud of.

"The Dark Mother of course. You called me, and I answered. I assumed you were more intelligent to know who you are speaking to, Dark Daughter." The Dark Mother crooned.

"I'm not a Dark Daughter. Can you help me find the Dark Mother's Coven or not." I snapped—irritated with the confusing conversation.

"You know so little of the power you hold my dear. One day you will wake me, and I shall show you the depths of your destruction. But for now, I may as well guide you where you belong. You may not like it, you might even hate it, but they will take what they want in order to unleash you my dearest Belladonna. Do you still wish to find your cruel sisters? Do you wish to seek the truth? Could you even handle what they have planned for you?" The Dark Mother's voice became so deadly and so even. I felt a scream escape my lips, but it didn't echo around the void, it went somewhere else—somewhere far away and familiar. A place that I had been before this void.

I couldn't remember how I got here, or how much time had passed. I couldn't remember where I came from or who I knew. I only knew why I was here, and that my name was Belladonna.

"Show me where the Dark Mother's Coven is." My voice trembled with anger. I didn't remember why I was angry.

"As you wish, Belladonna." The Dark Mother's voice was suddenly at my right ear. Before I could react, I felt her lash out with a blade. A sharp pain lanced across my bare palm. "I'll see you soon, enjoy the wrath of your sisters."

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