chapter 13

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I gave Nyx a confused smile. "Right now?"

He nodded and raised an eyebrow at me, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I don't have proper clothing—" Before I could finish, Nyx took off his shirt and pants. He wore black underwear underneath... not that I stole a glance or two... or four.

I instantly noticed that tattoos that I had been silently begging to get a look at. Lines and whirls left permanent marks around his chest, shoulders, upper arms, and I'm sure his upper back. It was like he had been draped with the ink like a cloak. I swallowed hard.

"Well? Will you join me?" Nyx turned and backed up into the water until it reached his calves. His face was lit up with a playfulness that I sometimes saw at training with Rhysand.

I sighed and took my shirt off, along with my pants. I didn't miss how Nyx looked down to allow me somewhat of privacy, but I would much rather have him stare at me. I was left to stand there in my black bra and underwear set.

"How far will we go?" I tentatively walked closer to Nyx.

"As far as you would like Bella." Nyx held out his hand and I took it as we roamed deeper into the water. I hissed as the cold seared into my stomach, causing Nyx to chuckle. A moment later, his hand warmed the water surrounding us.

"Show-off." I grumbled as we slid further into the now warm water.

Nyx stopped walking when the water reached my shoulders. However, it only reached his upper abdomen. "Would you rather be freezing your ass off?"

I just rolled my eyes at him as I gazed back to where I could see the flames starting to die out.

"I told them to go home. Knowing Cal he'd ruin the moment anyway." Nyx followed my gaze to the top of the cliff.

I whipped my head back towards him. "This is a moment?"

"Is it not?" His hand squeezed mine as he raised an eyebrow. I was so lucky that it was dark enough so that he couldn't see how red my cheeks had become.

"How far can you go out?" I nodded to the never ending ocean.

"I'm a decent swimmer, but it's not something I'm thrilled about. I guess a few miles out." Nyx shrugged.

I scoffed. "A few miles. You lied to everyone, your ego is way too inflated."

"Care to knock me down a peg?" Nyx taunted.

"I'll make it my life's mission." I wasn't going to back down this easy. Nyx gently pulled me out further. When my feet couldn't touch the muddy ocean floor, I gasped. "Nyx!"

"Shh, just trust me." Nyx put both of my hands on his shoulders and dipped down slightly to lift my thighs up to wrap around his waist. My heart fluttered at the proximity and heat pooled low in my stomach. My only hope was that the water muffled the scent of my arousal.

I could barely think with him this close to me. My chest tightened against his, the thin fabric of my bra doing nothing to shield my hardened nipples from rubbing against his chest. I wanted him—needed him. In that moment, it was all I could think of. Every other sense in me was blind, deaf, and mute. The one that screamed that this was a bad idea was violently snuffed out by every other fiber of my being.

I stared up at Nyx, fighting the urge to allow myself to lick my lips. I didn't know if he would follow the movement or not. If he did, I think I would give myself to him right here and now.

"Belladonna." Nyx groaned with a warning. "You have such a naughty brain." Nyx's voice rumbled in my ear. Low and heady. My eyes fluttered at the tone and I mentally cursed myself repeatedly as I threw my mental walls back up.

This could go so many ways. He could want me as much as I wanted him and we could have fun here and now. Or, he could have the better sense to end this now before things got awkward. Or... or—oh Cauldron.

My body pressed into Nyx's when I could feel him hardening slightly against me. I licked my lips as my breath started to come out in shallow, needy, pants.

Nyx's hands squeezed my thighs, then one of them came up to cup my jaw, which I had lowered. He raised my face to look at him, and I noticed a few things. His beautiful blue eyes looked darker, more dangerous, which sent a thrilling chill through my body. His breath came out just like mine did, uneven. Another thing about his eyes, they were glued to my lips.

I wanted his lips glued to my lips, not his eyes.

"All you had to do was ask." Nyx teased in my head. I threw my walls back up in frustration but before I could say anything, Nyx's lips were on mine, just like I wanted.

He moved slow at first, testing it out. I moved with him, giving him teasing pecks until we needed more. Then, we found ourselves going deeper with the kiss. My legs locked around his hips tighter, desperate to get any sort of friction with his large member. His hands grabbed onto my ass, giving it a good squeeze before he pressed me into him. I let out a muffled moan as his tongue found mine.

We devoured each other until we were breathless. Until my head was spinning with lust. He was my drug, and I was his.

He pulled away only to leave kisses down my jaw and neck. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and moaned when he nipped at the sensitive flesh. His deep laughter against my skin left goosebumps in its trail.

We could've stayed there for hours just doing this. I could've asked for more, and I doubt he would've said no, but it really wasn't a good idea. I can't stay here for long. I'll deal with the Death Gods and be on my way. I can't waste everything my mother worked hard for.

So, we parted and made our way back to the beach. He used his wind abilities to dry us, then he winnowed us back to the River House, and I didn't think twice before slipping under the blanket on the floor and falling asleep.

Two sets of hands shook me awake. I opened my eyes, squinting at the harsh light seeping into my room from the hallway as Adira and Maeve stopped shaking me.

"We have to go. Aunt Feyre said they found something that's important." Maeve started dragging me up to stand, and it didn't take much effort for someone as strong as she was.

I was still groggy from the deep sleep, so I barely remembered as they shoved slippers onto my feet and pulled me out of my room.

I rubbed my eyes viciously to shake the sleep away and Maeve sat me down in a chair in the same meeting room in the River House. Rhysand's inner circle all looked as tired as I felt besides Azriel, he never seemed to show enough emotion. Or maybe this was a serious meeting—I'm sure it was.

"Thanks for meeting this late. Amren found something in an old language." Feyre started, her voice filled with exhaustion.

"I read it and can confirm that Amren's right." Rhysand sounded grim, like he didn't want to believe in what Amren found.

"What's right? You haven't even told us why we're all here." Cal crossed his arms in the seat across from me.

Rhysand took a deep breath and exhaled raggedly. Then, he looked at me. "You're a descendant of a witch, Bella."


The next chapter's a doozy, it answers a lot of questions so I'm looking forward to what you all think!

Let me know if you have any theories about how things will go for Bella, as well as any feedback you have!


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