chapter 25

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Weeks have gone by with no word from Bella—not that I expected one. But there was also no sense of fear coming from her end of the bond, which made me relieved.

Everyone had returned from their missions with helpful updates, now it was up to Azriel's spies to give us specifics on the western camp. Dad had denied Uncle Azriel's request to let his spies search the continent. He feared that Azriel would get caught, and then who knows what the Witches could do.

Cal, Mom, Dad, and I waited impatiently for Uncle Azriel to return so that we could be filled in. If it was confirmed that Bella's dad was there, I'd try to communicate with her again and see if she'll come back.

Maybe having hope for this is foolish.

"Wasn't he supposed to be back by now?" Cal's knee bounced up and down as a result of his anxiety while he sat in the chair in the sitting room.

Dad nodded, staring off into space.

"Are you trying to reach him?" Cal asked again with a nervous tilt to his tone.

Another nod from Dad.

"Let me try." Mom placed an arm on Dad's bicep, then her eyes turned the slightest bit glassy. When she was done, she heaved a big sigh, then shook her head. "Nothing."

"Where's Gwyn?" I asked, standing from my seat on the sofa.

"The House of Wind, let's go." Dad stood with me and we walked to the front yard before flying to the House of Wind.

Rain had started a steady trickle, but it wasn't enough to make flying difficult, so we pushed through. By the time we were at the House, my wings were freezing and wet.

Dad and I made our way through the house until we reached the training arena where Gwyn, Nesta, Emerie, and the rest of the Valkyries were training—for battle.

As we walked over to where the three Commanders stood, I couldn't help but notice how Gwyn seemed unfocused and deep in thought, which was very unlike her. She always seemed to be so deeply focused in training that you had to call her name a few times to get her to stop barking orders at the females.

Dad still had to say her name a few times, but it was to get her to snap out of her confused haze. She finally looked up at the two of us. She quickly straightened and cleared her throat, clasping her hands behind her back. "They still need time to train. The armor was more difficult to adjust—"

"Gwyn that's not why we're here." Dad cut her off. She let out a breath and sagged a bit before Dad continued. "Have you felt anything from Az? He was supposed to give us a report a while ago but we can't reach him."

Gwyn gulped, her face becoming pale. "I haven't felt anything. Usually..." She looked down for a moment, then took a deep breath and looked at the two of us. "Usually he sends his feelings down the bond to update me. But I haven't felt anything for a while. I assumed he was just busy, but then I felt something weird."

"What did you feel?" I asked when she looked over at the training Valkyries.

"It was like the bond was blocked by something. I can still feel it..." Gwyn rubbed a hand against her ribs. "It's like a thick black wall. I've tried pulling it and sending my emotions, but I can't feel the other side."

Dad stiffened next to me as I clenched my jaw. What does this mean for Uncle Azriel?

I pulled on the bond just to make sure Bella was still there. I felt her shock, but she got rid of it quickly as some of her sadness reached me.

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