chapter 16

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Amren's silver eyes narrowed at me. We've been sitting like this for an uncomfortable amount of time now. We sat in one of the studies in the River House, the only thing between us was a dark wooden desk with a potted rose in the center. Out on the balcony stood Nyx and Adira. They spoke quietly to each other while playing a game of cards.

After my training with Rhysand yesterday, we decided it might be helpful to explore my magic in a calmer way. Amren offered to help, since she's had more experience with Witches in the past.

"Close your eyes and tell me what you feel." Amren's bored tone led me through the motions as I closed my eyes. My gloves stayed on, but Amren was convinced that I'd be able to call upon the dark magic anyway.

"I don't really feel anything. I can feel the clear air of the siphoning magic like I usually can, but I can't feel that darkness... that... tar substance." I took a deep breath.

"That tar overwhelmed you. It was too thick, too overpowering. Try to focus on that clear wind, try to force it to darken. Control it, don't let it thicken and control you." Amren spoke confidently, which made me believe that I could do those things.

I focused on the wind swirling inside of me, dancing at the idea that it could be used. I called out to it for the first time. Normally, I'd only control it by letting it go and realing it back in as I siphoned, but this time it wasn't going anywhere it wanted to. I took Amren's advice and forced it to move the way I wanted it to. It felt weird, like a small tickle, but it listened to me. As I gained power over the wind, I could feel my blood start to bubble, something changed in the wind.

It grew darker.

Perhaps it was the Dark Mother's blood that mingled with my own. Maybe I unknowingly called to that power too, which was the goal I suppose. I opened my eyes and looked at Amren.

"Interesting." She tapped her nails on the desk. "I could feel the dark energy barely radiating from you earlier, but now it's more prominent."

"I have a handle on the wind. I think something in my blood has change it. It feels more powerful and more eager to escape." I looked down at the rose, and Amren gestured to it. I tentatively held up my hand and pointed my gloved palm towards the rose.

"Take it off. Now that you have control over it, you need to use that power. Your gloves will just nullify whatever you expel." Amren crossed her arms and shot a look to the balcony, maybe silently signaling to Nyx to get his shields ready.

I did as she asked while holding onto the dark wind. My breath became labored with the action, and I became nervous that I would let my grasp slip.

"Good, now kill the flower." Amren gestured again to the rose.

I took a deep breath in through my nose, and when I released, I tried to push the dark wind out through my ungloved hand. When nothing happened, I tried to push harder. I took heavy breaths and realized how exhausting it was to focus my power and expel it. I almost gave up, but then the smallest whips of black air left my fingertips and reached towards the rose. When it touched the red petals and green stem, every bit of the flower decayed and fell to ash in the pot.

I slipped my glove back on and let go of the dark air. Whatever made it darken retreated back into my blood and I felt the air clear and run lazily through my body once again.

"Sorry. That's—that's all I could manage." I dipped my head and caught my breath.

"Progress is progress. You'll train with me from now on. Rhysand's methods won't help you control your magic." Amren picked at her nails, then stood and left the room.

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