chapter 30

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My leg bounced up and down rapidly as we waited for the arrival of the High Lords and Lady in the Moonstone Palace.

We sat at the same table where I first met the others—where Helion betrayed my trust.

None of it mattered now. I had to trust the others to come together to stop the Witches... the Death Gods... the Dark Mother.

I didn't know if she was unleashed yet. I had hoped that I killed Moira before she got the chance, but there were more Witches out there to finish the job.

Nyx placed a calming hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing, and I grabbed onto it with my right hand. He turned his palm and laced his fingers through mine as we waited silently in the meeting room.

Feyre sat on the other side of me, with Rhysand next to her. Cassian, Nesta, Adira, Maeve, Azriel, Gwyn, and Emerie filled in the seats next to Rhysand respectively.

The first to arrive was Thesan with his partner and a few guards in tow. They sat down next to Nyx with a small greeting to all of us, then came Beron and Eris. Next was Tamlin, then Tarquin and his cousins, Kallias and Viviane, and finally Helion.

When his eyes met mine, he gave me a wink before his face paled. "What—"

"Please sit. We don't have time to waste." Rhysand ordered.

Helion cleared his throat, but his eyes never left the spot where those things used to be behind me as he sat.

Rhysand filled in everyone on the information we've gathered over the weeks, and of the events that took place today. I gritted my teeth and tried to block out the part where he spoke about what happened to me, but I couldn't avoid those bewildered stares from the High Lords and Lady. Nyx's hand tightened on mine, and he sent a gentle caress to my mental wall as Rhysand continued. "We need to assemble as many Fae we can to fight the Witches and the Death Gods."

"So Helion's whore royally fucks up and now we have to clean up yet another mess?" Beron scoffed and my anger bubbled over.

I could feel Nyx tense beside me, but I spoke first. "I'm literally two seconds away from removing your tongue from your mouth Beron. Kindly shut the fuck up."

Eris let out a low whistle, causing my glare to shift to him. He raised his hands in surrender, and I let out a small exhale through my nose.

"He has a point. Seems like this is staying in your territory, why should we risk our armies to help you?" Tamlin crossed his arms as I screamed internally.

"Allow me to remind you that the Witches are hellbent on claiming all of Prythian. The Night Court would just be the start of their destruction, and when they plow through the other Courts, you'll have no help against them." Feyre spoke in a low and even tone, causing me to smirk.

"I already have no help as it is. Allow me to remind you, that you're the one who destroyed my Court. I've been struggling to find Fae who are willing to trust me again." Tamlin's claws poked through his skin and pierced the wooden armrests on his chair.

Helion waved a dismissive hand. "Are we really going to play this childish blame game again Tamlin? You've had a century to rebuild, get over it."

Tamlin glared at Helion, but chose not to respond.

"Well, you have my support." Thesan said with a sigh. Tarquin, Kallias, and Helion nodded in agreement.

"And ours." Eris spoke. Beron snapped his head to glare at him. "You'd be foolish not to agree father. Berate me as much as you want, I don't give a damn."

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