chapter 35

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Adira and Maeve raised an eyebrow at me as Nyx and I approached the cliffs. Cal couldn't hide his chuckle.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the two lovebirds." Cal crossed his arms and smiled wide at us.

From beside me, I could feel Nyx tense, but I sent him a calming caress down the bond and he relaxed.

"Took you long enough." Adira snorted.

"We were close to sending a search party for you two." Maeve giggled as we took our seats.

The night went on with laughter and drinking. Nyx sat completely still next to me the entire time, growling low if Cal even looked in my direction.

He had warned me of how the mating bond made males possessive after accepting, and I kind of loved it. Not that I would want to see a fight break out, but it was nice to feel wanted, even if it was in this dramatic way.

By the end of the night, Nyx had relaxed the slightest and everyone was exhausted. Maeve had stolen our money in cards to nobody's surprise, Adira and Cal argued over strategy to a theoretical battle, and I was falling asleep against Nyx's shoulder.

Adira and Maeve stiffened and glanced at Nyx nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows in question, and when I looked up at Nyx he wore the same expression as his cousins. "Dad's calling us back. The witches were spotted in the Continent."

I could feel the color drain from my face and my heart thud against my chest. "Did they find... my wings?" I sat up straight.

Nyx's face was hardened and unreadable, but he sent a caress to my mental walls to calm me down. "Uncle Az couldn't find them, so we don't know."

Everyone stood and the five of us winnowed to the River House, where everyone had gathered in a large sitting room. Nyx immediately stiffened as some of the males looked at me.

"Congratulations Bella, you're stuck with him now." Cassian winked at me and Nyx shot his a deadly look.

Feyre sighed. "Not in the house please."

Cassian strode past us and grabbed Nyx by the arm as they walked back outside. I had no idea what they were up to, but maybe Cassian would know how to calm Nyx down.

Feyre walked up to me and gave me a tight hug. "Welcome to the family Bella."

I smiled as she pulled away from me, then we got down to business.

"I've been following the witches' movements ever since they got to the Continent. So far, my spies haven't seen Bella's wings so I can safely assume they haven't found them yet." Azriel started as we all sat down.

"Keep looking for her wings. If you find them, we'll go get them. Also keep an eye out for the Death Gods. We know the witches are holding them back, but we don't know where. Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn, you three assemble the Valkyries and have them ready for battle at a moments notice. Cassian will pay a visit to Devlon and get the Illyrians ready. Feyre, Mor, and I will check in on the Darkbringers and make sure they're ready. Amren, I want you here protecting the city with the children. Bella, you'll practice with Amren in the meantime." Rhysand sighed as he stood from his seat. "If anyone gets any more information, it's imperative that you tell us immediately."

I cleared my throat awkwardly causing everyone's head to turn to me. "I've been having dreams of the Dark Mother." I spoke quietly, looking down at my hands in my lap.

Feyre placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Could you share them with us?"

I took a shaky breath, then nodded slowly. "She told me that she created my mother. That's why she calls me the Dark Daughter. She said that I'll eventually trust her and we'll rule Prythian together." I looked up and met Feyre's eyes. "But I would never work with her."

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