chapter 45

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Everything shattered inside of me and around me. I couldn't hear, couldn't think, couldn't breathe without the feeling of the mating bond.

It felt like everything was happening around me, but I couldn't focus on it. Everything was muffled, my only focus was her. Bella.

I cradled her in my arms. Her was lifeless body dangling at such a wrong angle. Her glowing tan skin now seemed so dull and pale. Her eyes were closed. Her mouth was parted slightly, but no air brushed past her lips. Her ungloved hands with those silly tan lines that she always chuckled silently at when she thought nobody noticed were dangling at her sides.

My mate was dead.

I think I was yelling and crying. Someone was touching my shoulder and I almost snapped at them, thinking they were going to pry me away from her, but the hand didn't pull me. It just sat there as a poor attempt to comfort me.

Finally, I felt my face contort with anger as I dragged my eyes up to see the Mother looking down on us with no fucking expression. No sympathy or hurt. No anger or joy. There was nothing on her face that would make her seem like she cared about Bella's death, even if it was good or bad.

Darkness rippled from me in steady waves as everything came crashing down. Finally those muted sounds were loud and only anger resided in my mind. Everyone was screaming at the Mother. Telling her to do something. To bring my mate back.

Maeve was clawing at her father trying to break free from his grasp. Cal was shouting at the Mother and pointing his sword at her. Adira walked right up to the Mother and held Freya against her throat. "Do something right fucking now. Bring my friend back! She gave up everything to help you survive, now repay they fucking favor bitch." Adira growled at her, but the Mother didn't so much as flinch.

Finally, after a long moment, the Mother flicked her finger, sending Adira to stand next to Maeve and Uncle Cassian. With a grace and calm that rose a deadly fury inside of me, she spoke. "I am grateful for her sacrifice, but if I give the Dark Daughter life, there will just be another goddess with dark powers. She'll be the new Dark Mother and eventually that darkness will contort her just as it has with my sister. I cannot risk the lives of so many for one soul."

Everything in me snapped and the world blurred around me. One moment I was cradling Bella in my arms and the next I was attacking the Mother, who was barely dodging my powers. I knew I couldn't kill her, but Cauldron I wanted to hurt her. I wanted her to feel the pain that I felt. I wanted her to feel hollow and desperate, even if it was for fear of her own life. I just wanted the Mother to feel something. But even with all of my attacks, her face still held that graceful calm.

Dad held me back before I could burn her alive. "It's not helping Nyx. It won't bring her back." His voice cracked with emotion as he pulled me into a hug.

"You want power, right?" Aunt Nesta's voice yelled out over the crowd, causing everyone to turn to her. "You want control over this land? That's why you put the curse on the Siphoners. That's why you tried to help Bella break free of the void. That's why you wanted to kill the Dark Mother. You just want power and control without competition."

The Mother's face twitched ever so slightly.

"You're not afraid of what Bella will do to this land if the darkness overwhelms her. You didn't give a shit when we were all dying on the battlefield fighting for Prythian. You're afraid of what Bella could take from you if the darkness overwhelms her. She could siphon these people, this land, until you have nothing left to control. She could siphon you and then kill you. Easily." Aunt Nesta's voice grew deadly.

The Mother scoffed, but a hint of worry formed in her eyes.

Maeve's eyes widened as she gave Uncle Cassian a hard shove and staggered forward. "So give her control."

"Excuse me?" The Mother's eyebrows rose in shock.

Everything clicked into place. If Bella had control over her powers, freedom from those gloves, there's no worry about whether or not she'll destroy everything. "She's good, you know that. Bella has demonstrated how good and selfless she is her entire life. Remove the Siphoner's curse and give her control over her powers. There won't be any fear of what she'll become if she has the freedom to decide for herself. Ever since I met her she's lived in fear of not having a choice over her future. But at every given chance she's proved to everyone that if she had that choice, it would be to protect the ones she loves. Bring my mate back and remove her curse. Now."

The Mother's eyes flicked from me to Bella's body, then back to me. "And what happens if you're wrong?"

"I'm not wrong." I shot back.

I waited and watched in aggravating silence for the Mother to make her decision. Finally, after a long sigh, she raised her hand in Bella's direction. "If I do this and you're wrong. I will destroy everything you care about."

I clenched my jaw and stared the Mother down. Finally her eyes dragged back to Bella, and she emitted a bright light from her hand. The white blinding light caused everyone to shield their eyes, but I fell to my knees as something deep inside of me stirred.

That golden thread started to repair itself bit by bit. I could feel the strands overlapping and connecting until every frayed piece was mended. I crawled to Bella blindly, but I didn't need to see to know where she was. I could feel it in my soul and followed that feeling until my hands touched her curling hair. When the bond pulled taught, I felt her shock through the other end, so I smiled.

Tears fell from my eyes as the light crawled back to the Mother, revealing those sage green eyes that I fell in love with. Bella looked dazed as she slowly reached a hand up to my face, then stopped when she noticed she wasn't wearing gloves. I let out a small huff of laughter, then closed my hand against hers, feeling her warm and soft skin against mine. She gasped and tried to pull her hand back, but then she relaxed as awe settled over her. "I can't—I'm not."

"I know." I whispered and brought her hand to my cheek.

"Happy tears." She whispered as she gently wiped my tears away from my cheek.

"Belladonna Haven." The Mother raised her voice with authority. I refrained from scoffing as I helped Bella stand and face her. "I have removed your curse. You will have the freedom to call upon your siphoning powers as you see fit. Do not make a fool of me." Before Bella could react, the Mother disappeared in a blast of light.

Adira and Maeve tackled Bella in a tight hug followed by everyone else until I felt her laugh against me and lightly push us away. When we did, she braced her hands on her knees and erupted in laughter. Finally, she looked at all of us. "I think we need to find a new religion."

Cal draped an arm over her shoulder and started walking back to the camp, everyone else following behind. "I think I'm going to start worshiping the Goddess Belladonna." Cal snorted.

Bella stopped in her tracks and looked at him with wide eyes and a bright smile. "Does that mean you'll get on your knees and beg to me?"

Everyone snickered as Cal rolled his eyes. "In your dreams Bella."

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