A Push to Something New (II)

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    Part II is here. Enjoy. And happy April loves!

"So you mean to tell me, that this man has texted you twice and you still haven't responded?" Aaliyah said to her older sister. She watched as Asha nodded her head yes.
        "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Aaliyah shouted as she began to pace back and forth in of her sister. "I mean- I'm the baby....I'm supposed to be making these type of choices but-"
        "But you haven't lived my life, Liyah." Asha countered. She wasn't fazed in the least by her baby sisters outburst. It happened each time a man was interested in her.
        Aaliyah stormed out of the living room and Asha soon heard her yelling for their brother.
        "Aaron! Get down here and talk some sense into this girl!" Aaliyah yelled and soon came back with their brother, who held his two year old daughter, Auroa, in his arms.
        "What happened?" Aaron asked as he looked down at his baby girl who was eager to sit on her aunt Asha's lap.
        Asha picked her niece up. "Nothing. Liyah is just over exaggerating about me not texting Jaison back."
        "Why haven't you?" Aaron asked rubbing his thick beard. "I mean, I feel like he's a nice guy."
        "Exaclty." Aaliyah agreed.
         Asha looked up from her niece's light brown eyes and sighed. "I just don't want anything right now."
         Aaliyah rolled her eyes. "Girl goodbye. You just told me the other week how you kinda wanted someone."
          "Kinda. As in it was a thought that just came and dispeared like that." She snapped her fingers.
        "You know, I wasn't gonna say anything- but I think this has a lot to do with your past." Aaron said. Silence followed his words which caused Asha to look down at the floor.
         She knew that he was right. Her past decisions had affected her present. She didn't want to bring anyone into her mess. And especially not Jaison. He's a whole preacher, Asha thought as she sat her niece down, who happily walked to her father.
       "Listen, Asha." Aaron spoke to his older sister. "What you did doesn't define you. You're a great person. And don't block your blessing by looking in the rear view mirror. It's in your peripheral for a reason."
        Aaliyah snapped her fingers. "And in that order." She said as she looked at her sister.
        Aaron walked over to Asha and and kissed her forehead. "You deserve the world big sis. Just know that."
        Asha nodded her head before grabbing her purse to leave. She glanced at her baby sister who was looking at herself with her phone camera. She rolled her eyes at her and walked passed her without saying a word.
        Leaving her  parents country home, she took the long route to her apartment. The late March rain had left a sweet smell in the air as she rode with her windows cracked. As she pulled into her apartment complex.
         As she got out of the car, she waved to one of her neighbors as she went into her building. Opening her door, she was met with its familiar lavender smell. Shutting the door behind her, she exhaled as she leaned her head against the back of her door.
        Pulling out her phone, she opened her messages.

From (803)-224-4566: hey again. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming to the dog park with Asa and I this Saturday.

        Asha looked at the message for a few minutes before replying back.

To (803)-224-4655:hey! Sure. What time should I be there?


     Saturday came and Asha waved at Jaison whose face held a smile as he looked at her. He couldn't help but to admire her brown skin in the dark plum matching runners suit she wore.
        Asha was looking at him too, and admired how well his skin look underneath his all black attire.
        "Thanks for coming." He smiled at her and Asha returned it.
        "Well, thanks for asking." She said and looked down when she felt something heavy near her legs. Asa had his paws on her and his tail was wagging.
        "Hi Asa." Asha smiled down at him and rubbed his fur.
        "Looks like you've made a new friend." Jaison told her. That made her smile up at him as she stood up from Asa licking her hand.
       "Well I like him too." She said.  
        Jaison grabbed Asa's leash and began to walk. Asha followed his lead as they began to travel down a rocky yet solemn trial.
          "I like this trial because not many people come down here. And I can let Asa run free." Jaison said as he unhooked Asa's leash, allowing the brown dog to run free.
       "How long have you had him?" Asha said as she and Jaison fell into a comfortable stride.
         "I've known him for a year. But he's officially been mine for a few weeks." Jaison said. "He was hurt bad when I first met him at the shelter. His old family were abusers. He wouldn't let me touch him for a good while. But once he got comfortable, he began to trust."
         "Wow." Asha said and Jaison smirked at her.
        "Why'd you say that?" He asked.
       "Well....I just never thought dogs suffer from past hurts like people. I mean, I know they have feelings. But I wouldn't have thought they suffer, too."
         "Yeah. They do. It surprised me too. Ive always loved animals. My family and I had tons when I was growing up. But being a veteran, I kinda relate to them on a whole other level."
         Asa came back carrying a stick and Jaison knelt down to his level. "Good boy."
         He threw the stick and Asa happily went running after it.
       "Where did you serve?" Asha asked. "If you're comfortable with answering."
        Jaison smiled at her words. "I served two deployments in Afghanistan."
        Asha nodded her head and slowed her pace once she saw a big log in their path.
        Jaison looked at her face and laughed. "Asha, chill. I gotchu."
        Asha glanced at him and watched as he easily climbed on top of the log and held his hand out to her.
        "Asha, trust me ok."
        Asha braced herself before allowing her hands to touch his own as he helped her up. Their hands were still connected as she looked around her. Trees were just starting to have buds  and the sweet smell of the flowers greeted her.
        "Now look up." Jaison instructed and she did so, amazed at what she saw.
        Colorful birds flew back and forth from tree to tree. Never in her life had she seen so many birds before. Red cardinals, blue birds, and a host of others. It was beautiful.
        She felt Jaison starting at her face and she looked down at him. Their eyes connected for a few seconds and Asha felt something stir inside of her. And although the feeling felt good, she wasn't prepared for that. Removing her hands, she hopped down from the log.
        Jaison followed suit and he whistled for Asa, who easily maneuvered branches and and dirt to get back to his owner.
        They began walking and Jaison watched as Asa sniffed the ground and allowed his sense of smell to guide him to every tree.
        "So," he called out to Asha, who looked at him. "Tell me some things about yourself."
        Asha looked at him. "What do you want to know?"
        "What do you do?"
        "I'm a nurse."
        "Ah, I can see that. What made you want to go into that field?"
        "Well, I've always wanted to be one. When I was little my parents got my a nursing kit and I fell in love with it. I used to use my brother and sister as my patients." Asha explained, smiling as the familiar memory.
        "How many siblings do you have?"
         "Two. My brother Aaron is 24 and he's a dad. My sister Aaliyah is 22 and literally a pest."
         Jaison laughed at her description of her sister and Asha smiled at him.
        "I'm serious. Although I'm the oldest she thinks she's the boss of me. And I'm not feeling it."  Asha shook her head.
        "What about your parents? What do they say about your sister?"
        Asha's face fell a little as her mind went to her mom and dad.
        "They used to tell her to respect me. And I know that if they were still here they would see definitely have words for her."
        Jaison stopped walking and looked at her. His eyes filled with compassion.
        "I'm so sorry."
        Asha gave him a weak smile. "You didn't know. Plus- we're getting to know one another remember?"
        The pair came to a bridge and the sound of water made Asha stand on it and peer down. The water was flowing gently and loviningly across the stones.
         "If you don't mind me asking- how old were you?" Jaison said as he looked at her.
        "I was 18." She sighed, looking down at her running shoes. "And it is was so unexpected. They went out for a date night and a drunk driver hit them. I had to delay my college enrollment because I needed to take care of my sister and brother. So I did. And I know that I couldn't have done it without God's help."
        She looked at Jaison who was focused on her. She gave him a small smile and nudged his arm.
        "Sorry for the sad stuff." She said watching Asa play in the stream.
        "Dont apologize. It's refreshing to hear a woman who has actually been through some deep stuff. And I'm not trying to glorify your pain at all- but you're story is deep and I can tell you're honest." He said
        "Thank you. I honestly don't even tell people that right off the bat. But I felt like you needed to know."
        "I don't mind listening to you- at all."
         The pair continued walking and the conversation flowed easier and easier. Time flew by and soon Asha and Jaison had made it back to their start. Sitting down on a bench, Asa happily sat beside their legs.
         "How long have you been a preacher?" Asha asked.
        Jaison smiled. "I've been licensed ever since I was 20- so 7 years now."
        "That's so young. How did you know you were ready?"
        "Honesty- I didn't. But what I did know is that God kept something inside me stirring. Like it wouldn't leave me. So I talk to my pastor about what was going on and the rest is history. But I guess I can say that God kept it at the forefront of my life. Like everywhere I went I saw a sermon or someone would say to me "you know you're gonna be a pastor"...it was a wild time."
        "So you got confirmation from not only God but others around you?"
        Jaison looked at her and nodded. "Exactly. Look at you- about to inspire my next engagement."
        "Ha!" Asha sat up laughing. "This would be like the second time? Right?"
         "Actually it's the third. The other day when we were at the drug store- you helped me then too."
       "I'm glad to be of service."
        Asha looked at the time and saw that the sun was just beginning to set.
       "I better get home. But, this was very nice. Thanks for inviting me."
         "Anytime. We should do this again."
         "We should."

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