Baby, Baby, Baby

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     Long time no see huh? Don't worry, I've missed you guys too. Enjoy this short and sweet story.
     "Ok Rebecca, you can do this." Rebecca Lewis looked at herself in the mirror.
     She exhaled and looked at her wrist watch realizing that she only had thirty seconds until she had to look at the test.
     "Are you done yet?" Kayla, her 17 year old step daughter stated.
     "No, not yet." Rebecca spoke. Rebecca tapped her foot and paced around the bathroom. Looking at her wrist watch again, she knew time was up.
     Rebecca said a silent prayer before she walked over to the sink, where the test lay.
     As soon as she peered at it, Kayla burst through the door.
    "Ok, Mama." Kayla began. "Time is up." She walked over to the test. "It says that if there is one line- it's negative. And if there are two, it's positive. And from the looks of're pregnant."
     Rebecca's eyes widened when her step daughter said that. She took the test to confirm what she had said. And Kayla was right.
     "Oh my..." Rebecca said. She was shocked. Her mind instantly flooded to what her husband, Jacob, would say. They had been trying to conceive for a while- six months to be exact. But they had no luck.
     Doctors visits told Rebecca that she would be hard to conceive and time proved they were right. Doctors promoted different ways of having a child, but Rebecca wanted nothing more than to feel a child inside of her. But
     Rebecca and her husband, Jacob, prayed every night together for a baby- and now their prayers were being answered.
     Rebecca felt Kayla's arms wrap around her. "Oh Rebecca, I'm so happy. I hope it's a girl so I can spoil the heck out of her. And buy her cute little clothes. And she's gonna have the flyest stuff because we don't do knock offs." Kayla rambled. She was happy to be expecting a sibling.
     Rebecca's head swirled with thoughts. She sat down on the toilet and and looked at her step daughter.
     "Kayla...I'm excited too. But we gotta tell your father."  Rebecca spoke as she rubbed her hands through her shoulder length naturally sandy brown curly hair.
     "Ok..just tell him." Kayla shrugged.
     "No..Kayla- I want it to be special. Like we've been waiting and praying for this. I want it to be amazing."
     "Ok. I feel you." Kayla began. "What do you have in mind?"
     Rebecca shrugged. "I don't know. I'm still in shock myself."
     Kayla laughed. "Alright, listen- you go take a nap. And I'll plan up something. Dad has the late shift at the office today so it'll be fine. All things will work out."
     Rebecca nodded her head at her step daughter and the two ladies exited the bathroom that was connected to Rebecca and Jacob's room.
     Kayla shut the door behind her and Rebecca lay down. Her thoughts were full and she just needed to find some way to center herself.
     Lord, Rebecca thought as she closed her eyes, please let Kayla figure some way to tell him.
     And so she soon drifted off the sleep. Dreams of babies filled her mind and when she awoke she felt at peace.
     She checked her phone and saw that she had several missed calls and text messages. Looking at them, she saw one from her brother and the other were from her husband.
     Deciding to call Jacob back, he answered the phone on the second ring.
     "Hey baby." He answered the phone and Rebecca could hear the joy in his voice.
     "Hey husband." Rebecca spoke as she rubbed the sleep from her eye.
     "You sound like you was sleep...did I wake you?"
     "Nah, I just woke up from a nap. I was tired." Rebecca stated as she stood up and stretched.
     "You've been sleeping a lot everything ok?"
     Rebecca was now in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror and finger combing her hair. "Yeah...everything is fine baby. Maybe I've just been over doing it at the office."
     "Mhmm hmm. Anyway, I called just to see what you were doing. I miss you Mama."
     Rebecca smiled when he called her that. "I miss you too Papa."
     Rebecca heard him chuckle. "Girl, hearing your voice say that is doing some things to me right now. And I'm mad because I ain't there with you."
     Rebecca giggled. "Behave husband. I'll be here tonight when you get home."
     "Now that makes me happy. Listen, I'll see you later baby. I love you"
     "I love you too." Rebecca stated before she hung up the phone. She used the bathroom and then as she washed her hands she looked at her reflection in the mirror.
     She smiled as she noticed that her hair was growing and her skin held a warm glow to it.
     After she dried her hands she had the sudden urge to eat something sweet. As she walked downstairs and into the kitchen she opened her refrigerator and bit her lip as she saw pineapple slices that seemed to call her name.
     After taking the bowl out and sitting down, Rebecca moaned as she allowed the sweet fruit to touch her tastebuds.
     Kayla bounced down the steps with a piece of paper in her hands and a wide grin graced his face.
     "I take it that you found something." Rebecca stated as she continued to eat the pineapple slices.
    "Oh, mama I did." She sat down in front of her step mother. "I did indeed. Now listen up, and we'll get it together."

     Hours later, A very tired Jacob Lewis opened the doors to his home.
     "Kayla...Rebecca I'm home." He yelled as she shut the door behind him and walked up the stairs.
     Upon entering his room, he saw a note with rose petals on the bed. He saw his name etched on it and immediately noticed his wife's handwriting. He smirked and opened the note to read it.
So you see I'm not here. But then again I am. Walk to the place where we first met Sam.

     He furrowed his eyebrows and wondering what his wife was up too. Without thinking he walked to their back yard where Sam, their golden retriever,  met him. He was two years old and playful as ever.
     Kneeling down to pet his dog, Jacob noticed the a note was tied to his collar. After grabbing the note and opening it, he began to read.

Now, Sam came to you. Now it's you two who will find me boo. Let Sam lead the way. Because I have something to say.

     "Ok Sam." Jacob said causing the dog to look at him. "Lead me to Rebecca."
     As if Sam knew what to do, he began walking to where Rebecca would be.
     And so they went. Into the house, up the stairs, and into the library.
     And there Rebecca stood. Dressed in Jacobs favorite color, hair straightened the way he liked it, and she wore no makeup- only the glow she had. Jacob thought she was beautiful.
     Sam walked to Rebecca and she gave him his tread and rubbed his fur. He then sat in the corner eager to watch what his human parents were about to do.
     "In the library we are, yes it's true. One dog and just us two. With Kayla we are a family of three. But Papa, in nine months our family will be expanding." Rebecca stated and waiting for her husbands reaction.
      Jacobs eyes widened in realization and Rebecca smiled. He walked up to her and then his hands caressed her belly. He looked up into her eyes and Rebecca nodded her head yes.
     Jacob kissed his wife and released some tears of his own. He wasn't ashamed to be crying, because he was a happy man.
     Rebecca shed some tears of her own and kissed her husband back.
     "Where's Kayla?" Jacob asked.
     "She's with your mom for tonight. She said: I know y'all are gonna want to have adult time together." Rebecca stated remembering what Kayla told her. "She helped me plan this."
     Jacob smiled. "I believe it. She did good. And she's right. Adult time is happening." Jacob spoke as she kissed his wife and walked her to their bed room.
     "Baby, baby, baby." Jacob sang. "I got so much love in me."
      Rebecca laughed and looked at her husband. "I love you Papa."
     "I love you too Mama." He spoke as he kissed her neck. "I love you too.

I enjoyed writing this story. I really did. There's more stories coming- I promise.

With love,

Malaysia :)



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