Sister Soldier

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This story is written in first person because I want you guys to see this characters journey. Also, this story speaks of domestic violence. And if anyone reading this has been a victim and feels that this could trigger them, please don't read this. I wouldn't want any body of work that I have created to harm someone else. I love you all and God bless.

Ok, now on to the story

        I lay in bed, watching my phone light up for what seemed like the thousandth time. I knew it was Keith calling to apologize once again. I looked at the time on my alarm clock and saw that it was 7:28 am. I had hardly gotten any sleep, and was bone weary.
The sun seeped through a window, creating a warm glow in my room. Sighing, I attempted to slide of of my bed and I stopped feeling pain shoot in my abdomen. Choosing to ignore it, I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
I looked at myself in the mirror, thankful that I didn't have any marks on my face. My hands traveled down to my stomach and I slowly lifted up the tank top that I was wearing.
Tears clouded my vision as I looked at my skin. My once pecan tan skin was now black and blue. The steam in the room made me realize the shower was still on and running.
Getting into the shower, I was careful not to allow my self to wash the bruises, even though I wanted to wash them away.
The warm water felt good on my stomach though. It made it easier for me to breath.
I allowed the tears I had built up to spill over as I washed my skin. I didn't know how or understand how I had let things get this deep with Keith.
Thoughts and memories filled my mind
As I stepped under the shower head and allowed my tears to mix with the water.
I cut the water off and slowly stepped out of the shower. I dried off my skin the best I could without too much pain from my abdomen.
Ten minutes later, I had dressed myself in a loose fitting t shirt and grey sweatpants. My hair was still wet from the shower and I admire the way it curled. I looked at myself then. My hair was thick and curly, my dimples were deep and my hazel eyes once glowed. I used to see myself as beautiful. But not anymore, I just saw myself as useless.
I walked into my room and grabbed my phone from my bed. I looked at my notifications only to see that Keith had left me more messages than I could read.
I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. I knew that if I didn't respond, he'd appear. And I just wasn't tying to see him....not after last night.
Deciding to call him back, he answered on the first ring.
"I've been calling you." I heard him say in his signature raspy tone.
"I-I know Keith."
"If you know then why you ain't answer?"
"I was in the shower."
"For that long?"
"Keith I had to take my time. My stomach...." I trailed off, knowing that he knew what I was talking about.
"Shawnie. I'm sorry."
I looked down as if he could see me. I didn't say anything and allowed the tears to pool in my eyes and spill over.
"Baby I'm sorry. It won't happen again." His raspy tone spoke into the phone.
I cleared my throat before speaking. "Ok."
That was all I could say. I mean, I knew that he wouldn't to live up to his word. But something in me hoped that he would.
We hung up the phone and I sat for a few minutes, trying to control the tears that kept flowing.
Suddenly, I looked at my dresser, where I kept my Bible. Over the last month I had hardly even picked it up. But I knew that I needed it more than ever right now. Picking it up, I opened it up to a random page and saw Jeremiah 29:11 staring at me.
The tears kept flowing as I read that verse over and over, feeling something stir in my heart.
After reading my Bible, I calmed myself down because I knew I had to get to class, and I didn't want anyone to see me crying. So, I grabbed my book bag and headed out of my apartment and to car.

        The day was going smoothly and before I knew it I was done was my classes. I had just left the cafeteria and was heading to my car. I smiled at a girl from class as she passed me and I continued down the familiar path way.
My heart quickened once I saw Keith standing beside it. His eyes met mine and I looked away before looking at him. Slowing my pace, I took the time to look at him.
His brown skin was still pretty; and his deep dimples always made me smile. His six foot frame and his dark eyes once captivated me but now the only thing they bought me was pain.
His gaze was fixated on me and I looked down at my sneakers before looking back up at him.
"Here." He handed me a single red rose and I took it from him. He bought me closer to him and his hand gently went across my stomach. He tucked my hair behind my ear.
"I'm sorry, Beauty." He spoke calling me by the nickname that he'd made for me.
I forced a small smile to appear of my face. Keith smiled at me, flashing his pearly whites.
"That's my girl. I love you." He spoke with seriousness as he looked at me intently.
"I love you too." I heard myself say.
Keith kissed my forehead and stepped to the side, allowing me to enter my car.
I could feel him watching me as I drove from my parking space and off of campus. It wasn't until I was infront of my apartment that I felt as though I could breath.
Walking into my apartment, I planned to go straight to my room but stopped when I heard my roommate, Mya call my name.
"Shawnie, come here girl!" Your man is on T.V." I heard her yell.
I walked I tot he livingroom and slowly sat down, forcing a smile on my face.
"Look!" Mya spoke. "He's doing so good. You should be proud."
I looked at the T.V and watched the interviewer talk to him. With him being a very successful basketball player on our campus, people loved him. They nicknamed him the beast on the court. But they had no idea of the beast I was secretly dealing with when we were alone.
"Shawnie, what's wrong?" Mya spoke as she scooted over to me. Her hands went to my face and wiped away the tears that I didn't know were there.
"I-I'm fine." I spoke as I wiped my eyes.
"Shawnie, are you sure? Do I need to call Kei-"
"NO!" I yelled loudly. Causing my abdomen to hurt and Mya to squint her eyes at me.
"Shawnie why not? You and him are inseparable. Did something happen between you two?"
I felt the tears form again and I didn't respond. Mya took her chocolate brown hand in mine, causing me to look up at her.
"Shawnie....I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything. You know that right?" Mya searched my eyes.
I nodded my head yes and instead of saying anything, I leaned back in the chair and lifted up my shirt to show her how it looked.
Mya covered her mouth and I watched tears fill her own eyes.
" long-" She stopped herself and allowed her own tears to spill over.
"Five months." I said.
Mya wiped her tears. "I'm sorry."
I pulled down my shirt and wiped my face. "No, Mya, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. I-I don't know what to do."
Mya pulled me into a hug and I broke down. All the hurt I had been holding onto was released.
Once I was calm enough to talk to her I did. I told her everything and was glad to finally get this heavy stuff off of my chest.
"Shawnie, you can't stay with him. Not after this." Mya spoke as she pointed to my stomach.
"I know Mya." I nodded. "But I'm scared." I told her truthfully. And I was. Keith only caused fear to me now...not love.
Mya nodded her head at me in understanding before speaking. "I know. But you know that I gotchu. And anything you need."
I gave her a weak smile. "I know."
Mya extended her hands out and I grabbed them. She instructed me to bow my head and I did. As she prayed for me and my situation.
When she had finished, she hugged me once again and I lay my head in her lap as she soothingly rubbed my back and I drifted off into sleep.


I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better about everything. It was Saturday and I was glad that I didn't have class. My phone rang and I knew that it was Keith calling me. My heart quickened as I watched it ring and then stop. Seconds later a voice mail appeared from him.
Choosing to ignore it, I got into the shower and washed my body. When I was done, I wrapped my body into a towel and walked into my room.
      After getting dressed in something simple for my day, I grabbed my laptop and prepared to to my homework.
        Just as I was about to begin, the doorbell rang and I went downstairs to open the door. Looking through the peep hole, I froze as I saw Keith standing there.
I said a silent prayer that everything would go fine and I opened the door. But before I did that, I grabbed something that I needed.
Keith looked at me with an irritated look on his face. "Where you been?" He spoke as he stared at me.
"I've been busy, Keith." I replied.
He nodded his head at me and nodded his head towards my apartment. "You not gonna let me in?"
I shook my head no and Keith arched his eyebrow at me. I shut the door behind me, and stood against it with my hands behind my back.
"Beauty what's wrong?" Keith questioned. "I thought we were good."
I looked at him. "Keith, maybe you're good, but I'm not." I said.
"Why? Beauty who you been talking too?" He questioned.
"No one, Keith. I-I'm just tired of this."
"Of what?"
"The hits."
Keith looked at me and licked his lips. "Baby I told you that I was sorry."
"You said that before Keith. And I just don't believe you anymore."
"Because you've said I'm sorry before Keith. And every time you do it's followed by a hit or a punch. And Keith....I just don't want to do it anymore." I told him shaking my head at the memories that filled my mind.
Keith nodded his head at me. "So you don't wanna do us no more?"
"No...Keith. I don't. I need time for myself and I think we both need time to get ourselves together."
"Shawnie, I don't want to loose you. You willing to throw away a year together?" Keith looked at me.
        "I'm sorry, Keith. But I can't allow you to hit me anymore. I-I need help. And you need to see someone too." I spoke. "And this year with you has been good. But every time I turn around it seems like you're putting your hands on me and Keith....I refuse to be your punching bag anymore."
        Keith looked at me for a few seconds without moving. He then walked towards me and I flinched as he raised his hand.
        Keith eyes softened then. It was like he saw that I was truly afraid of him. He put his head down and I pulled the rose he'd given me from behind my back, handing it to him.
        He took the rose from me and looked at me one last time before he got into his car and leaving

Several hours later I sat in my room watching reruns of Sister, Sister. I heard a soft knock on my door and smiled once I saw Mya appearing.
She was dressed in her nursing outfit and I knew that she had just gotten done with clinicals.
She sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me. "You look happy today."
        "I am." I looked at her. "Keith came by today and I broke things off."
       "I'm happy for you." She smiled at me and I looked at my toes. "How are you?"
        "I'm ok." I shrugged. "I feel good, ya know? But I'm kinda sad too. I mean a spent a whole year with this guy. And he was my first love. It hurts, but I know I have to do it what's right for me."
        "And that's why I love you. You're strong." She hugged me.
        I hugged her back. "Thanks, kid. I love you too."
        "What are you gonna do now?" Mya asked.
        "I'm thinking about finding a Christian support group for domestic violence. I need that in my life...and I need to heal."
        She nodded her head in understanding. "I get that. And I'm always here if you need me."
        I gave her a smile and we began talking about other things. She left my room minutes later and I lay back on my pillows, replaying our conversation in my head.
        Mya was right- I was strong. I was as strong as a soldier. A sister soldier, at that.
       I knew that from this point on, things would get better.


Although this was an inspirational story and a work of fiction, know that the Domestic Violence hotline is available 24/7. The number is 1-800-799-7233

Fun fact: I started this story when I was in eighth grade and I recently found the old notebook I had began it in. So, I decided to finish it and share it with y'all. What did you think of the characters?

Also, this book is about black love. Sometimes the deepest form of love is self love. Know yourself, know your worth.

With love,


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