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        She watched him as he traced circles on her thigh and he watched her as she looked at him. Blushing, she put her hand on his chest and sat up from the bed.
        Getting out of the bed, she stood up and and stretched her body. The t-shirt and shorts she wore slightly rose when she did so, which caused Khalil to watch her movements.
        Nala looked back at Khalil once she felt his gaze and he winked at her before pausing the movie. The pair was having a movie night and they decided to watch ATL. It was Khalil's favorite. And since he was from Atlanta, it was a staple movie for him.
        Nala felt him wrap his arm around her waist and he put his head in the crook of her neck. They both stared out of his bedroom window, which showed the starry night of the South Carolina sky.
        "What are you thinking about?" He asked her.
        Nala ran her hands through her curly hair and let out a breath. "I'm thinking that I need to go."
        Letting her go and turning her around, Khalil searched her hazel-green eyes.
        "Why?" He asked.
        Nala looked at him. "I-I just feel as though I need to leave. Before things get too heated between us." She said as she looked down at her olive green colored toes.
        He used his index finger to lift her chin. "You don't trust me?"
        Nala smiled a little at his gesture. "No, it's not you, K. It's me. I'm just tryna do right."
        Khalil licked his lips. "I respect that. And if you wanna go, I'll take you home."
         Nala nodded her head and proceeded to grab her things. Khalil put on his shoes on and grabbed his keys. He helped Nala into her jacket and they walked out of his apartment.
        Fifteen minutes later he stopped infront of her own apartment. He parked the car and faced her.
       "I'll see you later?" He asked, searching her eyes.
        Nala nodded her head yes. "Yeah." She spoke and closed her eyes as she felt him kiss her forehead.
        Khalil made sure that she was inside of her apartment building before he drove away. Yet instead of going straight to his home, he drove to a place where he knew that he could get some type of advice.
        After pulling up infront of his mentor's home, Khalil got out of his truck and knocked on the door. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 9:18, and he prayed that his mentor would open the door.
        Seconds later, Khalil's prayer was answered and the door swung open revealing his mentor. The tall dark man dapped the younger man up. Although they were only 3 years apart, Khalil greatly respected him like he was his own father. Yet in public, many mistook them for brothers as they were both tall and dark skinned.
       After entering his home, Khalil walked with  him into the living room and saw down on the familiar couches.
        "I'm glad you're up, Josh." Khalil spoke and his mentor could sense the urgency in his voice.
        "Aight so what's up? Is it your studies or is it something else?" Josh asked as he looked at his mentee.
        Khalil sighed and indeed wished that it was his school work. He could easily fix that- study harder or go to one of his tutors on campus. But he couldn't fix this.
        "It's Nala." He said as he leaned his whole frame back against the couch.
        "The girl I've been hearing about? I thought she was a good one?" Josh asked as he looked at Khalil.
        "She is J. She honestly is. But the thing is, I think she's scared to be alone with me."
        "What do you mean?"
        "Like....just chilling. I just took her home because she was scared that things between us would get too deep between us. And I respect her morals and values. And I've told her that. Yet she keeps running."
        Josh nodded his head as he listened to Khalil. He could tell that Khalil had strong feelings for Nala.
        "I respect that. But to be honest Khalil, I think you should show her instead of telling her. Show her that you got her."
        Khalil nodded his head in understanding. He and Josh talked for a few minutes before he  left and went to his apartment.  That night, Khalil prayed for wisdom and understanding.

        A couple of days later, Nala sat in the hospital cafeteria with her friend, Jaliyah. Both women were nurses but they worked within different departments, so lunch was the only time they saw one another. As she was expressing her feelings to her friend, but she could tell that her friends attention was ok something else.
        "Jaliyah, are you even listening to me?" Nala asked as she put her fork down.
        Jaliyah's gaze went back to her friend and she gave her a cheeky grin.
       "Yeah. I was listening to you. But that fine behind Devin caught my attention. He's gorgeous."
        Nala stale faced her and Jaliyah laughed. "Ok chill." Jaliyah put her hands the the surrender position. "I  was listening to you. You said that you don't wanna mess things up with Khalil because you really like him but you don't want it to end like your last relationship did." She said matter of factly as she ate a French fry.
        Nala laughed. "Ok. So you were listening. First- you need to talk to Devin. All the other nurses want him so go ahead and talk to
Him. But secondly yeah- I don't. With J.D everything was based off of sex. And that led to a lot of our problems. And I realized that I wanted him more for that than for anything else. But Jaliyah, ever since I got saved....I've been tryna do right."
        Jaliyah nodded her head in understanding. "And that's why I respect you. You've been doing good with God and I love that. But don't be too scared. God's got you."
        "I know he does. I'm just scared though."
        "Don't be. He's a good one, Nala. I mean what senior in college has time for a girlfriend? And he takes good care of you! Nala the Lioness, don't let fear stop you from being with him."
        Nala smiled at her friend and the nicknames she had given her. Hearing the nickname made Nala touch her long curly braid that reached the middle of her back. It was because of her light skin and naturally brown curly mane that Jaliyah gave her the nickname.
        Looking at Jaliyah, Nala reached over and hugged her. "Thank you. I need to talk to him though."
        "Has he been dogging you?"
        "No. Not at all. We text and he calls me every night. It's just that I haven't seen him."
        "You should see him then. Let him know you're still living."
        Nala smiled at her friend and took a bite of her salad. Once she and Jaliyah finished their lunch, Nala got back to work.
        She was a nurse and specialized with the elderly. She loved her job. Hearing the wisdom the elderly spoke and seeing them get well was her favorite thing.
        As she rounded the corner she walked into Mrs. Gerald's room, where she knew she was having her weekly treatment.
        Mrs. Gerald's eyes brightened once she saw Nala enter the room.
        "Well hello dear. How are you today?" Mrs. Gerald smiled.
        "I'm good, Mrs. Gerald. How are you?"
        The older lady slightly shrug her shoulders. "I'm doing alright."
        "That's good to hear." Nala said as she stooped down tot he older lady's level and the two began their weekly conversation. It was something she did every week with her, and she loved it. Yet by conversing with Mrs. Gerald, Nala had broken one of her rules- which was to never get close to any patient she worked with.
       But with her kind heart and Mrs. Gerald's gentleness- it was often hard to get the two to separate from one another when they were together.
        An hour later, Mrs. Gerald was done with her treatment and Nala walked her out to the waiting room where she knew that her husband would be waiting.
        As Mrs. Gerald took her husbands arm, she grabbed Nala's hand and squeezed it, causing Nala to look at her.
        "Oh. And as for that boy- he's a good one Nala. And don't let fear keep you from someone you care about."
        Nala looked at the older lady with questioning eyes and Mrs. Gerald only smiled. "I know you didn't tell me. But I know because I've been there darling. See this fine man here? I was scared but I took that risk and trusted in God. Keep your head high sweetheart."
        Nala only nodded her head yes in understanding and waved goodbye to her.

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