Seasons of Change (II)

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Hello people! Here is part two. There are some time jumps so don't be alarmed. Ok. Now enjoy the story!


     Grace ran through the double doors of the hospital and immediately saw Hakeem. She ran up and hugged him. He hugged her back, breaking down in tears.
        She rubbed his back, and let out some tears of her own. Getting a phone call at three in the morning made her heart stop. Her tears were filled with relief and remorse. Relief because she was able to have Hakeem holding her, and remorse because he'd lost his best friend.
        The pair sat down and Grace allowed him to let loose all that he was feeling. And Hakeem did just that.
         They stayed at the hospital for several hours before coming to her apartment.
        Hakeem was quiet as he cut the shower on and got inside. Grace knew that he was hurting, so she allowed him to have as much space as he needed.
        She decided to make herself some tea as she looked out of her window. Her mind was racing with thoughts, so she decided to pray.
        As she prayed, her heart was heavy. And she couldn't stop the tears came as she thought about the events that had just transpired. As she finished praying, the sound of footsteps coming her was is what made her look up. She gave a faint smile to Hakeem, who returned it.
        He walked over to her and hugged her. He tilted her head up with his index fingers and wiped her tears away.
         "Baby I don't like to see you cry." Hakeem said.
        "I can't help it right now." Grace said as she let some more tears fall.  Hakeem kissed her forehead and hugged her.
        The sound of her tea pot whistling made her realize that it was still on. Removing herself from his arms, she poured herself a cup and looked at him.
        "I'm gonna be up for a while. You should try and sleep." Grace said.
        Hakeem nodded his head. He was truly tired, and he wanted to sleep. He went into the bedroom and got into her bed. He inhaled her familiar warm scent and soon drifted off into sleep.

        A few months  had passed since Jazz's funeral and Hakeem had cleaned out his best friends home for him. Jazz didn't have much family- his mom had died giving birth to him and he was raised by his grandmother, who had passed away a few years ago.
        As he cleaned out his best friends stuff, his mind roamed to the last conversation they'd had. He was glad that Jazz had found his faith.
        As we was done with the last box, he accidentally bumped his foot against the desk. Yelling out, Hakeem bent down inspected his foot. As he did that, he saw a neatly folded envelope with his name on the floor. He grabbed it and sat down in the desk chair opening the letter.
       As he began to read the letter, he couldn't believe what he was reading.


If you're reading this- that means that I've gone on home to a better place. I can't say what it truly is logically because as I'm writing this I still have breath in my body.

I'm writing you this letter to tell you not to grieve to hard over me. I know I'm your best friend and you're mine. But please- understand that I'm alright.

See, I'm a peace with my leaving you. I was dreaming the other night and God showed me and told me that my time was coming. And surprisingly, it wasn't hard to accept that.

I've been getting everything in order for you- down to who's gonna take over for me. I know it's not you- and to be honest I'm glad it's not.

Hakeem, you're way to good for this lifestyle. Not saying you're better than me (lol), but you're special on this earth. This earth is cruel but you aren't. You are light, Hakeem.

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