Teenage Love Affair

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     Kareem looked at Adrianne, and she looked at him. They seemed to stare at one another for what felt like eternity, but in reality was a few seconds.
    Fighting the urge to run up to him and caress his face, Adrianne walked passed him and his friends. Instead she focused her attention on her friend, TJ who was beside her as they walked inside of the dining hall. The two sophomores in college had just come back from summer break and were happy to see one another again.
     "Adrianne, I see the way he's looking at you. And they way you're looking at him." TJ smirked.
     Adrianne rolled her eyes. "Yeah? Well, that's all it's gonna be from now on- just staring.
     TJ looked taken back as they ventured into the fast food line. "Wait....hold up. Did I miss something here?"
     Adrianne grabbed a plate of fries before answering. "Yeah."
     TJ arched his eyebrow at his best friend. "Do I need to pay homeboy a visit? Cuz you know I will whoop his-"
     "TJ, no." Adrianne spoke. Although his gesture made her smile. "Listen, lets have a seat and I'll explain."
     The pair grabbed the rest of their food and drinks and headed towards their favorite spot in the dining hall. Once seated and after saying grace, TJ waited for Adrianne to explain.
     "So you know how me and him have been kickin' it this summer right?" Adrianne spoke as she ate a fry. TJ nodded his head, remembering all the stories she told him. Well, we both agreed to keep 'us' private until we were ready to let everyone know. And I understand where he's coming from, but TJ he acts as if he doesn't even know me." Adrianne confessed. Sure, she and him had both agreed to be low key, but she didn't think that it would end up being non existent.
     TJ could tell that it was really bothering his best friend. "A, you need to talk to him."
     Adrianne took a sip of her sprite. "See, that's the thing. We usually go for a drive a night and I asked him about it. He just shrugged and was like 'we agreed to keep it low key blah blah blah'. So now, I'm just questioning if it wasn't supposed to be more than just a summer romance."
     TJ shook his head. "Adrianne I don't think so. That boy has been after you since freshman year. He had way to much time on his hands to be walking through where we studied- everyday. That boy likes you, and like I told you last year- y'all just got this connection." He shrugged.
     Adrianne knew that he was right. It was something about Kareem that drew them to one another. They hung out in different cliques and from first glance you wouldn't think them to ever come in contact. Yet they had, and it was hard for her to let it go.
     "Y'all gonna be alright. Some things just take time. But he gotta see how you feel though- and trust me he will. You know all these dudes be all over you. I can name 6 right now." TJ joked, making her smile. Although he was playing, he was also serious. He had always seen how guys looked at Adrianne, yet she never payed them any mind.
      The pair finished eating and they went to throw their dirty plates on the conveyor. As they left, Adrianne heard someone call her name as well as TJ's.
     Turning to where it came from she saw that it was Tammie, a girl who sat at the table with Kareem.She smiled politely and waved TJ and Adrianne over to them.
     TJ led the way and Adrianne followed. They smiled at everyone and waved. Everyone spoke back and Adrianne could feel Kareem looking at her.
     "Where y'all two been?" Tammie asked. She sat next to Kareem, who was relaxed in his seat.
     TJ shrugged. "Here and there- you know how it is." He spoke.
     Adrianne nodded her head in agreement and turned her attention to Malik, who had called her name.
      When she walked over to him, he stood up and embraced her in a hug, surprising her. By now, Kareem had sat up casually talking with TJ. But his attention was elsewhere.
     "It's good to see you. You look nice." Malik smiled at Adrienne.
     Adrianne, being friendly, smiled back. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself. How was your summer?"
     "It was good. Real good." Malik smiled, licking his lips at her. Adrianne cringed internally, knowing that he was flirting with her.  Even though she was mad at Kareem, she wasn't gonna flirt with someone else. That was petty and petty just wasn't her style.
     She gave him a friendly smile and simply nodded her head. She checked her watch and told him that she had to get to the library. She and TJ waved goodbye to the group and they both went to their dormitory across the street. They were glad that they were staying in the same building.
     The pair took the elevator to the third floor where TJ lived. TJ was a RA this year and was glad to have a room all to himself.
     "Adrianne, Kareem was stating you down." TJ spoke as he sat on his bed.
     Adrianne sat next to him. "I know....but I don't care."
     "I think you do and you know it." TJ spoke.
      Instead of responding, Adrianne stood up and walked over to the window. She folded her arms as she tapped her foot in thought. After a few minutes she looked at her best friend.
     "Ok....you're right. I do care."
     "Told you."
     "But I'm only doing this to show him what's up. I don't like being petty but I want him to see how I feel. I'm a grown woman and I don't play games like a child."
     TJ smiled at her, knowing that she was gonna be fine. "Ok Adrianne. I just want you to know that I think everything will be alright. Just don't do nothing crazy."
     She shook her friend. "I won't. You know I don't get down like that."
     TJ nodded his head. Adrianne grabbed her phone and headed towards his door. "I'm gonna see you later. I have to go to the library- foreal."
     Just before she had shut his door, TJ called her name. She looked back at him with questioning eyes.
     "Pray about it. God has you." He spoke. "Now go, Bria is coming over and you know how I love to see her." He wiggled his eyebrows.
     Adrianne smiled and laughed at his silliness. "Ok, I will- and thanks."
     He winked at her playfully and Adrianne shut his door. She took the elevator to the base floor and as she was walking out, Kareem and his crew were walking in.
     They made eye contact for a few seconds and Adrianne looked away. Choosing to shake thoughts of him, she continued on the five minute journey to the library.
     Once she entered the library, found a cubicle and began working. She was an education major and had a report due in several weeks. She wanted to get a head start on it and wanted to keep up with her assignments.
     Hours later she was done, and frowned when she checked the time. Night had fallen, and since it was the beginning of the school year- there wasn't that many people in the library.
     Once she had gathered her things, she stood up and walked outside the library heading back to her dorm.
     The late August air was warm and it felt good against her skin. She stopped when she felt a breeze of air that made her smile.
       "You shouldn't be our here by yourself." She heard someone say as they stood beside her. She jumped a little- from being startled but quickly regained her composure a she recognized who was talking.
     "I'm fine- I can handle myself." She said as she began walking. She could feel Kareem eying her as he followed.
     His stride soon matched hers. "Adrianne." He called our to her. Choosing to ignore him, Adrianne kept walking, but stopped when she felt him grab her hand.
       "What?" She turned to him.
       "Can we talk?" He asked, looking at her intently.
       His gaze was deep. It was so deep that it made Adrianne look down at her sandals. Looking back up at him, she nodded her head yes.
       Kareem grabbed her hand and he led her to his car. He opened the door for her and after she got in, he shut her door before getting in the drivers side.
       Kareem started the engine and glanced at a silent Adrianne before backing out of the parking lot. He drove for five minutes before he stopped at an empty field.
      He cut the engine off, but his iPhone was still plugged up and Dru Hill played silently in the background. Over the summer, Adrianne had got him hooked on 90's R&B- and Dru Hill was his favorite.
     Adrianne still looked out of the window, but turned to face him when he called her name. He stared at her features before speaking. The light from the moon made her chocolate skin glow and her eyes sparkle behind her glasses. Adrianne took in his as well- his brown skin shining and handsome features pulling at her heart strings.
       Finally, Kareem spoke.
      "Adrianne, I'm sorry." He stated and Adrianne looked down before looking back at him. "I'm sorry for making you feel like I didn't care....because I do."
     "Do you? Because you acting like you don't know me is for the birds Kareeem."
     "Baby we both agreed to keep this low key..." Kareem trailed off.
     Adrianne rolled her eyes. "You're right. We did." She looked at him. "And to be honest...it has me questioning a lot of stuff."
       Kareem's heart skipped a beat. "What stuff?"
       "Us." Adrianne spoke barely above a whisper, but it's effect was so loud that it seemed to echo in the car.
       Feeling that the car had suddenly shrunk, Adrianne got out and shut the door. She pressed her back up against the door and looked up at the starry sky. In that moment, she said a silent prayer.
     Hearing his door shut, Adrianne was soon met with the six foot frame of Kareem.
       He stood in front of her and held her hands. "Adrianne, talk to me."
       Adrianne looked down before looking at him and speaking. "I'm questioning us. Kareem, when you acted like you didn't wanna acknowledge me....it had me feeling like I had wasted my time. I mean- we talked everyday this summer. We saw each other other weekend, and we shared some deep stuff with one another. And yeah- we both agreed to keep things low key.....I get it. But Kareem I don't wanna feel like I'm only good enough to talk to you at night- like some booty call. I'm grown- and I do not intend on playing games." She finished. Her finger poked his chest with every word she said.
       "Adrianne, I'm not playing with you- at all. I've never felt this way about a girl before. I'm about to be real- you got me sprung. Since the first day I laid eyes on you, I knew you were different. You made me chase you- something I've been never had to do before. And over this summer....you've made me fall in love with you." He said, causing Adrianne to look up at him in surprise.
       "I fell in love with you not because of your physical but your mental. Adrianne, you made me want to be a better person. You made me seek God and find Him. Adrianne, I'm not giving up on us. I love you and only you." He told her honestly. Kareem didn't just open up and when he did- he meant it.
       Feeling the tears well up in her eyes, Adrianne looked down. She was a lost for words. Never in her nineteen years of life had someone professed their love for her.
       Kareem lifted her chin up and wiped her tears. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
       "I love you Adrianne Davis."
       "I love you too, Kareem Washington." Adrianne spoke truthfully. She had indeed fallen for him.
       He kissed her lips tenderly and the pair got into his car. The drove back to campus and when they arrived to their dorm, they walked hand in hand down the hall. They lived on the second floor as did many of their friends.
       As Kareem walked Adrianne to her room, TJ and another RA were walking around- doing their nighttime residential walk throughs. TJ dapped Kareem up and then winked at Adrianne, mouthing "I-told-you-so".
     Adrianne shook her head and continued down the hall with Kareem. As they turned the corner, Malik was coming out of his room. He looked between the pair curiously and Kareem wrapped his arm around Adrianne's waist and gave Malik a head nod.
       They stopped in front of Adrianne's dorm and Kareem looked at her.
       "You know, when you were mad about me I was thinking about something." He said.
       "What?" Adrianne asked as she folded her arms across her chest.
       "You know the other day I was listening to Teenage Love Affair...by Alicia Keyes. And it made me think of us. I mean- were in college, both 19, and was a love affair." Kareem smiled.
       Adrianne smirked. "I guess I can agree to that."
       "And at the end of the video- she came to his door."
       "But you're at mine." Adrianne interjected.
       Kareem only smiled at her, grabbing her hand. "You're tempting...but I'm gonna go. Ya boy has a report to write." He spoke before kissing her hand.
       He winked at her and kissed her forehead before walking down the hallway to his room. Adrianne blushed and opened the door to we room. She shut the door and pressed her back against the back of the door- deciding that Kareem was right- they were indeed in a teenage love affair.

Adrianne and Kareem.....I enjoyed writing about them. It was something special about them. What did y'all think?

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With love,

Malaysia :)

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