From A Sunset, To A Sunshine

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        Kimberly Banks carefully stepped out of the car. She felt the cool crisp October air brush against her face as the leaves blew gently. Shutting her door, she walked to the backseat to where the new edition to their family lay sleeping in her car seat. Her mother cut off the engine and went to the other side of the car, grabbing as many bags as she could carry.
        Unbuckling the car seat, Kimberly carefully lifted it and walked towards her grandparents home. She admired the spacious one story home. It was where she had grown up at, and where she had some of her most precious memories.
        The spacious front yard was decorated in the leaves that had fallen. As she got closer to the home, she saw figure standing on the porch with her hands on her hips and an apron tied around her waist.
        That's got to be my grandma, Kimberly thought as she neared the figure. As she got closer, she saw that it was indeed her grandmother. Although she was 75, the older lady seemed to have not been more that 55. Her smooth light skin was accented with warmth as she smiled down on her oldest grandchild and her first great granddaughter.
        Kimberly felt her grandmothers soft arms wrap around her as she pulled her into a hug.
        "It's so good to see you, sweet child." She stroked the brown face of Kimberly. Kimberly only smiled as she tried her best to control her own tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.
        Allowing her grandmother to lead her in the house, she was met with the smiling faces of her many family members. Though various shades of black and brown, she felt the warmth in the room from her family. She saw her brother and his wife, her sister, and her various aunts and uncles.
        After greeting everyone, Kimberly sat in the middle of the room on the ottoman. She exhaled as she finally was able to let her feet rest.
       "That baby sure does have a head full of hair." Her mom said peering down at the child. She took her out of the car seat and admired her grandchild. The baby squirmed and Kimberly took her from her mother's arms. She looked down at her baby girl, whose eyes wide open and her head full of jet black loose curls.
        She saw her mother looking at her and began to smile. Kimberly's  grandmother noticed the action and looked at her grand daughter.
        "Kim, that baby knows who you are." She said as she sat in her rocking chair.
        Kimberly smiled faintly at her grandmothers remarks. She looked at her smiling child, who had captivated her already. Just a few days ago this tiny human was still inside of her. And now she was here- a real person.
        The infant yawned and closed her eyes. Kim looked at the child once more and got up to feed her child.
        "Be careful, Kimmy." Her mom said following her. "You just had this baby three days ago."
        "Mama I'm ok." Kimberly assured her mom. "I'm sore, but I'm ok."
        Walking into the room her grandmother had fixed for her, Kim sat down slowly on the bed and lifted her shirt. The baby latched on easily and fed with her finger gripped around her moms. As she fed her, Kimberly admired how rich her brown skin was. It was baby smooth, and Kimberly loved every inch of its newness.
        When he was done, Kimberly lifted the child's head and kissed her nose before putting her on her shoulder to burp her. When she did, she rubbed soft circles on her back and admired soon knew that she was sleeping.
        The door opened and Kimberly saw her little cousin,  Jordan walk in. The six year old child peered curiously at the new edition to their family.
        "Hey, Kim." Jordan sat beside her. "What is your baby's name?" She tilted her head to the side, her pink beads dangling.
        "Her name is Anayah." Kimberly said as she adjusted the sleeping baby so her little cousin could look at her.
        The baby yawned and rested comfortably in her mother's arms.
        "I like that name. Anayah is very pretty. Her hair is curly. When can I hold her?" Jordan rattled off her tongue. Kimberly smiled at her curiousness.
        "When she gets a little bigger, ok?" Kimberly assured her.
        Jordan nodded her head and smiled, showcasing her deep dimples. The door opened once more and Kimberly's mom peeked her head through the door.
        "Jordan, leave those two alone. Come out and help me fix the macaroni and cheese." She said. Hearing the current task, Jordan excitedly ran to her great aunt.
        Once the door was shut, Kimberly adjusted herself on the bed. She held the baby in her arms as she was careful to lie down with the child resting comfortably on her stomach.
        She looked around the room: the brown walls were covered with her old stickers and posters from when she was in high school.
          Her grandmother had done some redecorating and added a new dresser and bed. Kimberly had missed her room, but she certainly didn't expect to be back under such circumstances.
          Knocked out of her thoughts by the tiny person on her stomach yawning, she gave her a faint smile before mimicking her actions. Suddenly feeling the business of the last few days rush on her, Kimberly gently pulled the blanket her body, making sure to cover up Anayah's arms and legs.
        Feeling her eyes grow heavy, she made sure to keep her baby tucked and she placed her arms around her protectively.

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