Impressions of the Heart (I)

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This story is based off true events....

I hope you enjoy!

        Sianna Jones had just checked into her hotel room when her phone buzzed. She looked at the caller ID and pressed the green button to answer the call.
        "Hey Ma." She said as she sat down on the neat hotel bed.
         "Hey. You made it ok?" Her mother asked.
       Sianna nodded as though her mother could see her. "Yes ma'am. I just checked and and I just got finished checking for anything that shouldn't be here." She said as she checked to make sure her sheets were clean.
        "I don't blame you. But please tell Jeremy I said hello. Also have fun. But don't let his family try to intimidate you."
       Sianna listened to her mother's words with humor and admiration. She was going to her boyfriend's graduation. He had just graduated law school and she was happy to be there to support him. It would also be the first time she'd meet his family. And although she was nervous, she felt comfortable in herself and that God would guide her.
        "I will Mama and I won't. I hope no one pops off crazy. But I got you in me so I'll be fine." She said.
        Sianna and her mother talked for a few more minutes before she hung up the phone. She sighed in relief and joy as she looked around her hotel. It was upscale and very nice. A balcony was attached to her room and although she was only going to be there for one night, she definitely wanted to utilize it.
        Looking at her time, she knew she needed to start getting ready. Cutting on some music, she took a quick shower before getting out and starting her makeup look for the day.
       Sianna grabbed her foundation, concealer, eyeshadow and other things she knew she'd need to beat her face. Deciding on a soft natural look, she did so. And when she was done- she smiled at her self in appreciation.
         Bobbing her head to Bobby Brown's My Prerogative , she went to her suitcase and pulled out the dress that she knew she wanted to wear. Careful not the mess up her make up, she slid the soft fabric over her head before looking at herself in the mirror.
        Her dress was a golden yellow that stopped at her ankles. It was simple, but because it had tiers in it, it flowed out easily gliding behind her as she walked. She thought it looked radiant against her cocoa brown skin. The soft browns of her eyeshadow made her eyes stand out and she knew that she looked good. Continuing her earth tone look, she put her wooden hoops in her ears. On her feet were brown wedges that made her five foot frame look much taller than what she was.
        She had her hair done in a slick back ponytail that hung down her back. After spraying glosser on it, she applied her lipgloss before exiting the bathroom to grab her clutch.
        When Sianna arrived to the convention center, her phone rang. She smiled seeing that it was her boyfriend and she quickly answered it.
        "Hi Jeremy." She smiled into the phone, putting her car in park.
       "Hey baby. So, my sister Giana is coming your way now."
        Sianna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.  "Wait- what?"
        She heard his deep voice chuckle. "Baby, my sister is gonna sit with you at the graduation. After I told her you were coming- she insisted that she sit with you. And I didn't want you sitting alone."
       "Baby," Sianna said as she cut the engine and exited her car. "Is she ok with that? I don't wanna take her away from y'all's family."
        "Trust me. She's fine with it. They get on her nerves anyway. But that's tea I'll tell you about later." 
        She couldn't control her laughter. "Ok. Bet. What does your sister have on?"
        "She has on red, I think." He said. "You'll see here before you hear her. I gotta go baby. But I'll see you shortly."
        They hung up the phone and Sianna started walking to her destination. After scanning her ticket and walking towards her designated seat, she heard someone call her name.
        "Sianna!" The chipper voice called boldly. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned and was met with the smiling face of a woman about her height.
        "You must be Giana?" Sianna asked and Gianna smiled brightly.
        "That's right." Gaina smiled. "Man, my brother is right- you are so beautiful, love."
       Sianna blushed. "Thank you. You're stunning." She complimented her. She looked over her frame and knew that she had all the men drooling over her. Giana's honey brown complexion was clear and her hazel eyes shined brightly. Giana could tell that she was pure in heart and felt comfortable in her presence.
        "Aw thanks. But come on, let's find our seats." She said as she grabbed Sianna by her arm.
        Soon, the ladies found their seats and chatted easily with one another. Sianna found that they had many things in common, but the one thing that stood out was their shared love for singing.
        "Ya man told me that you can sing." Giana winked at a blushing Sianna. "He told me that you guys met at church." She said and watched as Sianna's eyes light up at the mention of her brother.
        "Oh yes. I had sang on the worship team for that Sunday and it was my first time leading a song. I was super nervous. But afterwards- so many people congratulated me. And Jeremy happened to be one of them." She said remembering how Jeremy had complimented her which ended up in a thirty minute conversation outside in the church parking lot.
        They talked until the ceremony started and Sianna was eager to see her man walk across the stage. When she did, she couldn't help but to yell his name loudly as she and Giana cheered.
        When the ceremony was over, Giana led Sianna to Jeremy, who was busy dapping up some of his friends who he'd met in law school. When he saw Sianna, his smile faltered as he fixed his gaze on her lovingly. Man she's gorgeous, he thought as he cleared his throat.
        Sianna blushed under his gaze and admired the man before her. His six foot frame was light skinned and his hazel eyes were the same as his sisters. Although he looked tired, she could see the joy in his eyes.
        He stepped to her and immediately took her hand before facing his family.
        "Everyone. This is Sianna, my girlfriend." Jeremy introduced her. He was slightly nervous but hid it as he watched Giana wink at him.
       "It's about time you brung her around. It's about time we see who got you smiling!" His Uncle Leroy yelled, causing the family to laugh and many to greet Sianna with smiles.
        Sianna soon felt comfortable enough as she met Jeremy's family. She took pictures of him with his family and although everyone was there for Jeremy, she felt on cloud nine as he kept her close to him, telling her who's who. As she watched him love on his family, something inside of her heart swelled.
        "Aight JJ." Giana called to her brother. "I'm ready to eat. Let's get out of here."
        Jeremy nodded and soon told his family that it was time for them to get to the restaurant they had reservations at.
        "I'll meet you there." Sianna told Jeremy and he shook his head.
        "Nah, Ima ride with you. GG, take me keys." Jeremy told Giana as he tossed her the keys.
        Sianna nodded as Jeremy held her hand as he walked with her to her car. When they were farther from his family, Jeremy nudged her gently.
        "So..." he dragged out, looking down at her short frame.
        "Soooo." Sianna mimicked causing a laugh to escape from Jeremy's lips.
        "How do you like my family?" He asked once they reached her car.
        "I like them." She smiled at him as she entered the drivers seat. "Your grandma was quiet though."
       "Wait until dinner. She'll talk then. Probably gonna tell all of my childhood business."
        She couldn't help but to laugh as she started the car and back out of the parking spot. She glanced at her phone gps as it told her to turn left.
        "Isn't your mom coming?" Sianna glanced at him.
        Jeremy sighed. "Yeah. She wanted to be at my graduation but the people at her halfway house wouldn't let her come. She was so hurt she missed it. But her counselor let her live stream it. I'm just glad she's coming to dinner." He said and Sianna smiled hearing him talk about his mom. She knew that their relationship hadn't been easy, but she knew that they loved one another deeply.
        When they arrived to the restaurant, the waiter led them back to the room reserved for Jeremy's family. The table was round and Sianna knew it could fit at least fifteen people.
        As people filed  into the room, Sianna noticed Gianna and a woman who looked like the older version of her walking beside her.
        She watched as Jeremy got up and hugged the lady. Sianna knew then that it was his mother. He grabbed her hand and looked  towards Sianna whispering a few words to his mother.
        Sianna looked down at her hands and felt her pulse began to run quickly. I'm about to meet his mom, she thought as she heard him call her name.
        Standing from her seat, she felt Jeremy grab her hand and he squeezed it lightly- looking at her with reassuring eyes.
       "Mom, this is my girlfriend Sianna. Sianna, this is my mom." Jeremy introduced the two.
        Sianna watched as the older lady gave her a wide smile.
       "It's so nice to meet you. My son has said so much about you. And now I see why. You are one pretty thang." She said as she hugged her. Sianna hugged her back and said a silent prayer of thanks to God.
        Sitting down at the table, Sianna was seated beside Jeremy. Beside him was his mother and Giana sat beside Sianna, who was grateful to have some company.
        The night went on and the vibe was well. As Sianna and Giana were eating and talking about what music they'd like to sing at their churches, a cleared throat made Sianna look forward.
        The piercing gaze of Jeremy's grandmother stared back at her. Sianna looked at the pearls on her neck and swore they were blinding her.
       "So, you're Sianna?" The older lady asked and Sianna nodded.
       "Yes ma'am."
        "Hmm." The lady asked as she sipped her tea. "I see. How long have you and my Jeremy been dating?"
        "For about five months." Sianna said as she glanced as Jeremy who grabbed her hand under the table.
       "I see. Well, can you tell me about your home life?"
        Sianna nodded. "Sure. I was raised by a single parent- my mom. My sister and I are better because of it though."
        "Ah, now I see. You never had a man to raise you and now you want my grandson to take care of you?"
         It seemed as if the whole table got quiet when those words came from Jeremy's grandmother. Sianna furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to process what the older lady had said to her.
      "Excuse me?" Sianna cleared her throat.
       "I can see right through you." His grandmother smirked. "You only want my grandson because he is on his way to success. While you- being raised from nothing- is trying to latch into that like a leech."
        "Grandma. That's uncalled for." Giana said through clenched teeth and Sianna removed her hand from Jeremy's.
        "What? I'm just telling the truth." His grandmother shrugged as she ate some of her food.
        Sianna stood up, and Jeremy followed suit.
        "I'm gonna go Jeremy." She looked at him.
        "Yes, please go." His grandmother snorted.
       Sianna looked at the older woman and saw the anger in her eyes. But something in her wouldn't let her just leave without setting this woman straight. Elder or not, she wouldn't take anyone disrespecting her mother or her upbringing.
        "Ma'am, I'm gonna say this to you- you don't know anything about me or how I was raised. Yes, my mother was a single parent. But by God's grace- she worked hard and has passed her strength to my sister and me. We work hard for what we have. And I won't let anyone disrespect that." She finished. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she wouldn't let them fall...not here anyway.
        "You all have a great night." She told everyone before exiting the room.
        As she rounded the corner to the entrance of the restaurant, the sound of footsteps behind her caused her to speed up her pace.
        "Baby." She heard Jeremy's deep voice call out. She didn't stop walking until she made it to her car. When she faced him, She couldn't help the tears that fell from her eyes.
        Jeremy wiped her tears, not caring that her foundation was getting on his hands.
        "I'm so sorry." Jeremy said as he searched her eyes. He could tell that she was wounded.
        "Jeremy it wasn't your fault." Sianna said. "Go back to your family. I need to digest this." She said and Jeremy reluctantly nodded.
        It took everything in him to move away from her car. He wanted to make everything better. But he knew that she needed her space at the moment.
        He watched until her car drove away before going back into the restaurant to fix what his grandmother had broken


Sheesh....Jeremy's grandma is something else, right?

Part II is on the way.

With love,


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