Shoot Your Shot- For Love

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     Tori looked at the clock and saw that she only had one minute until he came.
     She tapped her foot anxiously, waiting for him to come walking through the door.
     As soon as the bell rang signaling that someone had come in, Tori raced towards the back.
     Her friend Ashley was up front today, so she would be taking his order.
     Peeking around the corner and sure that he wouldn't see her, Tori observed him. His dark chocolate skin, deep brown eyes, and neat beard is what drew her to him. But it was his smile that always made her heart leap.
     She jumped as she felt someone tap her. Looking up from her crouched position, she saw Ashley looking down at her.
     "Girl, you're gonna miss your blessing." Ashley shook her head at her friend.
     Standing up, Tori looked at her. "Ashley-what?"
     "You heard me. You're gonna miss your blessing."
     Ashley walked to the front of the fast food restaurant. Both girls worked there and enjoyed it. But they had college to look forward to in several months and was glad that fast food was temporary.
     Tori followed her friend. "I can't help that I'm shy."
     Ashley rolled her eyes. "Shy my behind. Girl- you've been that way since you first seen him weeks ago. And every Thursday he comes in here. You better get that man before he's gone."
     Tori sat and listened to her friend fuss. She looked at how gorgeous she was then. Her butterscotch skin always glowed. Her hair, nails, and makeup was always flawless- and her body was one to die for. She was every mans dream.
     "Ashely, I get that. But what if I'm not his type."
     The cook called out and order and Tori handed it out before speaking. "T." She began. She looked at Tori. "How do you know that?" 
     "Because what if he likes the way you look instead?" Tori spoke honestly.
     Ashley looked at Tori crazy. "Girl you ain't ugly. Your skin is clear, your glasses fit you, your teeth straight, you short and thick with a big ole booty- what can he not like."
     Tori blushed at her friend's bluntness. "Ashley..."
     "Don't Ashley me. Like I said, you're gonna miss your blessing."
     His food came up and Ashley looked at Tori. Tori rolled her eyes and bagged his food- making sure to put his extra ranch in the bag- just the way he liked it.
     Turning around she handed it to him. His dark chocolate eyes seemed to bore into hers and he took the bag and thanked her.
     Quickly turning around, Tori let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
     Ashley stood watching Tori. "Yep, you got it baaaaddd."
     Tori only blushed and shook her head. She watched his retreating back and bit her lip. I wish I could tell him...

       "So today is gonna be the day, that I, Tori Layla Carter tells him." Tori stated as she looked at herself in the mirror before she got ready to go to work. Looking up into the sky she said a prayer out loud. "Lord please let this work."
     After she got into her car and drove to her job, she was greeted by the smiling face of Ashley.
     "Girl, it's about time you got here. Man I missed you. I told Mike that I wasn't gonna smile until you came."
     Tori laughed and proceeded to clock in. And so she began her work day- greeting customers and taking orders, getting the food, handing it out and talking with Ashely.
     Hearing the bell ding, Tori mentally rolled her eyes. This Thursday was a busy one and she was tired.
     Without looking up she spoke to the customer. "Hi, welcome to May's how may I help you?"
     "Yeah, can I get a chicken sandwich grilled. No mayo- honey mustard with a little bit of ranch on it." 
    Knowing the voice and the order, Tori looked at the man. Nervous she blushed and put her head down blushing, before looking back at him under his intense gaze.
     "Uh, yeah- that'll be $5.50."  She spoke as she handed him his cup. "Here you go."
     Once she handed him his food, Tori turned around and bit her lip setting out the napkins and extra ketchup that he would need.
     Once she mentally prepared herself and after his food was ready, Tori was ready to talk to him.
      She handed him his food, and as his fingers grazed her own their eyes locked.
     " is you food." Tori cleared her throat.
     He thanked her and proceeded to walk away.
     "Wait." She called after him. He turned and looked at him. "I..I um.." she breathed. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime. Because I really like you and I would really love to get to know you better."
     He smiled at her and licked his lips. "Yeah, I'm down. Here's my number." He spoke as he grabbed a napkin and used a pen to write it down. "Text me. And then we'll set it up."
     Unable to speak, Tori nodded her head with a smile. He walked away and then just before he exited the door, he looked at her and smiled.
      "Torriiii! You beta go girl. Getcha man!" Ashley spoke as she did a dance and danced around her friend."
     Tori laughed. "Girl, I'm so proud of myself." She said as she hugged her. "I'm so excited for this."
     Tori laughed and for the rest of her work day wore a great big smile.

     A month had passed and Tori sat in the restaurant waiting for Aaron to go out of the bathroom.
     They were on their first date. They had been talking for over a month and they had connected really well. He had met her parents and they had approved of him. He seemed to respect her and she him.
     Hearing her name being called Tori snapped out of her thoughts. Looking up, she saw a smiling Aaron looking back down at her.
     "I had been calling your name, but you were in la la land." He smiled.
     Tori smiled and blushed. "My bad, Aaron. I was just thinking."
     "About what?"
     "You and me."
     A smile graced Aaron's face. "Oh really? And what exactly were you thinking about?"
     Tori shrugged. "Just about how I would have never thought I would be sitting here with you."
     He smirked. "And why is that?"
     "Because I'm shy. And I wasn't gonna talk to you."
     "Yeah, I used to come in there just to see you T." Aaron admitted. "And just to see how cute your nervousness was made my day. But I wanted you to make your move. I wanted you to shoot you shot."
     "And that I did. I was nervous, but I did." Tori smiled as she drank some of her sweet tea.
     "Yeah, I know. But it worked. And looked at where we are now."
     Tori smiled.  They continued their dinner and when they were done Aaron took Tori to the park.
     "So, where are you taking me- in the dark."
     Holding her hand, Aaron looked back at her. "Trust me, aight?"
     Not  wanting to say anything else, Tori just let him the lead the way. Soon, she heard the noise of rushing water and soon was arrayed with the view of a waterfall.
     "Aaron, what is this?" Tori spoke as she looked around releasing his hand. The moon seemed to illuminate the waterfall, making Tori think that it was even more beautiful.
     Feeling Aaron stand behind her, Tori tensed up, but then relaxed when she felt him wrap his arm around his waist. "It's beautiful isn't it?"
     Nodding her head Tori responded. "Yes, it is."
     "This is my thinking spot. I come here whenever I need to just chill, read my Bible, and mostly just to think. And I wanted to show you something special, because you are special to me."
     Hearing those words made Tori turn around. "Really?"
     He nodded his head yes, not breaking his intense gaze. "Yeah. You got something girl."
     Tori looked down and then looked back up at him. "Aaron, in a couple of months I'll be gone to college. So what are we gonna-"
     "Nah, Tori don't even start that." He licked his lips. "You're 18 and about to live your life. I'm 23 and I'm in the army living my life." He spoke. Cupping her chin he made her look at him. "We're gonna be alright."
     "How do you know." Tori spoke softly.
     "Because I just have a feeling that we will." He smiled at her.
     He kissed her forehead and Tori leaned against his chest. The pair knew that they would be alright, they just had to trust that God would make it alright.
     "But T guess what?"
     Tori looked at him. "I'm glad you're here."
She smiled and broke from his embrace walking towards to waterfall.
     "Aaron?" She called out. He was walked towards her and she then splashed the water on his face.
     He then began to chase her. She ran and ran until he grabbed her. The pair laughed and looked at one another deeply in their eyes.
     And so Aaron kissed Tori. A slow, sweet, and long kiss. And Tori was glad
herself that she had shot her shot.

I swear I love Ashley. Every girl needs a friend like her. How'd you like Tori and Aaron?
     Comment, vote—y'all know what to do.

With love,


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