A Journey to Destinty (I )

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Seventeen year old Journey sat in school and tapped her fingers against her desk. She was ready to go and absolutely had no interest in what her chemistry teacher was saying.
The bell rang and she stood up from her seat- excited that she was out of that class. Tucking her books under her arm, Journey allowed her long black hair to cascade down her back as she walked to her locker. She walked confidently- knowing that she looked good. Being mixed with black and white, she had long wavy hair that flowed to her butt and her skin was naturally tanned a soft brown. body was tight too- she was slim thick, and all the guys around her seemed not to mind. Her eyes were hazel colored and she had a nose piercing which she thought added to her sexiness.
She reached her locker and after opening it, she put away her books, preparing herself for what was next.
As she shut her locker, she accidentally bumped into someone. She looked up and met the chocolate eyes of her former friend, Destiny.
She watched as Destiny retrieved the item she had dropped, which was her Bible. Journey smacked her teeth and looked Destiny up and down. "You need to watch where you're going."
Standing up, Destiny locked eyes with Journey before walking down the hall to her next class.
"Yeah you better walk away." Journey said as she watched her ex best friend walk down the hall. Destiny never turned around.
Journey saw other students walk into their classes and she knew that she wasn't about to join them. Her phone buzzed and she looked down at it, seeing that it was a message from the one person who held her heart.

King❤️: babygirl I'm outside. Hurry up.

She smiled at the message and quickly slipped outside of the double doors that held her in. As she walked to the student parking lot, she smiled seeing the familiar cherry red mustang. As she approached the owner of the car, she took in his features. Kings smooth caramel skin, pearly whites, and fresh waves is what made her want him. His tattoos complimented him, as did his always fresh sense of style. But it was the words he said that had really gotten her into him. She had only been messing around with him for 3 months and had truly fell for him.
King was posted up against his car and smiled as he looked at the girl before him. He licked his lips at her frame as she walked towards him- grinning like a kid in a candy shop.
"What's up baby girl?" He licked his lips at her. "You ready?"
Journey nodded eagerly. "Yeah. Let's go."
They hopped into his car and he sped down the road.
"So what are you tryna get into?" King asked as he rubbed Journey's thigh. She grabbed his hand- making him look at her.
"You. I'm trying to get into you." She said boldly. It was the first time that she was this bold with him. Sure- she was bold at school, but his dominance had always won her. But now she was ready to let him see her....ready to let him feel her.
King quickly glanced at her as he pulled into his condo complex. He didn't say anything as he drove into a vacant park and cut the engine off. Nervousness rose is Journey, fearing that he might reject her.
He turned to face her and grabbed her hand. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"
Journey nodded her head yes and watched as King smiled. He tenderly kissed her lips and got out of the car, her following suit.
He held onto her waist as he led her inside of his condo. They took the fifth floor and soon reached door six, which was his.
After king opened the door, he led her into his room where they sat on the bed. Journey was nervous and played with her hands.
"Look J, we don't have to do this. I ain't gonna force you." King said as he leaned back on his bed.
Journey looked at him. "I want too."
King sat up and grabbed her body so that she was laying down. He was on top of her and he began to kiss her, making all of her fears melt away.
His kisses traveled lower and lower, until they reached his desired spot.
And it was then that Journey allowed the man she loved to have all of her.

Hours later Journey used her key to unlock the door to her home. She walked carefully in the house- partly out of caution and partly because she was a little worn out.
As she quietly shut the door. She breathed in relief as she walked passed the kitchen and saw the lights out. She was just about to head upstairs when she heard her full name being called.
"Journey Michelle Thompson." Her mother's voice boomed. "Get into this living room- now."
She walked into the living room and saw both of her parents sitting beside one another. Her eyebrow arched in surprise. She had no idea why her father was here. She wasn't expecting to see him until Friday.
"Sit down." Her mother said flatly.
Journey sat in front of them and looked at her parents. Her dads light brown hair was curly by nature and cut neatly. His green eyes were expressive and his thin pink lips were tight as he stared at his only child.
Her mother was the opposite- her rich cocoa skin was smooth and her hair was naturally coily, recently been cut from mid back length to a short length. Her usually warm brown eyes were now cold as she looked at her only teenage daughter.
"Where have you been?" Her mother asked.
"With my study group for chemistry." Journey lied smoothly.
"Lie again." Her mother threatened as she sat up and pointed her finger at her child. "I called the school and they told me you didn't report to your final 2 classes of the day. Now, I'm gonna ask you again: where have you been?"
"Out with King." Journey admitted. "Anymore questions?" She rolled her eyes.
"Jackson you better talk to your child before I snatch her." Her mother told him as she looked into his green eyes.
"Jasmine, calm down please." Jackson told the mother of his child. He then began to rub circles on her back, which he knew would calm her down. His attention then shifted to his daughter.
"Journey- you're out of line right now. You will respect your mother and me."
Journey smacked her teeth. "Man don't come at me with 'respect'. You could've respected mom but you didn't. Instead you decided it was ok to go and mess around with your secretary. That's pretty respectful, right?" She stood up peering down at her father.
"Journey, sit cho' lil behind down. What happened between your father and I does not matter in this instance. He is still there for you all the time and-"
"And what?!" Journey shouted. "Y'all just worry about only y'all. What about me? Huh? But it's cool because I got somebody who loves me. Because obviously y'all don't."
Journey stormed upstairs and ignored her parents as they called her name.

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