The Flower Shop (II)

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      Hey loves! So it's been a while. But I'm on spring break and I have time to write. Whew, this year has been getting me already! But I still rejoice in God!!! Any who, onto part two. Hope you enjoy?

        Feeling the stranger yank her arm, Nadia closed her eyes so that she wouldn't yell out in pain.
        As the stranger turned her around so that they were face to face and she was met with a familiar face. Her eyes widened in realization and her mind went back to earlier that day.
        He tilted his head to the side as a smirk formed on his face.
        "Yep. It's me." Charles smiled. "But you shouldn't be surprised. I mean, I haven't been walking in this shop every week for nothing."
        Nadia felt more tears roll down her cheeks. She couldn't believe that this was happening.
        "Oh precious- don't cry. Well at least not yet." Charles smiled as he forcefully ripped open her blouse. Nadia closed her eyes and prayed that she could walk away from this alive. 
        Jalil walked to the back of the shop. He knew it was late, but he also knew that Nadia could've still been there. Something in him told him to go and check on her.
        As he used his key to get inside he softly shut the door because he didn't want to scare her.
       He was just about to cut on the light when he heard soft cries coming from the front part of the shop. Walking slowly to where the noise was coming from, the light from the moon allowed him to see two figures in the dark. As it registered to him what was happening, he felt his nose flare up and jaw clench  tighter.
        His anger filled eyes connecting with Nadia's fearful and tearful ones, he immediately yanked the man off of her petite body. Seeing that the mans pants were still on made him relax a little, but not before his ever growing anger set back in.
         Grabbing him by his collar and looking at him in his eyes, he immediately recognized the man and felt his blood boil.
        Nadia scrambled up from the floor, and saw Jalil cock his fist back.
        "No!" Nadia cried out. "Jalil don't. Your parole."
        Jalil looked at her and knew that she was right. If he hit him he could go back to jail, and he wasn't doing that.
        "Just, hold him. I'm gonna call the police."
         Jalil nodded his head in understanding and allowed his grip on Charles neck to get tighter. He watched as Charles eyes widened in fear.  Jalil wasn't worried though, he applied just enough pressure for him to think the was going to choke him to death.
        Soon, he heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights of the police car. He watched as the police came over and knocked on The door. Nadia came out from the back and then opened the door, allowing the police to come in. 
        Nadia pointed to Charles and Jalil released him, allowing the police to handle him.
   Jalil was only concerned about Nadia as he walked over to her and looked into her eyes. She looked up at him and finally allowed her tears to fall. She went into his arms and Jalil held her tightly, silently promising to himself that he'd never let her go.


        It had been a few weeks since the incident  and the flower shop was about to open for the first time since the incident.
        Nadia was excited to get back to work, but was glad that she'd had those weeks to think and meditate on what had happened. She thanked God that nothing had, but she knew all too well that something could have.
        As she opened the door to her shop, she flicked on the lights and was greeted by many people jumping up and yelling "SURPRISE!"
          She couldn't contain her surprise as she looked around and saw her friends as well as other people who owned their own shops. Looking around her shop, she saw that the flowers were arranged and everything was done.
       She greeted everybody and finally spotted Jalil leaning against the front counter casually. Nadia wasn't surprised at his behavior. But she knew that he had done this.
         Jalil watched Nadia as she walked towards him. He admired her petite frame and noticed that she'd taken out her box braids and let her naturally curly hair be free. He'd missed her, and was glad to see her.
        "You know you didn't have to do this, right?" She said as she faced him.
        He shrugged his shoulders. "I know. But I wanted too. Plus our neighbors wanted to show you they loved you."
         Nadia couldn't contain her smile as she instinctively leaned in to hug him. He softly hugged her back, and released her. When he did, he moved a stray piece of hair from her face.
         Nadia was about to say something when someone tapped her, causing her to look the other way. Mrs. Chung from the fruit shop up the street was wanting to talk with her. Knowing that she liked the older woman, Nadia softly waved goodbye to Jalil. He  watched as she walked away, talking to the older lady

           Days later Nadia was at her shop, back to business. She had new cameras installed and instinctively looked up at them to make sure that the little red button was on, and it was.
        She exhaled in assurance as she focused back on her work. As she cut the thorns from her roses, her mind went back to the last few weeks.
        She was truly glad to be back at work, but she didn't feel like herself. She always felt as though she had to watch herself. Before the incident, she was always carefree and bubbly. But now, she didn't feel that way at all.
        The sound of the door opening interrupted her thoughts and she turned only to be met with the warm eyes of Jalil. She gave him a weak smile which he returned. He leaned against the counter and put his face in his hands as he looked at her.
        "What's bothering you?" Jalil asked.
        Nadia was shocked that he'd asked her that question. She expected him to observe quietly as usual, but this time he spoke.
        Sitting in her stool, it took Nadia a while to answer his question. And when she did, Jalil was patiently waiting.
        "Jalil....I just don't feel like myself." Nadia confessed. "I mean, I feel so on guard now. So jumpy. And that's not who I used to be. I just wanna feel like myself again." Nadia said. She felt her emotions building up and she couldn't contain the tears the fell from her eyes.
        "Nadia." Jalil said as she walked over to her and sat in a stool in front of her. "You know that's normal right?"
        Nadia nodded her head yes.
        "And I know you're used to having it all together, but sometimes things take time. You went through something that many people don't come out of alive. You're blessed.
        "It reminds me of when I first couldn't find a job after I got out. It took six months before I found this place. And after I got hired I understood that all the rejections were worth the wait. Why? Because working for you has been pretty dope if I may say. You're amazing Nadia."
        He watched as Nadia smiled a little still wiping away fresh tears.
       He grabbed a rose and held it out to her. "It's kinda like how you're always saying God can take something bad and use it for our good. Look at this rose. It has thorns, it has dirt. But once the gardener takes it and cuts the thorns and cleans the dirt, it's ready for its job." Jalil said as he cut the thorns and wiped away the dirt.
        "Nadia you're the rose. You've got some thorns right now. And some dirt. But with time God will clean you right on up. Trust it." Jalil finished as he handed her the freshly cleaned rose.
        Nadia took it and smiled. Jalil used the back of his hand to wipe away her tears gently.
         She locked eyes with him. And he with her. He wanted to kiss her. But, he knew that she was in a vulnerable state.
        Nadia read his mind and squeezed his hand. "I like you too. Always have."
        Jalil couldn't contain his smile as he moved a stray piece of hair from her face. "I want you. But you need your time. But I want you to know that I'm here as a friend right now."
        Nadia didn't say anything else. She didn't have to. She silently thanked God for Jalil. And she knew that with God, Jalil, and her flower shop by her side, she'd find herself again.


And that's a wrap! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I did. I like Nadia. And I love Jalil.

What part did you like most?

Always remember that you're the rose, just as Jalil said.

With love,

Malaysia 🌹

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