The End

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Hi y'all ❤️

I know. It's been a minute since you've seen me! BUT- here I am.

I'm writing this to let you know that this collection of stories is finished! I wrote 40 stories and biblically- 40 represents completion.

To be transparent, I also decided to end this series because I graduate undergrad soon (literally tomorrow!). And this collection of shorts has served me well. I'll be entering a grad program and I don't know how much time I can donate to these stories.

Please go back a read them. As an author- I do it all the time lol. I love seeing y'all's comments. I really will interact back too lol so don't be a stranger!

But- I must say thanks to you all for supporting this book! I knew I wanted to do clean stories and to have so much support means a lot. Thank you, readers! Vocal and silent- I really do appreciate y'all.

Thank you God! You gave me this idea and look at us now! God thank you for allowing this to be for my good but Your glory!

While I am done writing these - I am actively working on "The Flower Shop" book! It's on my page if you want to check it out.

Any who, I love y'all. Stay breezy and beautiful

With love,

Malaysia ❤️

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