The Most Wonderful Time- A Christmas Story

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     "Mama." Tara heard her four year old daughter say. She looked up in the rear view mirror and me the bright and brown eyes of her baby girl.
     "Christmas is my favorite season." Taylor smiled.
     Tara smiled. "Oh really? I love it too. But Tay, it's a holiday baby." 
     Taylor smiled and proceeded to giggle at her silliness.
     Tara, still looking at her daughter, smiled and shook her head. She was in awe of how much they favored. Both shared the same eyes and chocolate covered skin. Like her mom, Taylor had thick curly hair that was sometimes hard to handle. While Tara had her hair pulled into a neat curly pony tail, Taylor had hers pulled into two neat puffballs.
     Tara's concentration broke when she felt her husband squeeze her hand. Looking over at him, she smiled.
     "What?" She asked.
     "You two look so much alike. It's uncanny." Nathan spoke.
     "I swear you read my mind. I was literally just thinking that."
     "Well, she's gorgeous just like you Mama." Nathan kisses his wife's hand. Tara blushed and looked out of the window. No matter how many years they'd been together, she always seemed to blush under his gaze.
     "And our son is handsome just like you." Tara spoke looking back at a sleeping Nathan Jr.
     She was right. Their son was the spitting image of his father. From his light skin and curly hair, to the shared dimples each had- they could pass for twins.
    As if he knew his mother was looking at him, he began stirring in his car seat. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his mom.
     "Mama are we there yet?" He croaked out.
     "No baby. We got just a little while to go." Tara spoke.
     "Otay mommy." He said as he grabbed his army man toy and began fidgeting with it. Tara watched her three and four year old as they focused themselves on their toys. She knew that she was blessed to have them.
     Fifteen minutes later, they had arrived at their destination. It was Christmas Eve and the Nathan and Tara decided to go see the annual light show with their children. The light show was a walk through and each display was different, ranging from a variety of ideas. Tara held Nathan Jr. as Nathan held Taylor. The children were in awe of the lights as they pointed at them. Pretty soon, Taylor had wiggled out of her fathers arms. Her being the oldest, she held onto her brothers hand as they walked in front of their parents.
     Nathan and Tara walked hand in hand admiring their kids, and the lights.
     "You know, I think are starting to go into the animal stage. I caught them watching the animal channel the other day." Tara spoke as she remembered the day. "They're smart."
     Both parents watched as their kids admired the Christmas lights that was themed after the zoo.
     Nathan looked at Tara. "They get it from me."
     Tara hit is arm and he laughed, causing her to laugh as well.
     Once they had walked through the entire light show, the Daniel family walked to then inside area where the employees served hot chocolate.
    The Daniel's drank their hot chocolate and when they were done, they got into their truck and started their thirty minute journey home. The kids soon went to sleep and the soft sounds of jazz Christmas music filled the car.
     As Nathan drove, he kept glancing at his wife and smiling to himself. Tara hadn't noticed, for she was to busy humming along to  the radio. When they arrived home, Tara went upstairs with her sleeping kids. Each had their own room filled with the things they loved the most. For Taylor is was her cabbage patch doll named after her and for Nathan Jr. it was his transformer toy. 
     Tara bathed her children and then tucked them into bed. After she kissed both of their foreheads and said their nighttime prayers with them, she headed into her own room. When she did, she found a note on the bed.

Come to the basement. I got something for you,

~ Your husband ❤️

       Letting her curiosity guide her, Tara headed to the basement where she was met with the room dimly lit with candles and her husband sat in the middle of the room with a picnic basket beside him.
       "Nathan...what is this?" Tara asked as she walked over to him.
     Nathan grabbed his wife's waist and looked into her dark brown eyes. "Well, this is mommy and daddy time on Christmas Eve." He kissed her. Tara smiled and then sat down.
     Opening the picnic basket, Nathan pulled out red wine and a tray of fruits. Tara took a strawberry and fed it to him. She took a sip of the wine and the pair began conversing.
      "So how did you come up with this?" She asked as she took a sip of her wine.
     Nathan swallowed the strawberry before answering. "Well, the whole ride there and back to see the lights...I just kept looking at you" he began. He took Tara's hand into his. "Baby I'm just thankful for you. And our kids. I thank God everyday and it never gets old for you. And even though Christmas is tomorrow, I have the best gifts every other holiday too- my beautiful wife and my amazing kids." He confessed. It was true, he loved his wife and kids and was grateful that God blessed him with a family of his own.
     Tara smiled and leaned forward kissing her husband. She felt the same and was honored that God had chosen her to be a wife and a mother.
     "Baby I love you." She told Nathan. He kissed her forehead.
     "I love you too." Nathan replied.
      The couple shared another tender kiss and Nathan looked at his watch.
      "Baby it's almost midnight." He spoke.
      Tara arched her eyebrow. "Wow. Time flew by, huh?"
     "That it did."
     "C'mon. Let's get to bed- you know your kids love waking up bright and early on Christmas morning."
      "My kids?" Nathan stated as he and Tara but the things away in the kitchen.
     "Yes, yours." Tara winked at him as she finished putting the dirty dishes in the sink. "You three are the only people I know who get up at the crack of dawn every day."
     Nathan smirked, knowing she was right. Early mornings were times when he and the kids had time together, and all three of them embraced it.
     "The last time I checked, it takes two to make a baby." Nathan spoke as he watched Tara's hips as they went up the stairs.
    Tara laughed at him and Nathan kissed her neck early as they entered the room, he gently held onto her waist. He looked at the alarm clock and saw that it's was midnight.
     "Merry Christmas Mrs. Daniel." He kissed her lips.
     "Merry Christmas Mr. Daniel." Tara replied.
     Still holding her waist, Nathan looked at her. "Since it's Christmas, I want one early gift."
    Tara smirked and kissed him, leading him towards the bed.

I hope you guys enjoyed this short story- Christmas Edition. This is my Christmas gift to you all. Be blessed this holiday, and be a blessing to someone.

With love,

Malaysia ;)

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