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"Baby, come on, go to sleep now okay?"

My mom told me as if she knows that I will go out to my room's balcony again and watch the stars in the night sky until I feel drowsy and fall asleep there.

"Yes, mommy!"

"Hmmm... Mommy don't believe you. Cause you're pasaway."

"Hmp! Mommy. You're not my favorite anymore! I miss Dad. He always believes in me."

"Fine, fine, baby. I believe in you. But, how could you be so cute when annoyed?" mom pinched my cheeks while giggling which just made my lips longer.

"Mom, where's dad?"

My Dad has been nowhere to be found since last week. He did say goodbye and tell me that he has some work to do but, I doubt it! He wasn't even calling us! I'm starting to hate dad also!

"Uhmm, Clardia, didn't we already talked about it? Don't worry, Dad will be back very soon. Oh, how about you sleep now and pray for Daddy's arrival? Is that okay?" my mom said as she looked at me with pleasing eyes.

I nodded. She kissed my forehead before turning the lights off and leaving me alone in the room.

I smiled wickedly. Then get off my bed to open the sliding door leading to my room's balcony. As I went outside, the twinkling and shining little stars welcomed my sight. I felt so fascinated that I unconciously let my mouth half opened. The bright full moon in the midst of the stars was present as well! How pretty!

I continued roaming my eyes at the perfect dark sky with gleaming glitters on it when, I spotted something fastly moving among those glitters. That something was even flickering while its color changes. I curiously stared and observed it longer until I realized that it is not a star! It is a flying object!

Is... Is that a spaceship?

I got extremely vigorious thinking that it is really a spaceship! The flying object seems to continue getting closer to our place! Until I clearly saw it, with my own two beautiful eyes, that it landed on a hill just located a few steps from here!

Without hesitations, I sneaked out of our house. Luckily, Mom was already in her room as well as Tito, Tita, and Ate Jesria. I chuckled to myself when I successfully went out without anyone noticing. I hugged my body as the cold breeze embraced me. I am just wearing a pink nightdress with a bow and sleeves upto my wrists. I walked towards the hill and followed where the flickering light is coming from.

"Young princes and princess, we have arrived to Earth." I heard from somewhere as I got close to the flickering light. I hid behind a tree while peeping at those who are talking nearby. There is a man who has white hair tho, still looks young, and four childrens who just seems to be also around my age—It is a girl and three boys.

"Lincoln, we should find a place to stay... What do you think brother?" the yellow-haired boy said.

"Yes, we should." the brown-haired boy replied.

"Then, I'll go find some place we could stay, princes. For the mean time, you may rest here until I go back."

"Mr. Lincoln, I think it's much better if we come with you. We don't know what dangers are waiting for us here." the pretty black-haired girl said.

"Why, cousin? You, scared here in the dark forest??"

"Shut up, Greg."

"I agree with Xanthal."

"Hmmp. What about you, other couz?" the yellow-haired boy blew up his cheeks then turn to the black-haired boy who wasn't speaking since earlier.

"Leave me here alone." the boy replied. The other kids looked into each other as if they're talking through mind about what they should do.

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