Chaptah Siksti (Finale)

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The end~



I immediately rised up from my seat upon hearing the statement of Sgt. Harvey. He was now sweaty and looking pale as he stood in front of me.

"G-General, L-Lt. Lorius went here a while ago a-and—"

I cut him off. "Where is my wife?"

He just stared at me and no voice came out of his mouth. I lifted my hand and together with it, he held his own neck while floating in the air.

"I said. where. is. my. wife?!" I exclaimed as I tighten even more the grip of my hand.

"Calm down, Prince Xavier. He won't be able to speak if you're strangling him to death." said by Mr. Lincoln but, I ignored him.

"Do you not have any plan of answering me, Sgt. Harvey?"

"G-General... M-Ms. Clardia was abducted by L-Lt. Lorius."

I didn't got to utter anything after hearing that but, my lips and hands tremble so much out of anger.

You're really brave to come this far, Lorius. You don't know me yet. You don't what I can do.

I gestured my hand as if throwing something away. Sgt. Harvey fleeched and hit his body on the wall.

"Summon all the Royals at the conference room as well Mr and Mrs. Royaldes along with the Elites. Right now." I commanded Mr. Lincoln and he swiftly nodded.

When he went out, I focused my sight at Sgt. Harvey. He was now standing straight again.

"How about Nebula? Where is he?" I asked, still with piercing eyes on him.

"He got to follow them when Lt. Lorius used his ability to teleport..." He answered then Sergeant stooped down his head. "I apologize for I failed to protect Ms. Clardia, General..."

"Is that your only guilt, Sergeant? Or you're one of the traitors betraying us?"

"I-I'm n-not, General! I assure you I'm not a traitor! I'm loyal to you and this Kingdom!"

"Then how did Lorius know where Clardia will be at that specific place and moment in time, if merely you and I knows that she will take a walk at the garden? Give me a reason or I will kill you right away here, Sgt. Harvey." I threatened, not breaking a stare with him.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. As if he just realized a thing. "G-General, another person also know that we will be there that moment... B-But I don't know if you will believe me if I tell you who it is..."

"Tell me."

"It's Prince Lander, General. We saw him in front of the elevator when we were about to went off it. Then he asked Ms. Clardia on where she will go to. Aside from us, it's your uncle that know a thing, General..."

My brows knitted. I aware that Uncle really went here earlier, and that fact alone is suspicious. He never go in my Kingdom unless very urgent and important. But a while ago, he personally went here to get a single file that could actually be sent through an electronic mail.

Maybe he think that just because he's my uncle, I would be merciful on him. Damn. I'm heartless right now.

"From this day onwards, I don't want to see you anymore in my Kingdom Sergeant Harvey Bomeiti. If I did, you already know what might happen." I glared at him. For the last time, he bowed down and saluted.

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