Chaptah Forti-eyt

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Part one~

"Curse me again and you know what will happen next. I know you are fortunate enough the last time because someone saved you, but this time, I'll make sure you'll die, Hon."

"H-How can you do this to m-me? I'm a fucking Princess! I'm one of the royals! But, how can you treat me this way?! I'm so exhausted of this life! Just kill me if that's what you want!"

"You know you're not the only one who's gonna die if I will do that. Besides, I realized that I still need you... because you make things interesting for me..."

"Damn you, Lorius! People like you are the one who should die! You're a psychotic asshole!"

"I said don't curse at me, useless woman!"

He was about to hit Xanthal with his palm again when, I lose my temper and move swiftly to strike him with my clenched fist. I stood in front of Xanthal, facing him. He wiped the blue fluid on his side lips before turning his gaze on me. He smirked.

"Oh, the new royal guard. You know, you should never meddle with us, young man. This is a husband and wife matter." he said, wearing a smug look which just made me wanna punch his face again.

"Husband and wife matter?! But, you're hurting her! Is that how you treat your wife, huh?!" my tightly gripped fists trembled.

"Yes. Didn't men should treat their wife really like this? We are superior to them. Therefore, we have the right to do what we want. We are almighty, and they are just rugs."

"Are you insane?! I won't let you do whatever you want to her! She is a woman, and she should be valued and respected!"

"How dare you contradict me? I'm a Lieutenant." his face turned serious.

"The hell I care. You're a bastard and you don't deserve that position." I didn't break a stare with him.

Maya-maya lang, biglang lumiwanag ang kamay niya, at nang bahagyang lingunin ko ito, I saw... fire on it. Wala sa sarili akong napa-atras pero sinigurado ko pa ring nasa likuran ko si Xanthal. Nagulat na lang ako ng bigla siyang umalis sa likod ko at siyang puwesto sa aking harap.

"Don't hurt him, Lorius. He got nothing to do with this." she said, her flaring eyes at the man.

"Back off, Xanthal. I will face him." I held her shoulder. But, I didn't expected that she will shove my hands away.

"Don't stick your nose to this. Just leave." she said with a flat voice.

"I won't do that. So, stay behind my back."

"Who are you to say that? You're merely a human so stop forcing to involve yourself with my life."

Hindi ako nakasagot sa sinabi niya. Nandito lang naman ako para tulungan siya pero bakit parang ako pa ang mali? Gusto ko lang naman siyang protektahan dahil ayokong nakakakita ng kahit sinong babaeng nasasaktan. Pero bakit parang ayaw niyang... gawin ko 'yon? I know she's a tough and independent woman just like Clardia and Zain but, I believe that no matter what how strong a woman is, she still need a protection from a man who genuinely cares. And I would stand on that.

In the end, hindi ako umalis sa likod niya. I prepared myself still, to defend the star I only have my eyes for. She glared at me for doing so, but it didn't made me feel bad. I actually like that I can see her eyes looking at me too.

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