Chapter Fourteen: The Government

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The escort drove (Y/N) to the nearest government facility. Though he had a bag over his head, (Y/N) could still see everything, including the handcuffs that they believed were holding him. Oh, how little did they know. 

The car finally stopped and a couple of soldiers grabbed (Y/N) and forced him out the back. They removed the bag from his head and he was face to face with two men.

"Kal-El," one of them said. "I am General Swanwick. This is Secretary Ross."


"We have a few questions we'd like to ask you. If you'll follow us, please," Swanwick said.

(Y/N) followed the general inside the facility. Not that he had much of a choice. He was brought inside a standard interrogation room, with mirrors on either side so he couldn't see who was through the glass. Little did they know he could see everything.

"So," Swanwick said, taking a seat across from (Y/N). "You're part of the Avengers?"

"Of course."

"You're registered under a Mr. (Y/N) (L/N)."

"I was given that name by my parents."

"Your adoptive parents, (M/F/N) (L/N) and (F/F/N) (L/N). The former is living in your childhood home, the latter deceased."

"That's right."

"What about your real parents?"

"Also dead."

"Their names were?"

"Jor-El was my father. I don't know my mother's name."

"How long have you lived on Earth, Kal-El?"

"My whole life."

"That's a lie."

"No, really. I came here when I was just a baby. I have no memory of my homeworld."

"Why do you wear that crazy getup?"

"It was made on my world."

"You're saying your people have been here before?"

"That ship that crashed in Roswell? That was us."

"I see," Swanwick mused, wondering how (Y/N) knew of such a top-secret piece of government intelligence. "Do you have any children?"

(Y/N) didn't answer.

"It's ok, Kal. Nobody else is here but me."

"That's a lie. There's at least a dozen people on the other side of that wall," He said, pointing at the mirrors.

Swanwick suddenly got angry. "How do you know that?"

"I can see through things, General. I thought you would've figured that out by now. And no, I don't have any children. Do I look like a father?"

"This report here says you have a relationship with one Wanda Maximoff."

"Ok, who gave you that report?" (Y/N) said, standing and snapping his handcuffs in two. As he did a few soldiers came into the room and aimed their rifles at him. (Y/N) knew they would be useless against him, but he sat back down anyway.

"I apologize if I touched a nerve," Swanwick said.

"You sure did."

"Alright," Swanwick said, getting up. "That's all for now. You just stay here until Zod comes for you."

And with that he left the room with the two soldiers, all alone in the room.


Wanda floated down in front of the facility and was instantly greeted by numerous guns being aimed at her forehead. She raised her hands to let them know she came in peace.

"Let her in!" A voice said. It was Secretary Ross. "It's the Maximoff girl. Probably come to see Kal-El."

The soldiers lowered their weapons and let her in. One of them showed her to where (Y/N) was being held. The door opened and (Y/N) instantly beamed at the sight of her. She ran into his arms and kissed him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to see you," She said.

They turned as Swanwick entered the room again.

"They're here. Let's go, both of you."

Quickly, (Y/N) put the drive Jor-El had given him in her hand. She took it and placed it in one of the pockets in her jacket.

"Keep it safe," he whispered.


Wanda followed as (Y/N) was taken out in front of the facility. There, past the tanks and soldiers guarding the place, was a small spacecraft, no more than 50 feet in length. Two masked individuals came forth, one of them a large male and the other a female.

"Are you the ranking officer here?" She asked Swanwick.

"I am," He said.

The woman pointed at Wanda. "General Zod would like for this one to accompany me."

"You only asked for the alien. you never asked for one of our own."

"Shall I tell the General that you are unwilling to comply?"

Before Swanwick could respond, Wanda came forward. "It's alright. I will go."

The woman took Wanda on board the ship, where she was took a seat next to (Y/N), and was handed a breathing apparatus.

"You'll need this. Your body will not be able to handle the atmosphere on our ship."

Wanda reluctantly took the mechanism and put it on. The ship took off towards where the couple was going to meet Zod.

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