Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Raft

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Steve and Bucky were making their way to the quinjet, but were opposed by Natasha.

"You're not going to stop?" She asked the two of them.

"You know I can't," Steve said.

"I'm going to regret this," she said as she fired a taser shot from one of her gauntlets. Instead of hitting Steve or Bucky, it hit T'Challa, who was creeping up behind them, ready to pounce. "Go."

Steve and Bucky complied and boarded the quinjet.


Outside, the rest of team Iron Man was trying to take down a still-massive Scott Lang.

"Hey guys. You ever see that really old movie? Empire Strikes Back?" Spider-Man asked the group.

"Jesus Tony, how old is this guy?" Rhodey asked.

"I don't know, I didn't carbon date him. He's on the young side."

"You know that part? When they're on the snow planet? With the walking thingies?" Spider-Man said.

"Maybe the kid's on to something," Tony said, considering the situation.

"I know. Tony, go high."

Spider-Man swung on his webs around Scott's legs, causing him to stumble. Rhodey rammed into his legs, and Tony slammed into his helmet, causing Scott to fall over.

"YES! Ha ha! That was awesome!" Spider-Man said, before being hit by Scott's massive hand falling over.

Scott returned to normal size. "Does anyone have any orange slices?"

Tony flew down to where Spider-Man had landed. He tapped him on the shoulder and lifted up his mask.

"Kid, you alright?"

"Hey!" he was clearly disoriented, because he tried to get away from Tony. "Get off me!"

Tony lifted up his mask. "Guess who? Hi."

"Oh. Hey man."


"That was scary."

"Yeah. You're done. Alright?"


"You did a good job."

"No, I'm good. I'm fine," Spider-Man - Peter - said, trying to get up.

"Stay down."

"No, it's good I gotta get him back!"

"You're going home or I'll call Aunt May! You're done!" Tony said, flying off to apprehend the other members of Cap's team.

"Mr. Stark, wait! I'm not done, I'm not... Okay, I'm done."


"Vision, I got a bandit on my six. Vision, do you copy? Target his thrusters, turn him into a glider," Rhodey called. Sam was tailing him, and Rhodey couldn't aim behind him.

Vision, who had been going to get (Y/N), Wanda, and the Bat, fired an energy beam at Sam. Sam dodged the attack, which hit Rhodey's armor instead, shutting off its power.

"Tony, I'm flying dead."

Rhodey fell towards the ground. Both Sam and Tony rushed to catch him, but they both knew they weren't fast enough.


A massive sound rang through the airport as Rhodey fell. Tony prayed Rhodey was ok. As it turns out, he was just fine.

(Y/N) had broken the speed of sound to catch his friend before he hit the ground. Tony and Sam landed next to (Y/N), who cracked open Rhodey's suit for him to get out. Then (Y/N) collapsed on the ground.


(Y/N) opened his eyes, and the moment he did, he snapped his head upright. His arms, legs, and body were restrained by metal chains. He pulled against them, but to no avail. he looked directly in front of him and saw why.

The Kryptonite spear that the Batman had used was sitting right in front of him, aimed at his head.

He looked to his right and saw Wanda in a similar position in the cell next to him. She was in a blue straightjacket with an odd device on her neck. She wasn't moving very much, other than blinking every now and then.

"Good morning, Kal-El," came a voice from a direction (Y/N) couldn't identify.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the raft prison. After the events in Germany, we were forced to apprehend you and your associates. Now, we only have one question for you. Where is Captain America?"

"Like I would tell you!"

"Maybe you could use a little motivation."

He heard the sound of electricity crackling on his right and saw that the device on Wanda's neck had been activated. Her body was shaking involuntarily, and her eyes looked to (Y/N) as if to say something, something that (Y/N) didn't know.

The device was deactivated.

"Very well. It's your decision."

Green gas poured into the cell, knocking (Y/N) out.


(Y/N) woke up to the sound of someone yelling. His eyes snapped around to see who it was, but he saw nothing except for Wanda somehow sleeping peacefully in the cell next to him.

"(Y/N). You know I never wanted this to happen."

He turned to his left to see Tony Stark standing right outside the cell.

"Then why did you come here?"

"I need to know where Cap went."

"I'm not telling you."

Tony pulled out a device and pressed a button.

"It'll take them a minute to find out that I just disabled the 'A' of their AV. You can tell me."

"Fine, Tony. But you have to go as a friend, not as an enemy."

"Already done."

"They're going to an old HYDRA facility in Siberia."

"Thank you, (L/N). I appreciate it. And I'll do my best to convince them to tone down the security on Maximoff for you."

Tony left and (Y/N) was left alone for a minute. Then, all the lights went out, and the emergency red ones came on. In the same place where Stark once stood, (Y/N) found a man with a black cape and a cowl over his head. Bruce Wayne.

"I'm here to get you out," He said. "They don't know, but Zemo does."

"Know what? Who's Zemo?"

"All in due time, (Y/N)." It was the first time Bruce had called (Y/N) by his name. At that (Y/N) knew he could trust the caped crusader.

"Get these things off me."

Bruce entered the cell and unlocked the chains that held (Y/N). he stood up, rubbing his wrists where the metal dug into his skin, then he looked over at Wanda's cell.

"No," Bruce said, knowing what (Y/N) was thinking. "Just you. If we break her out they'll know."

Bruce removed the spear from its foundation and threw a batarang into the wall of the cell. His calling card.

"Why do we need that?" (Y/N) asked.

"Zemo found a Kryptonian scout ship in Siberia. This might come in handy."

(Y/N) tore off his prison uniform to reveal his good old red and blue suit still on underneath.

"Then let's go get him."

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