𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄: new kid

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new kid

Gon played with his food, his meatballs rolling across his plate. He sighed as he tapped his foot. His Aunt Mito noticed his annoying behavior and his gloomy face. She stood up and began washing the dishes.

"I know you feel sad about moving." She mentioned.

Gon annoyingly sighed again, "I want to go back home to Hawaii."

"I know but I hope you can open up to this place. I got a new job and it's paying way more." She smiled softly.


His chest tightened as he walked upstairs to his room. He wanted to scream into a pillow or punch a wall, but instead, he nervously paced his room. Gon had been homeschooled his whole life, now his Aunt Mito suddenly flies them away from his hometown to some smelly city.

Tomorrow is going to be hell.

Gon was a junior, everyone practically knew each other by now. He was going to be the new kid that everyone would have their eyes on for only five minutes. Whale Island was his home, his comfort zone. It was a bubble he never wanted to pop because it brought him so much joy.

Now he left that joy, pop.

Gon sank to the floor and hugged his knees, he already got weird stares because of how tan his skin is. His father passed away so he got all his money and will, the timing was perfect because his Aunt Mito got a job here as well. She gladly chose the whitest and richest neighborhood in the city. Even though Gon most likely has the darkest skin in the whole block.

He didn't care that much for his dad, after all, he never met the man. Aunt Mito rarely brings him up anyway. The thought of him going to school with random strangers his age makes him nauseous once more. His heart is already pounding and it's not even morning.

He's not going to get any sleep tonight.


Gon took a deep breath in, he looks calm and steady on the outside. But on the inside, all of his organs are practically doing flips and pirouettes. His chest is tightening once more, his face is slightly heating up, and he can't stop his knees from shaking.

No more arguing with fate.

He took a step inside the school. He looked around, it was your typical one. Beat down lockers, dim lights, and sweaty gym scent. He exhaled slightly, feeling the smallest ounce of pressure lift from his shoulders. Though he still doesn't feel quite happy or relieved yet.

"Room 23..." He mumbled to himself.

Gon finally spotted it and sped up. He entered the class, some students were chatting and sitting on the desks while others were quietly minding their own business. Gon clutched onto his bag and took a seat at an empty chair. As he got settled in he noticed a boy.

The boy had white curly hair and sapphire blue eyes that shimmered in the sunlight. Well, he was sitting by the window, the sun rays beamed on him. He looked... interesting.

"Alright class, quiet down please." The teacher asked.

Everyone sat back to their chairs and went silent. The teacher smiled and started taking roll. Though Gon had more interest in the boy with white hair. His skin was very pale, he seemed skinny as well. Gon blushed slightly, he played with his fingers.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now