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"C'mon Kil you can't leave!" Illumi shouted.

Killua grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder, "I've given you enough chances to be a better older brother."


"Fuck off."

He shoved him and made his way to the door. A deep pressuring feeling pooled in his stomach as he left the house. It felt like he was leaving his whole life, not like it's been good. But it's like he may start to move on with his life.

Illumi pulled Killua into a hug as his voice cracked, "Please stay... You're the only one I have left Kil..."

Even though Illumi was heartless, Killua wasn't. He felt his heart soften a bit, remembering how much of a great brother Illumi was. But he isn't anymore and he won't ever be. Besides, he's made that quite obvious the past few years.

"I'm going to be an adult soon, I don't need you to be my older brother anymore." He spat.

Killua drove off on his motorcycle, leaving Illumi alone. Relief breezed through his body as the wind did, he softly smiled to himself. A rush of excitement pumped in his veins, he was free.

Almost though, down in the bottom of his heart, he knew someday he'd see Illumi again.

Because Illumi never gives up.


Killua stops by at Kurapika's house, he doesn't plan on staying at Gon's since they're neighbors and Illumi would most likely find him. He smiled and walked up to them. Leorio, Gon, and Kurapika were waiting for him at his porch.

"Killua!" Gon waved.

"So what's the plan?" He smirked.

"You guys can stay over at my place for the time being. My dad is working all the time so it's not like he'll give a damn. I have a lot of space, you guys can crash in the basement." Kurapika explained.

"Thank you." Killua smiled, catching a sob in his throat.

"Fall break is coming up too so we can come up with a plan later on." Leorio chimed in and smiled at Kurapika.

He gave a gentle smile back...

He's lucky he's been blessed with good friends, friends that he can rely on. They entered Kurapika's house, it smelled like smoke and there were a few beer bottles on the floor. The three of them decided not to question Kurapika, after all, they all been through shit.

Gon kept thinking the plan through, sometimes he wondered if he was truly doing the right thing. Perhaps Illumi was just trying to scare Killua, but those bruises on his back were real and not threats. It's too late now to turn back, they have to go through with this.

The most important part is that Killua never leaves Gon's side, ever.

Both of them don't want that or ever will want that.

"I'll go order some Chinese food for us," Leorio announced.

Killua and Gon went downstairs to the basement, they put their bags to the side and took out the pull-out couch bed. Killua set up the comforters and sheets as Gon fluffed the pillows. The two of them not speaking a single word to each other.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now