𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑: city of stars

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city of stars

All of them decided to meet by the lake. This was one of Gon's first hangouts. He grinned tightly onto his bag with swim trunks, extra pair of clean clothes, and caprisun. He smiled as he walked through the forest. He honestly doesn't know what to bring to a hangout.

"Gon!" Leorio waved as he stood by Kurapika.

He came over to them, "Hey."

A loud vrooming sound grumbled, all of them turned to the right. It was Killua, Gon grinned a bit. Killua smiled back at him.

"Are we going to swim yet?" Gon asked.

"Hell yeah!" Leorio replied as he carried a box of beers in his hand.

Kurapika's phone vibrated, "Give me a second."

He walked off a few feet away, Gon glanced over at Killua who was in a long-sleeved shirt and shorts. The weather is steaming, he didn't know how Killua wasn't burning in this heat. The weather is the whole reason why they decided to go swimming in the first place. Gon wasn't going to say anything, but Leorio did.

"Why are you wearing that, it's fucking hot as hell?" He asked.

"I feel comfortable I guess..." Killua lied.

He started to scratch his wrist again, Gon noticed. He saw as Killua dug his nails into his pale snowflake skin. Kurapika approached them and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Gon asked.

"Chrollo isn't coming." He replied.

"Of course he isn't." Leorio muttered, "All right pay up kid."

"Ah shit." Killua cursed and handed Leorio twenty dollars.

Kurapika asked, "Why are you giving him money?"

"Oh, Leorio said he wanted to make a bet on if Chrollo was coming." Killua explained, "I bet he was going to come, Leorio bet he wouldn't."

Kurapika's unamused face blew up into full-blown anger. He stormed up to Leorio and slapped him across the face. Gon and Killua's eyes both widened in shock from the sudden action.

"How dare you make a mockery of my personal life!" Kurapika yelled at him.

"Oh, c'mon it's just a joke. Have a sense of humor, lighten up for once." Leorio laughed.

"Whatever!" He threw his hands in the air and crossed his arms.

Gon broke the tension, "Uhm, let's swim first and we can eat afterward."

"That sounds good." Killua chimed in.

They walked over to the lake and set up a picnic at a small wooden table. All of them laid their bags on it and spread out the food. Leorio stripped down and cannonballed into the water. Gon smiled and followed as well.

He ran across the dock and leaped into the lake, holding his breath his body was engulfed into the water. He smiled and swam back up for air. He saw Kurapika dipping his legs into the lake, but he wasn't swimming. Although Killua was sitting by the table, still in his long-sleeved shirt.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now