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Illumi loomed over the crowd, it was like he was king of the world.

He stood in front of Principal Wing's dead body. Students were still crying, every time Illumi moved the crowd would flinch and try to scatter. Everyone kept screaming, of course, Illumi had to shut them up.


As teachers tried to approach him, Illumi would fire. Kurapika shut his eyes as he heard the bodies in the front row fall. Every single thud was like thunder in a storm. Both Leorio and Kurapika are in the back as people are dying around Illumi.

Students trying to break down the door, but nothing works.

Classmates shouting for help as others are curling up into a ball. The stage is a bloody mess, Illumi fired his gun ten times. Ten bodies are lying on the ground.

There's death and blood everywhere.

No one can escape it, the only open door is the door backstage. But to get to the door they'll have to pass Illumi. No one is going to pass him. It was like he was the final boss in a video game.

One loss and you're dead, your data is gone and so is your life.

"Where is Gon Freecss?!" He shouted.

Kurapika is busy breathing heavily, unable to catch his breath. Leorio is squeezing his sweaty palm. They have to get through this together, they have to outlive this together. The blonde's head the empty, the whole room felt dizzy to him. He couldn't breathe in here.

A student, a freshman tries to outrun Illumi and climbs up on stage.


His body slams onto the floor. Blood begins to pool as it dripped off the edge of the stage. Kurapika heard gasps and cries everywhere. It makes him sick, the smell of blood, the gunshots, everything makes his stomach turn.

"Answer me! Where is Gon Freecss!" Illumi screamed, "If no one answers me I'll shoot everyone in this damn school!"

He then shot three teachers in the second row, two students as well. Once again the room screams with fear and cries. Leorio looked at the stage, then the worst thing happened.

He made eye contact with Illumi.

Illumi finally found them, he walked off the stage. Marching through the aisles, the crowd then scatters as he moves. Closer, closer, and closer. He found them.

He grabbed Kurapika's blonde hair, dragging him out of hiding.

"Kurapika!" Leorio yelled.

Illumi held the gun to Kurapika's head as he had his muscular arm around his neck. Kurapika clawed at his arm, no use though. Every time Kurapika moved Illumi's arm would wrap around his neck even tighter.

"Tell me where Gon Freecss is..." Illumi muttered into his ear.

"Let me go!" Kurapika squirmed around.

Illumi pointed the gun to his leg pulled the trigger.

"Ah!" Kurapika cried in pain as blood oozed out of his thigh.

His body stopped squirming around. As he continued to cry Leorio couldn't watch this anymore. He stood at the sidelines for too long. He watched all these bad things happen to Kurapika. His parents' death, Chrollo, and now this.

Leorio always knew Chrollo and all the other guys were bad for Kurapika, but like a coward, he never had the guts to say anything. He never got to say what he truly felt all these years.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now