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The last day of school before fall break.

Everyone was piling into the auditorium, this was the last block before everybody is finally free from this hell. Killua sunk into his seat, his phone had no new messages from Illumi. Perhaps he's going to come to the school? No that's not possible, there's a security guard outside anyway.

He won't come.

A knot in his stomach twisted, he took a glance at Gon who was sitting next to him. The black-haired boy smiled and held his hand.

"Are you okay? You look paler than usual." Gon spoke.

"Yeah, just a little tired is all. Kinda nervous actually. Illumi does some crazy things when I disobey him, I'm just wondering when it's going to happen." Killua rolled his shoulders to break the tension in them.

"Everything is going to be okay."

Principal Wing walked onto the auditorium stage, everyone grew silent as we all paid our attention to him. He spoke about how we should use our break to improve ourselves and become role models.

"Here at YorkNew High School, everyone should use this break to focus on their family and friends!" He smiled with joy.

At this point everyone was just eager to go home, some students are on their phones as Principal Wing is giving his speech. While others are sleeping or actually paying attention.

This was boring.

Killua tapped Gon's shoulder, "Let's go do something more fun."

Gon nodded and smiled, they both rose up.

"Where are you guys going?" Leorio whispered.

"To the library." Gon responded.

They snuck out of their seats, the auditorium room was dim so they were able to get to the doors and slip through. Once they are in the hallway they hold in their laughter as they run. No one is there since everyone is in the auditorium.

Killua pushes the doors of the library, jumps on the table, and spins around. Gon laughed and played music from their playlist. Killua caught his breath and sat down, Gon sits down beside him. After all this time, they're both finally free.

Moving here was the worst thing that happened to Gon, but in the end, it all worked out. He got to meet Killua, fall in love, and now they're finally together.

"I'm glad I met you Gon." Killua grinned softly at him.

"You're the best thing that happened to me, Killua." Gon responded.

Killua laid his head on Gon's shoulder as they let the music play. He wished this could last forever, whenever Killua smiles it brightens his day. Now he can get to know Killua and learn more about each other.

"What's your favorite flower?" Gon asked.

"Hm... I guess red chrysanthemums."

"Then I'll buy them for you. I'll buy you all your favorite things." He beamed.

Killua blushed, "You don't have to do that!"

"Why not? I want to!"

Killua smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Fine, then I'll give you something special as well."

He hopped off the table and was about to leave the library.

"Where are you going?" Gon asked.

"The surprise is in my locker." Killua grinned.

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